Acronyms | Meaning / Significance | Source |
I&P | information and press | |
I&W | Indications and Warnings | |
I/F | interface | STC CSNI final report 22/9/95 |
I-CASE | integrated computer-aided software engineering | |
I-Series | integrated services digital network | CCITT |
IA | integral ACCS | |
IA | internal auditor | |
IAD | integrated air defense | |
IADS | Iceland air defense system | |
IAGB | inter army group boundary | |
IALCE | international air lift control element | |
IAMM | interoperability analysis and management model | ATCA database |
IAS | indicated air speed | |
IAU | infrastructure accounting unit | |
IAU | international accounting unit | |
IAWS | indicators and warning system | |
IBA | international board of auditors | |
IBCN | integrated broadband communications network (ISDN+BISDN) | |
IBS | industrial benefit share | |
IBS | ISO/CCITT base standard | |
IC | information category | |
IC | infrastructure committee | AC/4(WG29)DS/139 |
ICAO | international civil aviation organization | |
ICAOC | interim combined air operation centre | |
ICAPS | integrated command anti submarine warfare prediction system | |
ICB | international competitive bidding | AC/4-D/2261 |
ICC | information and coordinating centre | Patriot |
ICC | initial core capability | |
ICC | interim CAOC capability | |
ICCCM | inter-client communications conventions manual | |
ICD | imitative communications deception | |
ICD | interface control document | |
ICD | international code designator | |
ICMIS | interim crisis management interface system | WG 29 meeting 140 |
ICMP | internet control message protocol | |
ICP | infrastructure capability package | |
ICP PG | ICP planning group | |
ICP RB | ICP review board | |
ICRC | international committee of the red cross | |
ICT | information and communications technology | |
ICT | intercept standard | |
ID | identification | |
IDA | initial deployment area | |
IDA | integrated digital access | |
IDAC | interim deployable ACCS component | Ex Strong Resolve 95 |
IDB | integrated data base | |
IDBO | identification by origin | |
IDCP | identification data combining process | |
IDF | intermediate distribution frame | |
IDHS | intelligence data handling system | BICES |
IDI | initial domain identifier | |
IDM | intelligent database machine | |
IDMC | Intelligence Data Management Concept | |
IDN | Integrated Digital Network Exchange | |
IDNX | Integrated Digital Network Exchange | |
IDNX | Integrated Digital Network Exchange | |
IDO | identification officer | |
IDP | initial domain part | |
IDS | Intruder Detection System | |
IDS | intrusion detection system | |
IDTSN | Italian digital tri-service network | weekly minutes 6-12-95 |
IDUP | independent data unit protection | AC/317-N/846 |
IE | information exchange | |
IEC | international electronical commission | |
IEEE | institute of electrical and electronic engineers | |
IEG | information exchange group | |
IEP | information exchange plan | ACE IEP |
IEP | information exchange plan | |
IEPG | independent European programme group | |
IEPI | ICAOC execution and planning system | |
IEPS | ICAOC execution planning system | |
IER | information exchange requirements | AC/317(WG/1)N/606 |
IERD | information exchange requirement document | |
IETM | interactive electronic technical manual | |
IETF | Internet Engineering Task Force | |
IF | interface | |
IFB | information for bids | |
IFB | invitation for bidding | NACISA USD 23.01.00(93)01 |
IFB | invitation for bids | |
IFF | identification friend/foe | |
IFL | international frequency list | |
IFOR | implementation forces (former Yugoslavia) | |
IFPL | initial flight plan | |
IFR | instrument flight rules | |
IFRB | international frequency radio band | |
IFREP | in flight report net | |
IGB | inter-Germany border | |
IGES | initial graphics exchange specification | |
IGMP | internet group management protocol | |
IGOSS | industry/government open system specification | |
IGW | intergateway | |
II-codes | interrogator - identifier codes | |
IIH | IS to IS Hello PDUs | STC CSNI final report 22/9/95 |
IIO | interallied insurance organization | |
IIP | intelligent interface processor | |
IIS | indirektes Identifizierungssystem | |
IJMS/D4 | interim JTIDS message specification | ADSIA |
ILCEP | infrastructure, logistics and civil emergency planning | AC/317-N/798 |
ILS | instrument landing system | |
ILS | integrated logistics support | |
ILSD | intermediate level system design | STC CSNI final report 22/9/95 |
ILSP | Intergrated Logistic Support Plan | |
IMF | international monetary fund | |
IMG | interim management group | |
IMP | interface message processor | |
IMRP | interrogator modulator reply processor | mode S |
IMS | international military staff | |
INCA | intelligence communications architecture | |
INF | intermediate range nuclear forces | FNI |
INFOSEC | information security | |
INMARSAT | international maritime satellite | |
INR | initial nuclear radiation | |
INS | indirect NICS subscriber | NACISA/APD/04.07.00(95)001 |
INS | inertial navigation system | |
INTB | international border | |
INTELSAT | international telecommunications satellite | |
INTERNET | inter network | STC CSNI final report 22/9/95 |
INTNET | integrated flight data network | |
INTREP | Intelligence Summary | |
INTSUM | Intelligence Report | |
INX | information exchange | |
IOC | initial operational capability | NIDTS TBCE |
IoI | interrogator of interest | |
IONL | internal organization of the network layer | |
IOS | international organisation for standardisation | |
IP | internet protocol | |
IP | interoperability parameter | |
IPB | Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield | |
IPC | industrial planning committee | |
IPC | information processing centre | |
IPC | Initial Planning Conference | |
IPC | Initial Planning Conference | |
IPM | interpersonal message | |
IPM | interpersonal messaging | |
IPMS | interpersonal messaging system | |
IPO | international project office | |
IPP | individual partnership programme | |
IPPC | infrastructure payments and progress committee | |
IPR | intellectual property rights | COTS software |
IPRB | infrastructure project review board | |
IPRL | international profile requirements list | |
IPS | initial processing site | |
IPS | installed performance specification | |
IPT | implementation and policy coordination team | NACISC/TSGCE Nov 95 meeting |
IPT | implementation and policy team | AC/317-DS/26 |
IPT | implementation planning team | |
IPV | interactive packet voice | STC CSNI final report 22/9/95 |
IPX | INTERNET protocol extended | |
IRB | infrastructure review board | |
IRBM | intermediate range ballistic missile | |
IRD | information resource dictionary system | |
IRD | interface requirements document | |
IRDS | information resource dictionary system | data management |
IRF | immediate reaction forces | |
IRIS | COTS message handling and processing software | |
IRITEL | Italian RPO | |
IRM | information resources management | |
IRM | Integrated Resource Management | |
IRP | infrastructure requirements package | |
IRR | infra-red reflective | |
IRRB | infrastructure requirements review board | |
IRS | installation requirements specification | |
IRSMC | integrating remote system of monitoring and control | |
IRT | interrogation repetition time | |
IS | information system | |
IS | intermediate system | |
IS | international staff | |
IS | international standard | ISO |
IS | interworking services | |
ISA | initial system architecture | STC CSNI final report 22/9/95 |
ISAF | Information System Access Facility | |
ISB | improved SHAPE broadcast | |
ISBN | international standard book number | |
ISC | interim system capability | |
ISC | international switching centre | |
ISCC | information system co-ordination committee | |
ISCG | information system coordinating group | |
ISD | information system division | |
ISDN | integrated services digital network | STC ISDN orientation symposium |
ISEE | integrated software engineering environment | |
ISID | IVSN STANAG 5040 interface device | |
ISIS | Integrated Staff Information System | |
ISIS | Integrated Staff Information System | |
ISLS | interrogation path side lobe suppression | |
ISMO | information system management office | |
ISO | international standards organization | |
ISP | information system plan | |
ISP | intelligence support processor | |
ISP | international standard profile | |
ISP | international standardized profiles | |
ISPABX | integrated services PABX | STC CSNI final report 22/9/95 |
ISPBX | integrated services private branch exchange | NATO HQ comm system |
ISPC | interim system planning concept | |
ISPICS | ISO standardized profile implementation conformance statement | |
ISS | information system services | |
ISS | information system sub-system | |
ISS | Information Systems Service | |
ISS | Information Systems Service | |
ISSC | integrated software support centre | Ex Strong Resolve 95 |
IST | inter switch trunk | |
ISTC | information systems technical experts group | |
ISU | international support unit | |
ISUP | ISDN user part | |
ISWG | information systems working group | |
IT | information technology | |
ITB | integrated testbed | |
ITC | information transfer centre | |
ITEC | improved TNF C2 emergency communications | |
ITPB | information technology policy board | |
ITSEC | information technology security evaluation criteria | |
ITSEM | information technology security evaluation manual | |
ITSN | Italian tri-service network | |
ITT | inter TARE trunk | |
ITT | invitation to tender | |
ITU | international telecommunication union | AC/317-N/839 |
ITU | international telecommunication unit | |
ITU-T | ITU - telecommunication standardization sector | AC/317-N/839 |
ITU-TSB | ITU - telecomm. standardisation bureau | |
IU | interface unit | |
IUKADGE | AC/317(WG/1)(SG/2)N/183 | |
IVA | AC/317(WG/1)(SG/2)N/183 | |
IVB | AC/317(WG/1)(SG/2)N/183 | |
IVDLAN | integrated voice and data LAN | |
IVPN | international virtual private network | N.04.01.00 |
IVSN | NATO initial voice switched network | NACISA/APD/04.07.00(95)001 |
IVUL | initial voice user list | IVSN |
IWG | ALSP interface working group | |
IWHQ | interim war headquarter | |
IWU | interworking unit |