Acronyms | Meaning / Significance | Source |
C2 | command and control | |
C2CS | command and control communication system | |
C2G | command and control guard | |
C2IS | command and control information system | |
C2IS | command and control information system | |
C2RA | C2 requirements analysis | |
C2RM | command and control resource management | |
C2RM | command and control resource management | |
C3 | command, control and communication | outdated |
C3 | consultation, command and control | AC/317-N/798 |
C3CS | C3 communications sub-system | |
C3I | command and control, communications and information | |
C3MP | consultation, command and control master plan | |
C3SWI | C3 sensors and warning installation | |
C4I | command, control, communication, computers and intelligence | |
CA | certification authority | |
CAA | civil aviation authority | |
CAB | contract award board | |
CAD | computer-aided design | |
CADC | corps AD centre | |
CADIMS | coordinated air defense in mutual support | |
CADRG | compressed ARC digitised raster graphics | ACE ACCIS core cap specs |
CADS | concept and design study | |
CAF | conceptual architectural framework | |
CAI | computer assisted instruction | |
CAI | cooperative aircraft identification | |
CALS | computer aided aquisition and logistic support | |
CALS | continous acquisition and life-cycle support | |
CAM | computer-aided manufacturing | |
CAMPS | computer aided message processing system | |
CAMS | core automated maintenance system | |
CAN | Conseil de l'Atlantique Nord | |
CAOC | combined air operations centre | |
CAOC | combined air operations command | Ex Strong Resolve 95 |
CAP | combat air patrol | |
CAP | conventional armaments plan | |
CAPC | civil aviation planning committee | |
CAPCO | Capability Package Co-ordinator | |
CAPS | conventional armaments planning system | |
CAR | communications assessment report | |
CARS | CAOC, ACC, RPC, SFP colocated | |
CAS | close air support | |
CASA | computer assisted slot allocation | |
CASCOM | US army combined arms support command (Ft. Lee) | |
CASE | common application servive elements | |
CASE | computer-aided software engineering | |
CASE | Computer Assisted Software Engineering | |
CASEVAC | casualty evacuation | |
CASO | common application standards for OLDI | |
CASP | coordinated air/sea procedures | |
CAST | computed assisted supervision of transport media | |
CAT | computer aided training | |
CAT | crisis action team | |
CATK | counter attack | |
CATV | cable TV | |
CAWG | civil aviation working group | |
CAX | computer aided exercise | |
CAX | computer assisted exercise | |
CBC | civil budget committee | |
CBC | cross border connection | |
CBL | cross border link | |
CBMS | computer based message system | |
CBN | common backbone network | |
CC | CAX centre | |
CC | common criteria | |
CC | control cell | |
CC/CA | congestion control/congestion avoidance | STC CSNI final report 22/9/95 |
CC3 | counter C3 | |
CCA | conceptual communication area | |
CCAP | CIS contingency assets pool | APD 04.05.03 (95)04 |
CCB | configuration control board | |
CCCS | command and control communication system | |
CCDP | communications circiut distribution panel | |
CCE | civil communications element | |
CCEB | combined communication and electronics board | NACISA/APD/04.07.00(95)001 |
CCEB | combined communications and electronics board | |
CCEB | common criteria editorial board | |
CCF | centralised computer facility | |
CCF | COA/ACOA computer facility | |
CCF | conceptual civil framework | |
CCG | command and control group | |
CCI | controlled cryptographic item | |
CCIR | consultative committee on international radio | AC/317-N/798 |
CCIRM | Collection Coordination and Intelligence Requirements Management | |
CCIS | command and control information system | |
CCIS | Command, Control and Information System | |
CCITT | consultative committee on international telegraphy and telephony | See also ITU |
CCLF | Command of combined land forces | |
CCMC | communications control and management cell | |
CCMS | committee on the challenge of medern society | |
CCNA | Conseil de Cooperation Nord Atlantique | |
CCO | configuration control office | |
CCP | command and control project | |
CCPC | civil communications planning committee | |
CCR | commitment, concurrency and recovery | |
CCU | crypto control unit | |
CCWA | civil communications wartime agency | |
CCWP | CIS co-operation work plan | AC/317-N/710 |
CD | committee draft (ISO) | |
CD ROM | Compact Disk - Read Only Memory | |
CDA | computer design activity | |
CDBS | central database system | |
CDC | civil defence committee | |
CDI | conventional defence improvement | |
CDM | conceptual data model | |
CDMA | code division multiple access | AC/317(WG/1)(SG/2)N/183 |
CDNA | Comite des Directeurs Nationals de l'Armement | CNAD |
CDTS | computer directional training system | |
CE | control element | |
CE&C | civil engineering and construction | |
CEAC | committee for European airspace co-ordination | |
CECC | civil emergency crisis cell | |
CEIR | civil emergency information room | |
CELP | code excited linear predictive | |
CELT | crypto equipment for low speed telegraph | |
CEN | European committee for standardisation | |
CENELEC | European committee for for electronic standardisation | |
CENTLANT | central sub-area Atlantic | |
CEOI | communications electronic operating instruction | |
CEP | Civil Emergency Planning | |
CEP | Communication Equipment Programme | |
CEPA | common European priority area | |
CEPAS | Crypto Equipment for Packet Switching | |
CEPC | Civil Emergency Planning Committee | |
CEPMA | Central Europe Pipeline Management Agency | |
CEPO | central Europe pipeline office | |
CEPS | central Europe pipeline system | |
CEPT | Conference Europeen des Administrations des Postes et Telecomm. | |
CEROFF | crypto equipment rapid off-line | |
CERRRS | central European recce results reporting system | |
CF | Call Forwarding | |
CF | change field | |
CF | contingency forces | |
CFB | call for bids | |
CFB | central flight plan data bank | |
CFE | conventional forces Europe | |
CFL | cleared flight plan | |
CFMU | central flow management unit | |
CGI | common gateway interface | ACE ACCIS core cap specs |
CGI | common guard interface | |
CGM | computer graphics metafile | |
CHESS | clear header encrytion support system | |
CHLAHG | council high level ad hoc group | |
CHOD | chief of defence | |
CHOTS | corporate HQ office technology system | |
CI | Counter Intelligence | |
CI&Sy | Counter Intelligence and Security | |
CIC | CAOC interface component | |
CICC | College International des Commisaires aux Comptes | |
CICMA | Comite Interdepartemental de Coordination en Matiere d'Armement | |
CICR | Committee on Information Cultural Relation | |
CIDIN | common ICAO data exchange network | |
CIEG | common information exchange glossary | |
CIG | current intelligence group | |
CIM | corporate information management | |
CIMIC | civil military cooperation | |
CIOB | counter intelligence order of battle | |
CIP | communications improvement plan | |
CIP | communications improving plan | |
CIPD | convergence and implementation programme document | |
CIPS | civil international preference scheme | |
CIPSO | commercial INTERNET | |
CIR | crypto item register | |
CIR | protocol security option | |
CIS | CASE integration services | |
CIS | common interface standard | |
CIS | Commonwealth of independant states | |
CIS | Communication and Information Systems | |
CIS-ESG | COMSEC items register | |
CISA | CIS exercise steering group | |
CISC | complex instruction set computer | ACE ACCIS core cap specs |
CISCC | Communication and Information Systems Co-ordinating Committee | |
CISCLD | Communication and Information Systems Communication Logistics Depot | |
CISD | Communication and Information Systems Division | |
CISSISG | CIS Security Implementation Sub-Group | superseded by INFOSEC SC |
CISTSG | CIS terminology Sub-Group | |
CIT | combined interrogator-transponder | |
CITIS | contractual integrated technical information services | |
CITSEC | common information technology security evaluation criteria | |
CITWG | combat identification technical work group | |
CIU | cryptographic interface unit | |
CIWG | combat identification work group | |
CJTF | Combined Joint Task Force | Ex Strong Resolve 95 |
CL | Connectionless | |
CL | Control and Liaison | |
CL-NS | Connectionless Mode Network Service | |
CLD | Communications Logistic Depot | |
CLF | control land forces | |
CLID | Calling Line Identification | ISDN access restriction |
CLIP | Calling Line Identification Presentation | |
CLNP | Connectionless Network Protocol | |
CLNS | connection-less oriented network service | |
CLS | contractor logistic support | AC/4(WG29)DS/139 |
CLSE | commander allied forces southeastern Europe | |
CLTP and m | connectionless transport protocol plus multicast | STC CSNI final report 22/9/95 |
CLTS | connectionless transport service | |
CLV | combined likelihood vector | |
CM | Comite Militaire | See MC |
CM | Configuration Management | |
CM | Crisis Management | |
CMAE | configuration management administrative element | ADSIA mission |
CMB | Configuration Management Board | |
CMC | Chairman of the Military Committee | |
CMF | Conceptual Military Framework | |
CMG | Coordination Management Group | |
CMIP | common management information protocol | |
CMIS | common mamagement information services | |
CMIS/P | common mamagement information services and protocol | |
CMIWG | current maritime intelligence working group | |
CMM | crisis management manual | AC/317-N7798 |
CMMC | common maintenance monitoring and control | |
CMNS | connection mode network service | |
CMO | coverage mission order | |
CMO | crisis management oranisation | CAX |
CMP | configuration management plan | |
CMPAS | Common Manpower Accounting System | |
CMT | coordination management team | |
CMT | crisis management team | |
CMTP | common medium term plan | EUROCONTROL |
CMW | compartment mode workstation | ACE ACCIS core cap specs |
CMW | compartmented mode workstation | |
CMW | compartmented mode workstation | |
CNAD | conference of national armaments directors | |
CNI | communications, navigation and identification | |
CNIS | communication, navigation and identification systems | |
CNIS | communications, navigation and identification systems | |
CNIS | computer and network based information system | |
CNR | Centre National de Renseignements | |
CNR | combat net radio | |
CO | connection-oriented | |
COA | central operating authority | OCO |
COB | collocated operating base | |
COB | Counter Intelligence Order of Battle | |
COBRA | counter battery radar | |
COC | combined operations centre | |
COE | common operating evironment | |
COE | Courses of Events | |
COEA | cost and operational effectiveness analysis | |
COEC | council operations and exercises committee | |
COFFA | certificate of final financial acceptance | |
COG | current operations group | crisis time |
COI | communications of interest | |
COI | community of interest | |
COIC | combat operation intelligence centre | |
COLOC | change of location of command | |
COLP | Connected Line Identification Presentation | |
COMAIRCENT | commander air forces central Europe | |
COMBALTAP | commander Baltic approaches | |
COMCAOC | commander CAOC | |
COMCEN | SHAPE communication center | STC TN-155 |
COMIL | coordination centre for military airspace control | |
COMINT | communication intelligence (COMINT+ELINT=SIGINT) | |
COMNAV | communication and navigation aids | |
COMPUSEC | computer security | |
COMSEC | communications security | |
CONMARCOMMS | CONcept of COMMunications in support of MARitime operations | MC 377 |
CONOPS | CONcept of OPerationS | |
CONS | connection-oriented network service | |
CONUS | continental US | |
COOF | continuity of operations facility | |
COOP | continuity of operations facility | |
COP | Common Operational Picture | |
COP | Common Operational Picture | |
COP | contingency operation plan | |
COPE | commercial packet encryptor | |
COPE | COTS packet security equipment | |
COPS | common operational performance specification | |
COPS/CWP | common op. performance spec. for controller working position | |
CORA | common operational requirements area | |
CORBA | Common Object Request Broker Architecture | CAX |
CORTA | operational air traffic control cell | |
COS | Chief of Staff | |
COS | computer operator station | |
COS | corporation for open systems | |
COSA | coordinating and scheduling agency | |
COSO | Concept of System Operation | |
COSO | concept system operation | AC/317-N/819 |
COTP | connection oriented transport protocol | STC CSNI final report 22/9/95 |
COTS | Commercial-Off-The-Shelf | |
COTS | connection-mode transport service | |
COTS | connection oriented transport service | |
CP | Capability Package | |
CP | Change Proposals | |
CP | cooperation partners | |
CPC | cyclic permutable code | STC CSNI final report 22/9/95 |
CPE | circular position error | |
CPL | current flight plan | |
CPME | calibration and performance monitoring equipment | |
CPND | Comite pour les Problemes Nationaux de Defense | |
CPP | communications protocol processor | |
CPR | civilian personell regulation | |
CR | central region | |
CR | coastal radar | |
CR SDMP | central region software development and maintenance procedure | |
CR SSC | central region system support centre | |
CRAOC | central region air operation centre | |
CRAQS | circiut routing automated query system | |
CRAS | central region access system | |
CRC | central region command | Ex Strong Resolve 95 |
CRC | control and reporting centre | |
CRC | cyclic redundancy check | |
CRCLD | central region communication logistics depot | |
CRESP | crisis response prototype | |
CRIAD | central region integrated air defence | |
CRIAP | central region initial ACCS programme | |
CRICS | Central Region integrated communications system | |
CRINCA | Central Region integration and communications architecture | BICES sub-group |
CRIS | coastal radar integration system | |
CRISUG | central region information system user group | |
CRL | certificate revocation list | AC/317-N/846 |
CRMCS | central RADNET monitoring and control system | |
CRONOS | crisis response operations in open systems | AC/317(WG/1)DS/94 |
CROSSFOX | (ACE striking fleet Atlantic command and control system) | |
CRP | circuit restoration priority | |
CRP | control and reporting post | |
CRSG | Central Region signal group | |
CRT | cathode ray tube | |
CRWG | Central Region working group | |
CS | combat support | |
CS | communication sub-system | |
CSA | central supplies agency | |
CSA | close support aircraft | |
CSAF | combat scene of action frequency | |
CSAR | combat search and rescue | |
CSCE | conference on security and cooperation in Europe | |
CSCS | Combat Zone Communication System | |
CSCS | Combat Zone Communication System | |
CSDN | circuit switched data network | |
CSL | coordinated single layer | |
CSMA/CD | carrier sense multiple access/collision detector | |
CSMNE | COMSUBMEDNOREAST | Part of former fourth level of the NATO command structure |
CSMS | counter surprise military system | |
CSN | circuit switched network | |
CSNI | communications systems network interoperability | |
CSO | chief signal officer | |
CSOT | control source operators network | |
CSP | communications support processor | |
CSPDN | circuit switched public data network | |
CSR | communications status report | |
CSRS | Community Security Requirement Statement | |
CSS | communication segment specification | |
CSS | computer service section | |
CSTG | communications systems technical experts group | |
CSWG | communications systems working group | Responsibilities assumed by NC3B Sub-structure |
CT | conferencing tools ( CT=SVC+SVTC+SVMC) | |
CTAPS | Contingency Theatre Air Planning System | Ex Strong Resolve 95 |
CTAPS | contingency theatre automated planning system | AC/317(WG/1)N/607 Add 5 |
CTF | Commander Task Force | |
CTG | Commander Task Group | |
CTI | crypto telephone instrument | |
CTP | conformance test plan | |
CTS | cosmic top secret | C-M(55)15 final |
CTSG | CIS terminology sub group | |
CUF | common user function | |
CUG | closed user group | ISDN access restriction |
CUG | Closed User Group | |
CUL | CELT user list | |
CVI | code validity interval | |
CVO | code validity overlap | |
CVSD | continuously variable slope delta modulation | STC TN-006 |
CW | Call Waiting | |
CW | chemical warfare | |
CWID | combined warrior interoperability demonstrator | |
CWRD | civil works requirement drawings | |
CZCS | Combat Zone Communications System |