Acronyms | Meaning / Significance | Source |
L | Layer | |
L&R | logistics and resources division | |
LA | Legal Advicer | |
LACS | LANDCENT Area Communications System | |
LAFPLAD | land forces planning document | |
LAM | line access module | |
LAN | local area network | |
LANDCENT | Land Forces Central Europe | |
LANL | Los Alamos national laboratory | |
LAP | line access protocol | |
LAP B | Link Access Procedures, Version B | |
LAP D | Link Access Procedures, Version D | |
LAPB | link access protocol B | |
LAS | Local Area Subsystem | |
LBU | land based user | |
LCC | Life Cycle Cost | |
LCC | logistic coordination centre | |
LCD | Liquid Crystal Display | |
LCE | Latest Cost Estimate | |
LCF | life cycle framework | consultancy work on life cycles |
LCM | life cycle model | consultancy work on life cycles |
LCO | local control organization | OCO |
LCP | Leased Circuit Programme | |
LCPM | life cycle process model | consultancy work on life cycles |
LCZ | land combat zone | |
LD | Lateral Dispersal | |
LDR | low data rate | |
LEB | link expansion box | |
LEWWG | land EW working group | |
LH | Line Hunting | |
LISA | link message standard in support of ACCS | |
LIU | line indicator unit | |
LIVE OAK | SATCOM between SHAPE and Berlin | |
LIZ | Lage- und Informationszentrum | |
LLC | Logical Link Control | |
LLP | leased long line programme | |
LLP | link layer protocol | STC CSNI final report 22/9/95 |
LLRS | low level radar surveillance | |
LLTR | Low Level Transit Route | |
LMC | limited management centre | |
LME | Local Management Equipment | |
LMI | logistics management institute | weekly minutes 6-12-95 |
LOA | Letter of Acceptance | |
LOB | Logistics Order of Battle | |
LOC | limited operational capability | ACE ACCIS core cap specs |
LOC | lines of communication | |
LOC | logistics operations cell | |
LOCE | Limited Operational Capability Europe | |
LOCE | Linked Operations Center Europe | |
LOCE | linked ops-intel centres Europe | Ex Strong Resolve 95 |
LOCSTAT | Lines of Communication Status | |
LOH | Light Observation Helicopter | |
LOI | Letter of Instruction | |
LOI | letter of intent | |
LORAD | Long Range Air Defense | |
LORAN | long range air navigation | |
LOS | line of sight | |
LOTOS | Language Of Temporal Ordering of Specification | |
LPC | linear predictive code | |
LPI | Low Probability of Intercept | |
LRCC | logistic readiness coordination centre | |
LRNZ | Luftraumnutzungszentrale | |
LRO | Luftraumordnung | |
LRR | Long Range Radar | |
LRRP | long-range recce patrol | |
LRU | Lowest Replaceable Unit | |
LS | Local Subscriber | |
LSB | Least Significant Bit | |
LSC | logistic support command | |
LSC | Logistic Support Concept | |
LSD | large screen display | |
LSDT | low speed data terminal | |
LSE | Local Security Environment | |
LSE | logistic staff element | |
LSOF | Land Status of Forces (User Function) | |
LSP | Local Sytem Process | |
LSP | logistics support plan | |
LTDP | long-term defense programme | |
LTDP | Long Term Defense Plan | ATCCIS Config Management Plan |
LTFF | long-term financial forecast | |
LTFP | long-term finacial planning | |
LTIP | Long Term Infrastructure Plan | |
LTPA | long-term planning area | |
LTPG | long-term planning guideline | |
LTR | Long Term Requirement | |
LTSS | long term scientific study | CAX |
LTU | light terminating unit | |
LTU | Line Terminator Unit | |
LVA | Large Vertical Array | |
LWG | land working group | ATCA database |