Acronyms | Meaning / Significance | Source |
JACC | joint area control centre | |
JAPIC | joint allied public information centre | |
JASMIN | Joint analysis system for military intelligence | GE intelligence information system of FAFIO |
JASMIN | joint armed services military intelligence network | |
JBIG | joint bi-level image experts group | |
JC3RCC | joint C3 requirements and concepts committee | |
JCC | joint commanders conference | |
JCC | joint coordination centre | |
JCEB | joint communications electronic board | |
JCIC | joint counter intelligence cell | |
JCOC | joint command and operations centre | |
JDISS | joint defence int system | LOCE, US BICES |
JEG | joint expert group | |
JETS | jammer equipment techniques simulator | |
JFAI | joint final acceptance inspection | |
JFAI | joint formal acceptance inspection | |
JIC | joint intelligence centre | |
JIEO | joint interoperability and engineering organisation | |
JIWC | joint indicator and warning cell | |
JLV | joint likelihood vector | |
JMAPS | GOTS joint message processing system | US DOD |
JMC | joint medical committee | PB&Cs |
JMCC | joint movement coordination cell | |
JMDC | joint message distribution cell | |
JMEMS | Joint Munitions Effects Manual System | |
JMG | joint management group | |
JOC | joint operations centre | |
JOCS | Joint Operations Coordination System | |
JOSA | joint staff agreement | |
JOTS | joint operational tactical system | Ex Strong Resolve 95 / Navy |
JPCC | joint petroleum coordination cell | |
JPEG | joint photographic experts group | |
JPFP | joint project evaluation panel | |
JPI | joint public information | |
JPL | jet propulsion laboratory | |
JRSC | jamming resistent secure communications | |
JSC | joint spectrum centre | |
JSMS | joint spectrum management system | |
JSSA | joint source selection authority | |
JSSI | joint safety and security inspection | |
JSTARS | joint surveillance and target attack radar system | sensor input for LOCE |
JTC | joint technical committee | |
JTC | joint transport company | |
JTC3A | joint tactical command, control and comm. agency | |
JTF | joint tactical fusion | LOCE |
JTIDS | joint tactical information distribution system | |
JTLS | joint theatre level simulation | |
JTM | job transfer and manipulation | |
JTPG | joint training planning group | |
JWFC | CP 5A0008 | |
JWG | joint working group | |
JWID | Joint Warrior Interoperability Demonstration |