Acronyms | Meaning / Significance | Source |
S | Server | |
S | Service | |
S&WIS | Sensors and Warning Installation Sub-System | |
S/CR AWHQ | SHAPE and Central Region Alternate War Headquarters | |
S/J | Signal to Jam Ratio | |
S-HTTP | Secure HyperText Transfer Protocol | ACE ACCIS core cap specs |
S-Series | Alphabetical Telegraph and Telematic (except Facsimile) Services Terminal | ITU-T recommendation |
SA | scientific and environmental affairs division | NATO IS |
SA | System Administrator | |
SAA | Security Accreditation Authority | |
SAA | Subdomain Addressing Authority | |
SAC | Source Area Code | |
SAC | Special Access Component | |
SAC | Supreme Allied Commander | |
SACEUR | SAC Europe | |
SACF | Single Association Coordinating Function | |
SACLANT | SAC Atlantic | |
SACLANTCEN | SACLANT Udersea Research Centre | |
SADS | system architecture development study | |
SAGE | standard automated guard environment | |
SAI | sea/air interface | |
SAI | Subdomain Addressing Authority Identifier | |
SALT | Strategic Arms Limitation Talks | |
SAM | Assistemce Missions | |
SAM | Surface to Air Missile | |
SAME | SQL ADA module extensions | |
SAMeDL | SAME Desciption Language | |
SAMOC | Surface to Air Missile Operation Center | ACCS |
SAMS | SHAPE ACCIS maintenance system | |
SANISI | Security Architecture for NATO Information Systems Interconnection | |
SANTIS | Single Architecture for NATO Technical Interoperability Standards | |
SAP | Service Access Point | |
SAR | Search and Rescue | |
SAR | Synthetic Aperture RADAR | |
SARPs | Standards and Recommended Practices | |
SAS | special ammunition storage | |
SATAN | security analysis tools for auditing | |
SATCIS | single architecture of technical common IF standard | OSI layers 1 - 4 |
SATCOM | Satellite Communications | |
SATURN | second generation Anti-jam Tactical UHF-Radio for NATO | |
SAW | static alternate war headquarters | |
SAW | Surface to air Weapon | |
SBU | sensitive but unclassified | |
SC | Strategic Command | |
SC | sea control | |
SC | Steering Committee | STC CSNI final report 22/9/95 |
SC | strike cell | |
SC | Sub Committee | |
SCANT | slidex codeword address / nickname telephone | |
SCARS | Status Control Alerting and Reporting System | C2 of Substrategic Nuclear Forces |
SCAT | Surveillance Capability Assessment Tool | |
SCC | secure computing corporation | |
SCC | SHAPE Command Center | STC TN-155 |
SCCP | Signalling Connection Control Part | |
SCDL | surveillance and control data link | |
SCECC | Senior Civil Emergency Crisis Cell | |
SCEPC | Senior Civil Emergency Planning Committee | NATO Committee |
SCG | Special Consultative Group | NATO Committee |
SCG | senior crisis group | |
SCI | sensitive compartmented information | |
SCI | serial communications interface | STC CSNI final report 22/9/95 |
SCI | Site Compliance Inspection | |
SCIC | science committee | |
SCIDA | systems coordination installation design authority | UK |
SCMC | SNR communications management centre | |
SCNR | Scientific Committee of National Representatives | Disbanded. Functions assumed by NC3B |
SCO | system capability objectives | |
SCOPE | secure cooperationg processing environment | |
SCP | Shipping Control Point | |
SCS | standard communication server | |
SCSG | satellite communications sub-group | AC/317(WG/1)N/600 |
SCSI | standing communications security instructions | ACE ACCIS core cap specs |
SCTIS | Single Channel Transponder Injection System | |
SCTR | Single Channel Transponder Receiver | |
SCTS | US single channel transponder system | AC/317/SEC/95/47 |
SD | Sub-Domain | |
SD&IC | Systems Design and Integration Contract | |
SDD | Synthetic Data Display | |
SDH | Synchronous Digital Hierarchy | |
SDI | Strategic Defence Initiative | |
SDIP | SECAN doctrine and information publication | |
SDL | Specification and Description Laguage | |
SDM | STC Intelligence Data Model | |
SDNS | secure data network system | |
SDP | Sensor Data Processor | |
SDR | small development requirement | |
SDR | summary description report | |
SDR | system design review | |
SDS | system direction and support | |
SDTF | Strategy Development Task Force (EATCHIP) | |
SDTS | spatial data transfer standard | |
SDU | service data unit | STC CSNI final report 22/9/95 |
SDU | software distribution utilities | |
SE&I | systems engineering and integration | |
SEAD | Suppression of Enemy Air Defence | |
sec | Section | |
SECAN | SECurity and Evaluation Agency | MC 108/5 |
SecOps | Security Operating Procedures | |
SEE | software engineering environment | consultancy work on life cycles |
SEE | synthetic exercise environment | CP 5A0008 |
SEISRS | System-specific Electronic Information Security Requirement Statement | |
SELRIP | selected release improvement programme | |
SEP | selective imployment plan | |
SEP | system executive and plan | |
SESAM | semi-active surface-to-air missile | |
SESN | SACEURs Emergency Strike Network | |
SET | satellite experimental terminal | |
SETO | Southern Europe transport organisation | |
SEWG | System Engineering Working Group | |
SFOR | Stabilisation Force | |
SFP | Sensor Fusion Post | ACCS |
SfP | Science for Peace | |
SG | Secretary General | |
SG | slice group | |
SG | Sub-Group | |
SGFS | Special Group of Functional Standards | |
SGML | standard generalized markup language | |
SGP | Senior Political-Military Group on Proliferation | NATO Committee |
SGT | Satellite Ground Terminal | AC/317(WG/1)N/556 |
SGTS | AC/317(WG/1)(SG/2)N/183 | |
SHA | Secure Hash Algorithm | |
SHAPE | Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe | |
SHARE | Stock Holding and Asset Requirements Exchange | |
SHD | Special Handling Detachment | |
SHED | Special Handling and Evaluation Detachment | |
SHEDCOINS | SHED Communication INformation System | |
SHEWS | SHAPE Early Warning System | |
SHF | Super High Frequency | STC CSNI final report 22/9/95 |
SHIFS | SHAPE information flow system | |
SHIMS | SHAPE interim message handling system | STC TN-155 |
SHNMO | SHAPE host nation management office | |
SHOC | Headquarters Operations Centre | |
SHORAD | Short Range Air Defense | |
SHORADOC | SHORAD Operations Center | |
SI | Supporting Interrogator | |
SIA | Stable Implementor Agreements | |
SIC | Subject Indicator Code | Source Identification Code |
SICAS | SSR Improvement and Collision Avoidance System | |
SICASP | SSR Improvement and Collision Avoidance System Panel | |
SICF | FR tactical ADP CCIS | |
SID | signalling IF device | |
SID | Standard Interface Device | |
SID | subscriber identification | |
SIDL | SOSTAS interoperable data link | |
SIE | Standard Interface Equipment | |
SIEM | SSR/IFF Environment Model (UK) | |
SIF | Selective Identification Feature | |
SIG | Special Interest Group | |
SIGINT | SIGnal INTelligence | |
SII | secondary image interface | |
SILS | standard for interoperable LAN security | |
SINCGARS | single channel ground/air system | |
SINS | Ship Inertial Navigation System | |
SINS | southern improvement NADGE sites | |
SIP | Secure Interface Profile | |
SIP | Security Investment Programme | |
SIR | Specific Information Requirement | |
SISRS | System Interconnection Security Requirement Statement | |
SISSIM | SSR/IFF system Simulator | |
SITREP | SITuation REPort | |
SL | starting line | |
SLAR | Side Looking Airborne RADAR | |
SLBM | Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile | |
SLC | Side Lobe Cancellation | |
SLCM | Sea-Launched Cruise Missile | |
SLCMB | System Level Configuration Management Board | |
SLF | signal line filter | |
SLIP | serial line internet protocol | |
SLM | Standard Length Message | |
SLOC | Sea Line Of Communications | |
SLS | Side Lobe Suppresseion | |
SLWPG | Senior Level Weapons Protection Group | NATO Committee |
SMA | System Management Authority | |
SMA | Signal Message Address | |
SMA | Situation Monitoring and Assessment | |
SMAA | submarine movement advisory authority | AC/317-N/889 |
SMAP | system management application process | |
SMC | staff message centre | |
SMC | Station Monitoring and Control Center | |
SMDC | SHAPE message distribution centre | STC TN-155 |
SMDC | signal message distribution centre | Ex Strong Resolve 95 |
SMDC | software management and developing centre | |
SMF | Special Military Features | |
SMF | spectrum management facility | |
SMG | standard mail guard | |
SMI | Structure of Management Information | |
SMIS | SHAPE management information service | |
SMMDC | staff message mail distribution centre | |
SMR | secure message router | |
SMTP | Simple Mail Transfer Protocol | IETF |
SN | sub-network | |
SNA | system network architecture | |
SNAC | subnet access controller | STC CSNI final report 22/9/95 |
SNAcP | Subnetwork Access Protocol | |
SNACP | subnetwork dependent access control | STC CSNI final report 22/9/95 |
SNAD | secure message router | |
SNDC | Subnetwork Dependent Convergence | |
SNDCP | Subnetwork Dependent Convergence Protocol | |
SNF | Short-range Nuclear Forces | |
SNF | Standing Naval Force | |
SNI | switched network interconnection | |
SNICP | Subnetwork Independent Convergence Protocol | |
SNIG | Switched Network Interconnection Gateway | |
SNIP | switched network interconnection project | |
SNIRP | subnetwork independent header reduction protocol | STC CSNI final report 22/9/95 |
SNLC | Senior NATO Logisticians' Conference | NATO Committee |
SNMP | Simple Network Management Pool | IETF |
SNPA | Subnetwork Point of Attachment | |
SNPDU | subnetwork protocol data unit | STC CSNI final report 22/9/95 |
SNPS | switched network pilot study | |
SNR | switched network rationalisation | |
SNS | secure network server | |
SNTF | Subnetwork Test Facility | |
SO | special operations | |
SO | staff officer | |
SO | Standardisation Objective | |
SOB | Space Order of Battle | |
SOC | Sector Operations Center | ACCS |
SOFA | Status Of Forces Agreement | |
SOHO | site operational hand-over | |
SOI | Statement of Intention | |
SOI | statement of interest | |
SOL | sequence order list | STC CSNI final report 22/9/95 |
SONET | synchronous open network | STC CSNI final report 22/9/95 |
SONOR | South Norway | |
SOP | Standing Operating Procedure | |
SOR | Statement Of Requirement | |
SORPROS | Stand-Off RADAR programmes studies | |
SOSE | shipboard open systems environment | |
SOSTAS | stand-off surveillance and target acquisition centre | |
SOW | schedule of work | |
SOW | Statement Of Work | |
SP | Session Protocol | |
SP | sub-panel | |
SPACE | Scenario Preparation and Coverage Evaluation | |
SPADOC | space defence operations centre | |
SPAG | Standards Promotion and Application Group | |
SPARC | Scalable Processor Architecture | |
SPC | Senior Political Committee | NATO Committee |
SPC(R) | Senior Political Committee (Reinforced) | NATO Committee |
SPECAT | SPEcial CATegory | |
SPETZNAZ | Soviet special forces | |
SPF | special purpose force | |
SPI | Special Position Identification | |
SPN | self protecting node | |
SPOAC | systeme de planification de l'OTAN pour armement conventionnel | |
SPOD | sea port of debarkation | |
SPOE | Sea Port of Entry | |
SPP | Special Purpose Processor | |
SPS | special purpose segment | AC/317/SEC/95/47 |
SQL | structured query language | |
SQOC | Squadron Operations Center | ACCS |
SR | Service Request | |
SR | Southern Region | |
SRB | Senior Resource Board | NATO Committee |
SRB | Source Recommendation Board | |
SRBM | short-range ballistic missile | |
SRCCS | short range communications control station | |
SRI | System Replay and Investigation | |
SRIXS | Strong Resolve information exchange system | Ex Strong Resolve 95 |
SRS | security release station | |
SRS | Security Requirements Statement | |
SRT | security release terminal | |
SS | Session Service | |
SSADM | consultancy work on life cycles | |
SSAP | Session Service Access Point | |
SSC | Service Support Center | |
SSC | SHAPE support centre | |
SSC | software support centre | |
SSC | system support centre | |
SSE | Specific Services Entity (Umsetzung Mode S Protokolle) | |
SSF | Sub-Strategic Forces | |
SSI | System Software Interface | |
SSIP | sub-system integration programme | |
SSIXS | Submarine Satellite Information Exchange System | AC/317(WG/1)(SG/2)N/202 |
SSL | Secure Sockets Layer | ACE ACCIS core cap specs |
SSM | spread-spectrum modulation | |
SSM | Surface-to-Surface Missile | |
SSMA | spread-spectrum multiple access | |
SSO | site security officer | |
SSO | System Security Officer | |
SSP | Scheduled Strike Programme | Nuclear Operations |
SSP | Source Selection Plan | |
SSR | Secondary Surveillance Radar | |
SSRS | system-specific security requirements statement | Strong Resolve 95/ACE ACCIS core caps |
SSSB | Ship-Shore-Ship Buffer | |
SST | Sub-Stratigic Trident | |
SSVCS | SACEUR's SV conference system | |
STA | SUNG trusted application | |
STAMINA | Standard Automated Message Interface for NATO ACCIS | |
STAN | Status of own Air Force (User Function) | |
STANAG | STANdardisation AGreement | |
STANAVFORMED | STAnding NAVal FORce MEDiterrannean | |
STAR | SCOPE trusted automatic router | |
STAR | Studies, Test and Research (EUROCONTROL) | |
STARRNET | static radio relay network | |
STARS | STC adaptable RADAR / EW simulator | |
START | STrategic ARms Reduction Talks | |
STC | SHAPE Technical Centre | Subsumed within NC3A |
STCA | Short Term Conflict Alert | |
STCW | Short Term Conflict Warning | |
STE | Signalling Terminal Equipment | |
STEP | standard for the exchange of product model data | |
STEP | synchronous transport evolution programme | SIEMENS |
STG | strategic to tactical gateway | |
STGC | strategic to tactical gateway concept | |
STILS | SHAPE Infrastructure Listing System | |
STM | synchronous transfer mode | |
STN | Switched Telephone Network | |
STRADIS | structured analysis design and implementation of B264 information system | NACISA USD 23.01.00(93)01 |
STRICOM | US army's simulation, training and instrument. command | |
STS | Stable Time Subfield | |
STVF | System Test and Valdation Facility | |
SU | Sole User | |
SUBOPAUTH | submarine operation authority | AC/317-N/889 |
SUCOC | Succession of Command | |
SUF | Special User Function | |
SUNG | secret to unclassified network guard | |
SUNI | shared usage of NATO infrastructure | |
SV | secure voice conferencing | |
SVC | secure voice conferencing | CT |
SVC | Switched Virtual Circuit | |
SVGA | Super Video Graphics Adapter | |
SVMC | secure video-mapping conferencing | CT |
SVP | site verification programme | |
SVTC | secure video tele-conferencing | CT |
SW | software | |
SW | special weapons | |
SWASP | SHAPE wartime application SW project | |
SWG | special working group | |
SWG | standard WWMCCS guard | |
SWHQ | Static War Headquarter | |
SWI | sensor/warning installations | AC/317-N/798 |
SYSCO | System Supported Coordination | |
SYSCON | system control |