Acronyms | Meaning / Significance | Source |
T | Transport | |
T&TE | Tools and Test Equipment | |
T-Series | Terminal Equipment and Transmission for Facsimile Services | ITU-T recommendation |
TA | Target Architecture | |
TA | Terminal Adapter | ITU-T I-Series recommendations |
TA | Transport Area | |
TAA | tactical assembly area | |
TAASO | terminal area ADP staff officer | |
TAC | ||
TACA | Tactical Air Activity | |
TACE | Type A Cost Estimate | |
TACOM | Tactical Command | |
TACON | Tactical Control | |
TACP | Tactical Air Control Party | |
TACS | Tactical Air Control System | |
TACS | theatre air control squadron | Ex Strong Resolve 95 |
TAD | tactical air directive | |
TADIL | Tactical Data Information Link | |
TADOC | tactical air defence operation centre | |
TADPOLE | tactical crypto equipment for land, maritime and air forces | |
TAFICS | Turkish Armed Forces Integrated Communication System | |
TAIS | target architecture and implementation strategy | |
TAO | Transfer of Authority | |
TAOC | Transportable Air Operations Centre | CP 9B3020 |
TAOC | tactical air operations centre | |
TAR | tactical air reconnaisance | |
TAR | Terminal Area Radar | |
TARE | Telegraph Automatic Relay Equipment | |
TARFLAD | tactical radio relay frequency planning document | |
TARIN | tactical air request / information network | |
TARM | tactical anti-radiation missile | |
TARN | tactical air request net | |
TAS | training access switch | |
TAS | True Airspeed | |
TASM | tactical air-to-surface missile | |
TASMO | Tactical Air Support of Maritime Operations | |
TASS | tactical automated switching system | |
TAT | tactical air transport | |
TAV | Target Architecture Version | |
TBCE | Type B Cost Estimate | |
TBD | To Be Defined/Determined | |
TBM | Tactical Ballistic Missile | |
TBM | tactical ballistic missile | |
TBMF | Tactical Battle Management Functions | |
TC | task coordinator | STC CSNI final report 22/9/95 |
TC | Transaction Capabilities | |
TCA | Time Critical Application | |
TCAS | Trafic Alert and Collision Avoidance System | |
TCB | trusted computer base | |
TCB | Trusted Computing Base | |
TCCE | Type C Cost Estimate | |
TCDS | TCF and Circuit Database System | |
TCF | Technical Control Facility | |
TCG | technical coordination group | STC CSNI final report 22/9/95 |
TCIS | technical common interoperability standard | |
TCN | Troop Contributing Nation | |
TCP | Transmission Control Protocol | IETF |
TCP/IP | TCP / Internet Protocol | IETF |
TCS | traffic content security | |
TCS | Trusted Communications Sublayer | |
TCSEC | NATO trusted computer systems evaluation criteria | |
TDA | Tactical Decision Aid | |
TDG | tactical data generator | STC CSNI final report 22/9/95 |
TDI | trusted database interpretation | |
TDHS | Tactical Data Handling System | |
TDM | Time Division Multiplexer | STC CSNI final report 22/9/95 |
TDMA | Time-division Multiple-Access | |
TDP | Technical Data Package | |
TDS | Technical Data System | |
TDS | temporary dgradation of service | |
TDS | Test and Development Sector | |
TDX | terminal data exchange | |
TDY | temporary duty | |
TE | Terminal Equipment | |
TE | Test Edition | |
TEK | traffic encryption key | |
TEMPEST | temporary emanation and spurious transmission | ADatP-2 |
TF | Task Force | |
TFA | Traffic Flow Analysis | |
TFA | transparent file access | |
TFC | tactical fusion centre | |
TFS | Traffic Flow Security | |
TG | Task Group | |
TGTS | Target Information System | |
THN | Territorial Host Nation | |
TID | Touch Input Device | |
TIDHS | tactical intelligence data handling system | |
TIES | technical information exchange service | |
TIFF | ACE ACCIS core cap specs | |
TIP | transition implementation plan | NRC/3-N(95)66 |
TIS | Tactical Informatio system | |
TIS | temporary interruption of service | |
TIS | Traffic Information Service | |
TIS | trusted information system | |
TISFASS | target information and force allocation support system | |
TL | Transport Layer | |
TLCA | top level certification authority | AC/317-N/846 |
TLDD | Top Level Detailed Design | |
TLE | Treaty Limited Equipment | |
TLN | transportable local network | |
TLO | telecommunications liaison officer | |
TLSP | transport layer security protocol | |
TLSP | Truck loading station | |
TM | technical memorandum | |
TM | Transmission Media | |
TMA | Terminal Area | |
TMAT | transition management advisory team | NRC/3-N(95)55 |
TMD | Theatre Missile Defence | |
TMEG | trusted MLS e-mail guard | |
TMG | Technical Management Group (FR,GE,IT,UK) | |
TMMS | Target Mission Report (MISREP) Monitoring System | |
TMN | telecommunications management network | |
TMRR | Temporary Minimum Risk Route | |
TMT | technical management team | |
TN | technical note | |
TN | Telephone Network | |
TNBSVT | Tactical Narrow-Band Secure Voice Terminal | |
TNF | Theatre Nuclear Forces | |
TNFC2 | TNF Command and Control | |
TNI | trusted network interpretation | |
TO&E | Table of Organization and Equipment | |
TOA | time of arrival | |
TOA | Transfer Of Authority | |
TOC | tactical operation centre | |
ToI | Transponder of Interest | |
TOP | Technical and Office Protocol | |
TOR | Terms Of Reference | |
TOSCA | Tote System Computer Assisted | |
TOT | time over target | |
TP | Transaction Processing | |
TP | Transport Protocol | IETF |
TPB | test patch board | |
TPC | Technology Planning Center | |
TPN | tactical packet network | |
TPSS | Target Prioritisation and Selection | |
TPT | Transition Planning Team | ADSIA(ADP)-C-007-96 |
TR | Technical Report | |
TRACSVAN | transportable RADAR and communications jammer and simulation van | MEWSG |
TRANSEC | TRANsmission SECurity | |
TRD | technical requirement document | |
TREE | Transient Radiation Effects on Electronics | |
TRM | transmission resource management | |
TROL | tapeless rotor less on line | crypto |
TRS | Total Requirement Statement | |
TS | Training Section | |
TS | Transport Service | |
TSAP | Transport Service Access Point | |
TSCTR | Transportable SCTR | AC/317/SEC/95/47 |
TSGAO | Tri-NMCs Steering Group on Air Operations | |
TSGCE | Tri-service group on communications and electronics | Functions assumed by NC3B |
TSGT | Transportable Satellite Ground Terminal | |
TSGTS | transportable satellite ground terminal station | AC/317(WG/1)(SG/2)N/183 |
TSIU | time slot interface unit | |
TSMP | technical supervisory and maintenance position | |
TSMS | Tactical Spectrum Management System | |
TSP | telecommunications service priority | |
TSP | Tornado Self-Protection Jammer | |
TSV | transmission security violation | |
TTBT | Threshold Test Ban Treaty | 1974 |
TTCN | Tree and Tabular Combined Notation | |
TTM | Tactical Target Materials | |
TTW | Transition To War | |
TTW | time of tension or war | |
TTX | Teletex Terminal | |
TTY | Teletype | |
TUL | TARE User List | |
TUP | Telephone User Part | |
TVI | Time Validity Interval | |
TWE | Threat Warning Equipment | |
TWG | Transition Working Group | |
TWS | Technical Watch Supervisor | |
TCAS | traffic alert and collision avoidance system | NASA |