Acronyms | Meaning / Significance | Source |
A | Application | |
A | Army | |
A&S | Armament and Standardisation Division | NATO IMS |
A/C | Air Conditioned | |
A/C | Aircraft | |
A/C fees | Architect/Engineer fees | |
A/D | Analogue to Digital | |
A/E | Airfields Engineering | |
A/E | Architecture & Engineering | |
A/F | Airfield | |
A/G | Air to Ground | |
A/J | Anti-Jamming | AC/317(WG/1)N/606 |
A/N | Alphanumeric | |
A/S | Anti Submarine | |
AA | Administrative Assistant | |
AA | Air Armament | |
AA | Air to Air | |
AAA | Anti-Aircraft Artillery | |
AAA | Area Advisory Authority | |
AABCP | Advanced Airborne Command Post | |
AABF | Assembly Area Blocking Force | |
AABNCP | Advanced Airborne National Command Post | |
AAC | ACCS Advisory Committee | |
AAC | aeronautical administrative communications | |
AAC | Alaskan air command | |
AACATK | assembly area counter attacking force | |
AACC | ATAF airspace co-ordination centre | |
AACE | aircraft alerting communications EMP | |
AACOMS | army area communications system | |
AACS | airways and air communications service | |
AAD | advanced ammunition depot | |
AADC | advanced avionics digital computer | |
AADC | area air defence commander | |
AADCOM | army air defence command | |
AADCP | army air defence command post | |
AADGE | ACE air defence ground environment | |
AADNS | automatic air defence notification system | |
AADSACS | army air defence surveillance and control system | |
AAE | aerospace ancillary equipment | |
AAF | allied air forces | |
AAFCE | allied air forces central Europe | Ramstein |
AAFNE | allied air forces northern Europe | |
AAFS | ACE automated financial system | |
AAFSE | allied air forces southern Europe | |
AAG | aeromedical airlift group | |
AAIG | ACE annual infrastructure guidance | |
AAIP | ACE ACCIS implementation plan | ACE ACCIS Core Capability specs |
AAIS | ACE ACCIS implementation strategy | ACE ACCIS Core Capability specs |
AAISG | ACE ACCIS implementation steering group | |
AAM | air to air missile | |
AAMB | AFNW AIS management board | |
AAMG | anti-aircraft machine gun | |
AAMP | ACE ACCIS management plan | |
AAMS | area airspace management system | |
AAOC | anti-aircraft operations centre | |
AAOC | army air operations centre | |
AAP | allied administrative publication | |
AAR | air to air refueling | |
AAR | automatic alternative routing | |
AAS | aeromedical airlift squadron | |
AAS | aerospace application study | |
AAS | architectural ADP system | |
AASC | army automation steering committee | |
AATA | ACE ACCIS Target Architecture | |
AAW | anti-aircraft automatic weapon | |
AAW | Anti Air Warfare | |
AAWA | anti-air warfare area | |
AAWC | anti-air warfare commander | |
AAWC | anti-air warfare coordinator | |
AB | Air Base | |
AB | air burst | |
AB | signal ground | RS 232C |
ABC | ACE ACCIS BICES Capabilities | |
ABC | ACE ACCIS BICES capability | |
ABC | atomic, biological and chemical | |
ABC(NATIONS) | America, Britain, Canada | |
ABCA(NATIONS) | America, Britain, Canada, Australia | |
ABCC | airborne command and control communications | |
ABCCC | airborne battlefield command and control centre | |
ABCCC | airborne command, control and communications | |
ABCCIS | air base command and control information system | |
ABCP | airborne command post | |
ABDR | airfield battle damage repair | |
ABE | ALSP broadcast emulator | |
ABG | air base group | |
ABIR | average bit information rate | |
ABM | anti ballistic missile | |
ABNF | ARFA basic notification form (frequency requirement) | |
ABNOC | airborne operations centre | |
ABUS | accepted but uninstalled system | STRADIS |
ABW | air base wing | |
AC | ad hoc committee | |
AC | air combat | |
AC | air control | |
AC | aircraft | |
AC | alliance council | |
AC | armament committee | |
AC | association control | |
AC2CIS | NATO automated command and control CIS | |
ACA | airspace control agency | |
ACA | airspace control authority | |
ACA | arms control agreement | |
ACA | arms control authority | |
ACAA | army concept analysis agency | US |
ACAS | airborne collision avoidance system | |
ACAS | aircraft collision avoidance system | |
ACBA | allied command baltic approaches | |
ACC | air control centre | |
ACC | alternate command centre | |
ACC | alternate control centre (ACCS) | |
ACC | alternate control centre (SATCOM) | satellite communication |
ACC | audio circuit control | |
ACC | automatic code changing | |
ACCAP | ACE CIS Contingency Assets Pool | CP 5A0001 |
ACCB | ACE Centralised Communication Budget | |
ACCHAN | Allied Command Channel | Part of former command structure |
ACCIS | Automated Command and Control Information System | NACISA USD 23.01.00(93)01 |
ACCMPS | allied command and control message processing system | |
ACCROS | ACE resource optimisation software system | |
ACCS | air command and control system | |
ACCSA | allied communications and computer security agency | |
ACE | allied command Europe | |
ACEIT | automated cost estimating and integrating tool | |
ACELIP | ACE long term infrastructure programme (6 years/detailed infra funding) | |
ACGE | ADP communication gateway element | |
ACL | access control list | |
ACLANT | allied command Atlantic | |
ACM | air combat manoeuver | |
ACM | ALSP common module | |
ACMP | allied configuration management publication | |
ACMP | ATCCIS Configuration Management Plan | |
ACMS | automated control and management system | BRASS |
ACO | airspace control order | |
ACOC | air command operations centre | |
ACOG | agence civile OTAN du temps de guerre | NCWA |
AComP | allied communications publication | |
ACOS | assistant chief of staff | |
ACP | airspace control procedure | ACP 127 |
ACP | allied command publication | |
ACP | Allied Communications Procedure | |
ACP | Allied Communications Publication | |
ACR | air control and reporting | |
ACR RECA | air cavalry regiment (recce-reconnaicance) | |
ACRC | alternate control and reporting centre | |
ACROSS | ACE resource optimisation software system | |
ACS | Access Control System | |
ACS | alternate control station | |
ACS | automatic channel selection | |
ACSE | association control service element | |
ACT | architecture consolidation table | |
ACTICE | agency for the coordination of inland transport in central Europe | NCWA |
ACTIMED | agency for the coordination of inland transport in the Mediterranean | NCWA |
ACTS | advanced communications technologies and services | |
ACU | air control unit | |
ACW | air control and warning | |
AD | ACE directive | |
AD | addendum | |
AD | air defence | |
AD | air directive | |
AD | armoured division | |
ADA | NACISA USD 23.01.00(93)01 | |
ADAMS | ACE deployment and movement system | CP 5A0003 |
ADatP | allied data publication | |
ADatP-3 | Allied Data Publication 3 | |
ADC | aeronautical administrative communications | |
ADC | air defence centre | |
ADCAB | AD cross tell and broadcast | |
ADCF | airborne data converter/formatter | |
ADCIS | air defence CIS | |
ADEF | ARFA data exchange format | |
ADG | augmented drafting group | |
ADG | augmented drafting group | |
ADGE | air defence ground environment | |
ADI | application directory | |
ADLP | airborne data link processor | |
ADLP | automatic data link | |
ADM | add and drop multiplexers | |
ADM | advanced development model | |
ADM(L) | atomic demolition munition (location) | |
ADMD | administration management domains | |
ADO | air defence operation | |
ADOC | air defence operations centre | |
ADOLT | air defense operation liasion team | |
ADP | automated data processing | |
ADP | automatic data processing | |
ADPCM | adaptive differential pulse code modulation | |
ADPG | air defence planning group | |
ADR | annual defense review | |
ADRG | ARC digitised raster graphics | ACE ACCIS Core Capability specs |
ADS | air defence ship | |
ADS | architectural design study | |
ADS | automatic dependent surveillance | |
ADS-B | automatic dependent surveillance - broadcast | |
ADSC | air defence software committee | |
ADSD | air defence systems directorate | |
ADSIA | Allied Data Systems Interoperability Agency | Responsibilities assumed by NHQC3S/IOB & AC/322(SC/2) |
ADSO | AIS domain security officer | |
ADT | abstract data types | data management |
ADTS | ACE data transfer service | |
ADW | area defence weapon | |
ADWG | Ad Hoc Working Group for Data Management | ADSIA(ADP)-C-007-96 |
ADX | automated data exchange | |
AE | application entity | |
AE | architecture/engineering fees | |
AEGIS | airborne early warning ground integration segment | |
AEN | ACE emergency network | |
AEP | application environment profile | AC/317(WG/2)WP/94 |
AERB | ACE exercise review board | CP 5A0008 |
AESS | Allied Environmental Support System | |
AEW | Airborne Early Warning | |
AEWWG | air EW working group | |
AF | augmentation force | |
AFCEA | armed forces communications electronics association | STC CSNI final report 22/9/95 |
AFCENT | Allied Forces Central Europe | Subsumed within AFNORTH |
AFI | authorrity and format identifier | |
AFL | actual flight plan | |
AFMED | allied forces mediterranean | |
AFNON | Allied Forces North Norway | Subsumed within AFNORTH |
AFNORTH | Allied Forces Northern Europe | |
AFNW | Allied Forces North-West | Subsumed within AFNORTH |
AFSONOR | Allied Forces South Norway | |
AFSOUTH | Allied Forces Southern Europe | |
AFT | application functional profiles | |
AFTN | aeronautical fixed telecommunications network | |
AGARD | advisory group for airspace research and development | |
AGATHA | aggregated ground air theatre level assessment | |
AGL | above ground level | |
AGS | alliance ground surveillance | AC/259(SURV)N/21 |
AHC | ACCS hardware committee | |
AHDG | ad hoc drafting group | |
AHEG | ad hoc expert group | |
AHG | ad hoc group | APD 04.05.03 (95)04 |
AHWG | ad hoc working group | |
AHWG-Sec | AHWG on security | |
AI | access interface | |
AI | air intercept | |
AI | air interdiction | |
AI | alternative interrogation | |
AI | artificial intelligence | |
AIA | ACE intelligence architecture | BICES |
AIA | aerospace industry association | |
AIC | air information circular | |
AIC | atlantic intelligence command | narrow band secure voice |
AID | allied interoperability database | STANAG 4210 Ann E |
AID | ATCA interoperability database | |
AIDA | air defence and attack model | |
AIDB | ACE Intelligence Database | |
AIDM | ACE Intelligence Data Model | BICES |
AIDM | ACE intelligent data model | AC/317/SEC/94/20 |
AIDMC | ACE Intelligence Data Management Concept | |
AIFF | air IFF | |
AIFS | ACE Automated Information Flow System | |
AIG | address indicating group | |
AIMP | ACE Intelligence Management Plan | |
AIMS | ACCS Information Management System | |
AINCA | ACE intelligent communications architecture | |
AINPS | ACE integrated nuclear planning system | |
AIP | aeronautical information publication | |
AIR | annual infrastructure report | |
AIRCENT | air forces central Europe | |
AIRD | ATCCIS information resource dictionary | data modelling |
AIRS | automated infrastructure requirement system | |
AIS | aeronautical information service | |
AIS | automated information system | |
AIS OA | AIS operational authority | |
AISAP | AIS automation panel | |
AISD | advanced informations services demonstration | |
AISG | ADA implementation sub-group | |
AISI | application independent security infrastructure | AC/317-N/846 |
AIT | ACE ACCIS integrated testbed | |
AJ | anti-jam(ming) | APD 04.05.03 (95)04 |
ALBE | air-land battlefield environment | |
ALBE | Airland Battle Environment | |
ALCS | ACCS logistical support concept | |
ALE | automatic link establishment | |
ALERTS | MNC alert system | |
ALLA | Allied Long Lines Agency | Responsibilities assumed by NHQC3S/PRB |
ALO | air liasion officer | |
ALOC | administrative and logistic operation centre | |
ALS | application layer structure | |
ALSP | aggregate level simulation protocol | |
AM | access module | |
Am | amendment | |
AM | Amplitude Modulation | |
AMC | air mission control | |
AMC | airspace management cell | |
AMCP | alternate missile control post | |
AMD AA | air mobile division | |
AMDACS | adaptive message drafting and creation sub-system | |
AMF(L) | ACE Mobile Force (Land) | |
AMG | architecture management group | |
AMH | automated message handling | |
AMHS | Automated Message Handling System | |
AMIC | ACCS MHQ interface component | |
AMIS | automated management information system | |
AMMS | automated message management system | |
AMO | allied metereologic office | |
AMOR | analysis of mode S radar data | |
AMPS | automated message processing system | |
AMRAD | automatic message routing and distribution | |
AMSC | allied military security code | |
AMSG | allied military security guidelines | |
AMTS | alliance movement and transport system | |
AMW | amphibious warfare | |
AN | access network | |
ANAD | advisor national armament director | |
ANBw | Amt für Nachrichtenwesen der Bundeswehr | |
ANC | air navigation comission | |
ANCA | allied naval communications agency | |
ANDVT | advanced narrow band digital voice terminal | |
ANSI | American national standards institute | |
AOAD | Army organic air defence | |
AOB | Air Order of Battle | |
AOBS | enemy air order of battle | |
AOC | air operations centre | |
AOC | association of old crows | |
AOCC | air operation coordination centre | |
AOCS | attitude and orbit control system | APD 04.05.03 (95)04 |
AOD | air operations directive | Ex Strong Resolve 95 |
AOG | air operation group | |
AOI | appel d'offre international | ICB |
AOI | area of interest | |
AOIR | ACE Operational Intelligence Requirements | |
AOIR | area of intelligence responsibility | narrow band secure voice |
AOM | apllication OSI management | |
AOPTI | air operations planning and tasking initiative | |
AOPTS | air operations planning and tasking system | CAX |
AOR | Area Of Responsibility | |
AOTN | ACE operational Tg network | |
AP | Allied Publication | |
AP | application process | |
AP | application protocol | |
APAC | ACCS policy avisory committee | |
APAG | Atlantic policy advisory group | |
APD | architecture and plans division | |
APH | ARFA policy handbook | |
API | Application Programme Interface | AC/317(WG/2)WP/94 |
API | application programming interface | AC/317-N/846 |
APIC | allied press information centre | |
APIC | allied public information centre | |
APOD | airport of debarkation | |
APOE | air port of entry | |
APP | allied procedural publication | |
APP | application portability profile | |
APQ | armaments planning questionnaire | |
APS | alpha profile set | NACISA USD 23.01.00(93)01 |
APSE | ADA programming support environment | |
AQAP | Allied Quality Assurance Publication | |
AQC | acquisition centre | |
AR | access router | |
ARC | ACE ACCIS Core Capability specs | |
ARD | application remote database access | |
ARDS | airborne radar demonstration system | |
ARFA | allied radio frequency agency | |
ARINC | activities of aeronautical radio, INC | |
ARMS | air resources management system | |
ARMS | anti-radiation missile | |
ARRC | ACE rapid reaction corps | |
ARRS | air recce reporting system | |
ARS | ACC and RPC and SFP | |
ARS | automatic route selection | |
ARTAS | ATC radar tracker and server | |
AS | application service | |
AS | application support | |
ASAC | all sources analysis centre (Heidelberg) | |
ASACS | air surveillance and control system | |
ASAF | air space activity forecast | |
ASAP | as soon as possible | |
ASAS | ACCS security accreditation strategy | |
ASAS | all sources analysis system | |
ASAT | anti satellite | APD 04.05.03 (95)04 |
ASC | ACCS software committee | |
ASC | air space control | |
ASC | American standards committee | |
ASC | area support centre | |
ASCAP | army support combat air patrol | |
ASCC | air standardisation coordination committee | |
ASCC | air support coordination centre | |
ASCII | American standard code for information interchange | |
ASCII | American Standard Code for Information Interchange | |
ASCON | automatic switched comms network | |
ASCON | automatic switched communications network (NL) | |
ASD | aircraft selected data | |
ASDF | Air Simulator and demenstation Facility | |
ASDF | Air Simulator and demenstation Facility | |
ASDS | air situation display system | |
ASE | application system element | |
ASG | AFCENT support group | |
ASG | assistent secretary general | AC/317-N/798 |
ASIM | asynchron/synchron interface modem | |
ASM | air-to-surface missile | |
ASM | air space management | |
ASM | anti-ship missile | |
ASMA | Air Staff Management Aid | |
ASME | American society of mechanical engineers | |
ASN | abstract syntax notation | |
ASO | AIS security officer | |
ASO | application service object | |
ASOC | air support operation centre | |
ASP | annual service practice | |
ASPD | ACCS security policy document | |
ASR | airfield surveillance radar | |
ASS | ABC Server Subsystem | |
ASS | AUTODIN switching system | |
ASSC | ACLANT Systems Support Centre | |
ASSWI | anti-sub-surface warning installation | |
ASTERIX | all purpose structured EUROCONTROL radar information exchange | |
ASU | air support unit | |
ASV | aircraft speed vector | |
ASW | anti-submarine warfare | Ex Strong Resolve 95 |
ATAF | allied tactical air force | |
ATBB | as to be built | |
ATBM | anti tank ballistic missile | |
ATC | air traffic control | |
ATCA | allied tactical communications agency | |
ATCC | air traffic control centre | |
ATCCIS | Army Tactical CCIS | |
ATCRBS | air traffic control radar beacon system | |
ATCRU | air traffic control radar unit | |
ATDM | asynchronous time division multiplexing | |
ATE | automatic test equipment | |
ATFM | air traffic flow management | |
ATIS | automatic terminal information system | |
ATLAS | air traffic land system | |
ATM | air traffic management | |
ATM | Asynchronous Transfer Mode | |
ATN | aeronautical telecommunications network | |
ATO | Air Tasking Order | Ex Strong Resolve 95 |
ATOC | allied tactical operations centre | |
ATP | ACCS transition plan | |
ATP | allied tactical publication | |
ATP | allied technical publication | |
ATP | application transaction processing | |
ATS | air traffic services | |
ATSC | air traffic services communication | |
ATTU | Atlantic-to-the-Urals | |
AU | access unit | |
AUI | attachment unit interface | |
AUS | ABC User Subsystem | |
AUTODIN | automatic digital information network | US |
AUTOVON | automatic voice network | US |
AVCN | ACE vital comms network | |
AVI | audio visual interactive scriptware | |
AVT | application virtual terminal | |
AWACS | airborne warning and control system | |
AWCC | AIS and WAN control centre | |
AWCIES | ACCS-wide common information exchange standards | |
AWCS | alternate war headquarters communications squadron | |
AWHQ | alternate war headquarters | |
AWI | alert warning indicator | |