Acronyms | Meaning / Significance | Source |
O&M | operation and maintenance | |
O/R | Originator/Recipient | |
OA | Office Automation | |
OA&M | operations, administration and maintenance | AC/317(WG/2)WP/94 |
OAM | Operation, Administration and Maintenance | |
OAP | operator assistence position | |
OAS | Offensive Air Support | |
OAS | office automation system | |
OASIS | Open ATM System Integration Strategy | |
OAT | Operational Air Traffic | |
OBTM&M | on board test, monitor and maintenance | |
OCA | offensive counter air | |
OCA | operational control authority | |
OCM | Office of the Center Manager | |
OCO | operating control organisation | AC/317(WG/1)N/610 |
OCO | Operations Control Organisation | |
OCR | optical character reader | |
OCR | Optical Character Recognition | |
ODA | office document architecture | |
ODBC | open data base connectivity | ACE ACCIS core cap specs |
ODC | Office of the Division Chief | |
ODI | open data-link interface | |
ODIF | office document interchange format | |
ODL | office document language | |
ODP | open distributed processing | |
ODS | Operator Input and Display System | |
ODT | operational data typ | data management |
OEW | operational emergency in war | |
OI | Area of Operational Interest | |
OIER | Operational Information Exchange Requirement | |
OII | Object of Intelligence Interest | |
OII | operations/intelligence interface | |
OIW | Open systems Implementation Workshop | |
OJT | On-The-Job Training | |
OLDI | On-Line Data Interchange | |
OLFAPS | operations/logistics functional area prototype system | Ex Strong Resolve 95 |
OM | OSI Management | |
OM-55 | ECCM - modem used in SATCOM | |
OMG | object management group | |
öMilFs | örtliche Militärische Flugsicherung | |
OMNIPoint | open management interoperability point | |
ONS | office of NATO standardization | |
ONS | Old NADGE Sites | |
ONST | outline NATO staff target | |
OOA | out of area | |
OOTW | operations other than war | CAX |
OPD | Outline Phsical Design | |
OPR | Office of Primary Resonsibility | |
OPREP | operational report | |
OPS | operational division | NATO IMS |
ORACLE | overall review of ACCS in a CFE limited environment | |
ORBAT | Order of Battle | |
ORC | operational requirement for communications | |
ORCAM | Originating Region Code Assignment Method | |
ORCAP | overall review of CNAD activities and projects | 2-annually |
ORD | Operational Requirements Document | |
ORTP | operational readiness test programme | |
OS | operating system | ACE ACCIS core cap specs |
OSA | open systems architecture | |
OSAT | overall system acceptance testing | |
OSC | operational system control | |
OSCE | organisation for security and co-operation in Europe | |
OSCRL | Operating System Command and Response Language | |
OSE | open system environment | ACE ACCIS core cap specs |
OSE-RM | open systems environment - reference model | |
OSF | open software foundation | ACE ACCIS core cap specs |
OSI | open systems interconnection | ACE ACCIS core cap specs |
OSIE | Open Systems Interconnection Environment | |
OSM | Overall system Modell | |
OSP | Overall Strategic Priorities | |
OSPF | Open Shortest Path First | IETF |
OSS | one stop shopping | ALLA |
OSS | Operational Support System | |
OSS | Operator Subsystem | |
OSS | Overall System Specification | |
OTAM | off-the-air monitor | |
OTC | officer in tactical command | |
OTE | Hellenic RPO | |
OTH | over-the-horizon | |
OTS | Of the Shelf | |
OTS | open systems interconnection transport service | STC CSNI final report 22/9/95 |
OU | operating unit | OCO |
OWG | one-way gateway |