Acronyms | Meaning / Significance | Source |
H&FS | headquarters and facilities sub-system | |
HAGS | commander Hellenic army general staff | |
HANE | high altitude nuclear event | |
HARM | high-speed anti-radiation missile | |
HASSO | host ADP site security officer | |
HAU | host attachment unit | |
HCD | hard copy device | |
HCDA | high capacity digital access | |
HCI | human computer interface | |
HDA | Heterogeneous Data Accessor | |
HDB | home defense brigade | |
HDLC | high level data link communication | |
HDLC | high level data link control | |
HDRP | hypothetical digital reference path | |
HDX | half duplex | NACISA/APD/04.07.00(95)001 |
HEDICS | Hellenic national defense integrated communication system | |
HEL | high energy laser | |
HF | high frequency | |
HFA | Hellenic first army | |
HGI | host guard interface | |
HIDECON | hierarchially decentralized control of the network | |
HILEX | high level exercise | |
HIT-B | Ex Strong Resolve 95 | |
HL | hotline | |
HLDD | high level design document | STC CSNI final report 22/9/95 |
HLI | ||
HLWF | high level wargame facility | |
HM | hub manager | Ex Strong Resolve 95 |
HML | hardware maintenance level | |
HN | host nation | NACISA USD 23.01.00(93)01 |
HNDGS | commander Hellenic national defense general staff | |
HOD | head of delegation | |
HOL | high order language | |
HPRP | high performing reporting post | early warning |
HQ | headquarters | |
HQG | high quality graphics | DT=SVC+SVTC+HQG |
HRC | hybrid ring control | |
HRDL | hypothetical reference digital link | |
HRDS | hypothetical reference digital section | |
HSC | headquarter support command | |
HSO | headquarter suignal officer | |
HTML | HyperText Mark-up Language | W3C |
HTT | highly transportable satellite ground terminals | |
HTTP | HyperText Transfer Protocol | |
HW | hardware | |
HYPSR | half yearly project status report | NACISA |
HYSIR | half yearly system implementation report | |
HYTIME | hypermedia/time-based structuring language |