Acronyms | Meaning / Significance | Source |
R | relay | |
R&D | Research and Development | |
RAA | redeployment assembly area | |
RAAP | Rapid Accelaration of Air Power | |
RAC | Regional Air Commander | |
RACE | RApid off-line Crypto Equipment | |
RACE | research on advanced communications in Europe | |
RADAR | RAdio Detection And Ranging | |
RADAT | research and development in advanced telecommunications | |
RADNET | RADAR Data Interchange Network (RADARdatennetzwerk) | |
RAFCSS | RAF Command Support System | |
RAFFTS | RAF fixed telecommunication system | |
RAILS | relational analysis of interconnected linkages system | |
RAM | Random Access Memory | |
RAM | reliability, availability and maintainability | |
RAO | rear area operation | |
RAOC | regional air operations centre | |
RAP | radio access point | |
RAP | recognized air picture | Ex Strong Resolve 95 |
RAP | restricted access processor | |
RAPIDE | relocatable army processors for intelligence data - Europe | |
RAPNET | Regional ATS Packet Switched Network | |
RAPS | RADAR Data Recording, Analysis and Playback System | |
RASP | EUROCONTROL RADAR Application Specialist Panel | |
RASP | Recognized Air and Surface Picture | |
RATT | Radio Activated Teletype | |
RC | required capability | |
RCC | Rescue Control Center | |
RCCN | reporting and control communications network | part of NNCS |
RCFEP | RADAR Communication Front-End-Processor | |
RCMC | regional communications management centre | |
RCP | remote procedure call | STC CSNI final report 22/9/95 |
RCP | reserved circuit programme | part of NICS |
RCWG | Replication Coordination Working Group | |
RDA | Remote Data Accessor | |
RDA | remote database access | |
RDBMS | Relational Data Base Management System | |
RDCP | RADAR Data Processing System | |
RDF | radio direction-finding | |
RDN | Relative Destinguished Name | |
RDPS | RADAR Data Processing System | |
RDQC | RADAR Data Quality Control | |
RDR | RADAR Data Recording | |
REC | Radio Electronic Combat | |
REC | Reply Evaluation Criteria | |
RELLA | regional long-line agency | |
REMD | Radio Encryption and Multiplex Device | |
REMP | RADAR Erneuerungs- und Modifizierungsprogramm | |
RER | radio-electronic reconnaissance | |
RES | RADAR environment simulation | |
RES | radio electronic support | |
RF | Radio Frequency | |
RF | Reaction Forces | |
RFAS | Reaction Forces Air Staff | |
RFB | Request for Bids | |
RFBV | request for bidder's view | |
RFEP | RADAR Front End Processor | |
RFI | Request for Information | |
RFP | Request for Proposal | |
RFQ | Request for Quotation | |
RID | Remote Interface Device | |
RIP | routing information protocol | |
RIS | RADAR integration system | |
RISC | reduced instruction set computer | |
RIT | RADNET Implementation Team | |
RIXT | remote information exchange terminal | |
RLT | radio link tails | maritime |
RM | Reference Model | |
RM | Resource Modules | |
RMA | Reliability, Maintainability and Availability | |
RMA | Replacement Mobile Asset | |
RMC | Resource Centre Manager | |
RMCDE | RADAR Message Conversion and Distribution Equipment | |
RMG | routing metric generator | STC CSNI final report 22/9/95 |
RMON | remote monitoring | |
RMP | Recognised Maritime Picture | |
RNAV | Relative Navigation | |
RNCP | rationalised NATO communication programme | |
RNP | Remote Network Processor | |
RNP | Required Navigation Performance | |
RO | Rationalisation Offer | |
ROA | regional operating authority | |
ROC | Regional Operating Centre | NACOSA Support Element |
ROCLANT | Operating Centre, atLANTic | NACOSA Support Element |
ROE | Rules of Engagement | |
ROS | Remote Operation Service | |
ROSE | remote operations service entry | |
RP | release point | |
RP | Reporting Point | |
RP | reporting post | |
RPC | RAP production centre | |
RPC | Recognized Air Picture Prodution Center | |
RPC | remote procedure call | |
RPL | Repetitive Flight Plan | |
RPO | Regional Project Office | |
RPOA | Recognised Private Operating Agency | |
RPOA | recognised privately operated agency | |
RPV | remotely piloted vehicle | |
RRD | Random Reply Delay | |
RRF | Rapid Reaction Force | |
RRP | rapid reinforcement plan | |
RRP | review and release position | |
RRR | radio relay repeater | |
RRT | radio relay terminal | |
RRW | review and release workstation | NACISA/APD/04.07.00(95)001 |
RS | Rationalisation System | |
RSAP | RADNET Service Access Point | |
RSCS | Remote Supervisory and Control System | |
RSE | rear staff element | |
RSG | regional signal group | |
RSG | research study group | |
RSGS | Regional Signal Group SHAPE | NACOSA Support Element |
RSLS | Replay Path Side Lobe Suppression | |
RSP | Recognised Surface Picture | |
RSSC | regional system support centre | |
RSSP | RADAR Systems Specialist Panel | |
RSU | receiver-sender unit | |
RT | Router | |
R&T | Research & Technology | |
RTC | radio transmission control | |
RTF | rich text format | ACE ACCIS core cap specs |
RTMDE | RADNET Test Monitoring and Demonstration Equipment | |
RTO | R&T Organisation | |
RTP | research and technology project | |
RTS | Reliable Transfer Service | |
RTSE | Reliable Transfer Service Element | |
RTTS | Real Time Transmission System | |
RWG | Requirements Working Group | |
RWR | RADAR warning receiver |