AcronymsMeaning /
G-A-Gground - air - ground
GAgeneral alert
GAgoal architecture study
GAground attack
GAFGerman air force
GAFACSGerman air force automatic communication systemAutoFüFmNLw
GAFDINGerman air force digital net
GAFTACGerman air force tactical command
GAMEGEADGE/ADKAR message exchange
GANglobal area network
GASgoal architecture studyC3 master plan
GATgeneral air traffic
GBSglobal broadcast systemAC/317-N/840
GBSGlobal Broadcats System
GDLPground data link processor
GDMGroup on Defense Matter
GDMIgeneric definition of management information
GDMOguidelines for the definition of managed objects
GDPgeneral defense plan
GDSSglobal decision support system
GEground environment
GEGuerre Electronique
GEADGEGerman air defense ground environment
GEHOCGerman HAWK operation centre
GEIPGroupe Europeen Independant de Programmes
GENESISgeneral purpose CISUK electronic mail and telefax
GEOSYSgeographic and mapping system
GEPgroup employment plan
GFEgovernment furnished equipment
GFIMGroupe de Forces Interarmees Multinationales
GICBground initiated comm-BData Protocol for Mode S
GIDGeneric Indicator Directories
GISGeographic Information SystemACE ACCIS Core cap specs
GKSGraphical Kernel System
GLCMGround Launched Cruise Missile
GMGeneral Manager
GMDSSGlobal Maritime Distress Safety System
GMFground mobile forces
GMIgeneric management information
GNMPgovernment network management profile
GNRgeneral nuclear response
GNSSglobal navigation satellite system
GOBGround Order of Battle
GoSGrade of Service
GOSgrade of service
GOSIPgovernmental open systems interconnection profile
GOTSgovernment off-the-shelf (software)
GPAgroup provisonal acceptance
GPPgeneral purpose processor
GPPSgeneral purpose packet switching
GPSgeneral purpose segmentAC/317/SEC/95/47
GPSglobal positioning system
GPTNgeneral purpose telecommunication networkUK
GPTSgeneral purpose telecommunication system
GROBATground order of battle
GSDSground situation display system
GSEGlobal Security Environment
GSFGgroup of soviet forces in Germany
GSMglobal system for mobile communications
GSMground station module
GSMgroup special mobileSTC CSNI final report 22/9/95
GSOgroup of senior officials
GSSEground specific converter/formatter
GSTNgeneral switched telephone network
GTNglobal transport network
GTNCGerman territorial northern command
GTSCGerman territorial southern command
GUIGraphic User Interface
GUIgraphical user interface
GUTMgeodetic universal transmercator conversion
Last Updated on Sep 23, 1999