Acronyms | Meaning / Significance | Source |
M | Military | |
M&C | management and control | |
M&E | mechanical and electrical | |
MAB | maritime amphibious brigade | |
MAC | mandatory access control | |
MAC | medium access control | |
MAC | message authentication code | |
MACA | Meritime Air Control Authority | |
MACS | Monitor, Alarm and Control System | |
MADAP | Maastricht Automatic Data Processing and Display System | |
MAG | main armament group | |
MAGAD | MNCs Advisory Group on Air Defence | |
MAGOIM | MNC Advisory Group on Identification Matters | |
MAN | Metropolitan Area Network | |
MANDATE | MCCIS austere NORTHWOOD database and terminal equipment | |
MANPADS | Man Portable AD System | |
MAOC | maritime air operations centre | |
MAOC | Modular Air Operation Center | |
MAP | Manufacturing Automation Protocols | |
MAP | maritime air patrol | |
MAPPER | maintaining, preparing and producing executive reports | |
MARCLIP | Maritime Commanders' Long Term Infrastructure Plan (3x6 years) | |
MAREQ | military assistance requirement | |
MART | mean active repair time | |
MAS | Military Agency for Standardization | |
MASE | Message Administration Service Element | |
MASLO | maritime aviation support to land operarions | |
MASSTIC | Maritime ACCS Ship and Shore Tactical Interface Component | |
MATELO | maritime air telecommunications organization | |
MAU | Medium Attachment Unit | |
MAWHQ | mobile alternate war headqurter | |
MAWHQ | Mobile Alternate War HQ | |
MB | Military Budget | |
MBC | military budget committee | |
MBDL | Missile Battery Data Link | |
MBS | military base standard | NACISA USD 23.01.00(93)01 |
MBS | Military Base Standards | |
MC | military committee | |
MC | multiple category | |
MCC | main control centre [at KESTER] | SATCOM |
MCC | military control centre | |
MCC | mobile communication centre | |
MCC | Movement Control Center | |
MCCAP | maritime CIS contingency assets pool | AC/317/SEC/94/25 |
MCCIS | maritime command and control information system | |
MCCS | Maritime Command and Control System | |
MCDA | Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis | |
MCDS | multi-channel data system | |
MCE | Modular Control Equipment | |
MCEWG | military comminication and electronic working group | |
MCG | Maastricht Coordination Group | |
MCM | Mobile Communication Module | |
MCM | Mobile Communication Module | |
MCMF | maritime conceptioal military framework | |
MCR | military communications requirement | |
MCS | military communications system | US tactical ADP CCIS |
MCSC | main counter-measure support command vessel | |
MCU | multi-point conference unit | CP 5A0008 |
MCU | multi-site conference unit | VTC |
MCWG | military committee working group | |
MDC | message distribution centre | |
MDF | main distribution frame | |
MDP | MMHS Demonstrator Program | |
MDR | medium data rate | |
MDS | Modular Design of Systems | |
MDSE | Message Delivery Service Element | |
MED | machine encryption device | |
MEDS | manipulative electronic deception | |
MEDS | message entry and distribution system | |
MEF | minimum essential facility | |
MEL | major events list | |
MERCS | merchant (ships under) control of shipping | |
MERCS | MErchant ship Crypto System | |
METCON | meteorological telecommunications system | |
METOC | METeorological and OCeanographic | |
MEWSG | multi-service EW support group | |
MF | military function | |
MFA | ministry of foreign affairs | |
MFAS | maintain favorable air situation | |
MHEG | multi- and hypermedia inform. coding experts group | |
MHPS | message handling and processing system | |
MHQ | Maritime Headquarters | |
MHS | message handling system | |
MI | Management Information | |
MI | ministry of the interior | |
MIA | maritime intelligence architecture | MIA study |
MIAU | million IAU | |
MICAM | Military Code Assignment Method | |
MICS | Management Information Conformance Statement | |
MIDLA | media independent data link architecture | |
MIDS | Multifunctional Information Distribution System | |
MIJI | meaconing, intrusion, jamming and interference | |
MIL-STD | military standard | STC CSNI final report 22/9/95 |
MILCONAC WG | military conventional arms control working group | |
MILOS | Military Operations Support Software for Situation Display and Processing | |
MILOS | Military Operations Support Software for Situation Display and Processing | |
MILREP | Military Representative | |
MIME | multipurpose internet mail extensions | |
MINET | movement information network | |
MIPS | Management Information Protocol Specification | |
MIPS | million of instructions per second | |
MIS | Management Information Service | |
MIS | management information system | NACISA USD 23.01.00(93)01 |
MISD | Management Information Service Definition | |
MISPEC | Merit of Individual System Performance Characteristics | |
MISREP | mission report | |
MISSI | multilevel information systems security initiative | AC/317-N/834 |
MIU | Multiple Interface Unit | |
MIW | mine warfare | |
MJ | military justification | |
MJLC | Ex Strong Resolve 95 | |
MLPP | Multi-level Precedence and Pre-emption | |
MLRS | multiple launch rocket system | |
MLS | Manual Line Switch | |
MLS | Multi Level Security | |
MLSA | multi layer security architecture | AC/317-N/846 |
MM | military message | NACISA/APD/04.07.00(95)001 |
MM | Military Messaging | |
MMCR | minimum military control requirement | |
MMHS | military message handling system | NACISA USD 23.01.00(93)01 |
MMI | Man - Machine Interface | |
MMR | minimum military requirement | |
MMS | Manufacturing Message Specification | |
MMS | military message store | NACISA/APD/04.07.00(95)001 |
MMT | mobile maintenance team | |
MMT | multimedia message transfer | STC CSNI final report 22/9/95 |
MMTS | military message transfer system | |
MNC | major NATO command | |
MNC | Major NATO Commander | |
MNC | multinet controller | STC CSNI final report 22/9/95 |
MND | mission need document | NACISA USD 23.01.00(93)01 |
MND | multi-national division | |
MNE | multinational exercise | |
MNF | multi-national forces | |
MNG | multi-net gateway | |
MNMF | multi-national maritime forces | |
MNSIM | multinational simulation | |
MNTB | multinational test bed | CAX |
MNTB-IG | MNTB implementation group | |
MNTB-SDG | MNTB scenario development group | |
MNTBEX | multinational testbed exercise | |
MNWG | multinational working group | |
MNWG/OES | MNWG on operational environment simulation | |
MO | Managed Object | |
MOA | memorandum of agreement | |
MOA | Mission Oriented Approach | |
MOAC | message origin authentication check | |
MOB | main operating base | |
MOB | Missile Order of Battle | |
MOD | Ministry of Defence | |
MODACOM | mobile data communication | |
MOE | Measure of Effectiveness | |
MOES | measures of effectiveness | STC CSNI final report 22/9/95 |
MOIC | Military Oceanographic Information Centers | |
MOP | Measure of Performance | |
MOPS | Minimum Operational Performance Standard | |
MOR | military operational requirement | |
MOTIS | Message-Oriented Text-Interchange System | |
MOTS | military off-the-shelf (software) | |
MOU | memorandum of understanding | |
MP | message processor | |
MPA | maritime patrol aircraft | |
MPC | message processing centre | |
MPC | Movement Planning Conference | |
MPCO | Multi-peer Communications | |
MPEG | moving picture experts group | |
MPF | message processing facility | |
MPMS | Mission Planning and Monitoring system | |
MPP | maritime power projection | |
MPR | Medium Power Radar | |
MPS | message processing system | |
MRBM | medium range ballistic missile | |
MRCCS | middle range communications control station | |
MRD | main requirement document | |
MRFL | master radio frquency list | ARFA data base |
MRL | Maritime Rear Link | |
MRO | military response option | |
MRR | mobile radio relay | |
MRRF | multi-national rapidly deployable reaction forces | |
MRSE | Message Retieval Service Element | |
MRT | Multi Radar Tracking | |
MS | Message Store | |
MS | meteor scatter | |
MS | military staff | AC/317-N/798 |
MS | military standard | |
MS | Mobile Subsystem | |
MSC | major subordinate command | Ex Strong Resolve 95 |
MSCF | message supervisory control facility | |
MSDMP | Mode S Data Multi Processor | |
MSDP | MMHS security demonstrator programme | |
MSE | mesure de soutien electronique | |
MSE | mobile staff element | |
MSF | message security filter | |
MSGO | MNCs Steering Group on Operations | |
MSGS | Message Generation System | |
MSGT | mobile satellite ground terminal | |
MSK | minimum shift keying | MDM / 200 Hz bw for 4 channels |
MSL | Mean Sea Level | |
MSL | multi-security level | E3/link encryption/bulk encryption/...) |
MSN | Multiple Subscriber Number | |
MSP | message security protocol | ACP 123 |
MSP | Mode S Specific Protocol | |
MSR | Main Supply Route | |
MSS | message switching system | |
MSS | mobile satellite service | AC/317-N/839 |
MSSE | Message Submission Element | |
MSSR | Monopuls SSR | |
MST | medium speed terminal | |
MST | Multi-Sensor Tracking | |
MT | management tools | |
MT | military task | |
MTA | Message Transfer Agent | ITU-T Recommendation X.400 |
MTBF | mean time between failures | |
MTF | maritime tactical forces | |
MTF | message text format | |
MTFITS | MTF information tracking system | |
MTFP | Medium Term Financial Plan | |
MTFWG | message text format(ting) working group | |
MTIP | medium term infrastructure plan | |
MTP | Message Transfer Part | |
MTRP | medium term resource plan | |
MTS | Message Transfer System | |
MTSE | Message Transfer Service Element | |
MTTR | Mean Time to Repair/Replace | |
MUA | military user agent | NACISA/APD/04.07.00(95)001 |
MUB | mobile user box | |
MV | military vigilance | |
MWA | weekly minutes 6-12-95 | |
MWCE | minor works project submission and cost estimate | |
MWHQ | Mobile War Headquarter | |
MWP | Minor Works Project | |
MWS | Missile Warning System |