Acronyms | Meaning / Significance | Source |
G-A-G | ground - air - ground | |
GA | general alert | |
GA | goal architecture study | |
GA | ground attack | |
GAF | German air force | |
GAFACS | German air force automatic communication system | AutoFüFmNLw |
GAFDIN | German air force digital net | |
GAFTAC | German air force tactical command | |
GAME | GEADGE/ADKAR message exchange | |
GAN | global area network | |
GAS | goal architecture study | C3 master plan |
GAT | general air traffic | |
GBS | global broadcast system | AC/317-N/840 |
GBS | Global Broadcats System | |
GDLP | ground data link processor | |
GDM | Group on Defense Matter | |
GDMI | generic definition of management information | |
GDMO | guidelines for the definition of managed objects | |
GDP | general defense plan | |
GDSS | global decision support system | |
GE | ground environment | |
GE | Guerre Electronique | |
GEADGE | German air defense ground environment | |
GEHOC | German HAWK operation centre | |
GEIP | Groupe Europeen Independant de Programmes | |
GEK | Geräteentsorgungskonzept | |
GENESIS | general purpose CIS | UK electronic mail and telefax |
GEOSYS | geographic and mapping system | |
GEP | group employment plan | |
GFE | government furnished equipment | |
GFIM | Groupe de Forces Interarmees Multinationales | |
GICB | ground initiated comm-B | Data Protocol for Mode S |
GID | Generic Indicator Directories | |
GIS | Geographic Information System | ACE ACCIS Core cap specs |
GKS | Graphical Kernel System | |
GLCM | Ground Launched Cruise Missile | |
GM | General Manager | |
GMDSS | Global Maritime Distress Safety System | |
GMF | ground mobile forces | |
GMI | generic management information | |
GNMP | government network management profile | |
GNR | general nuclear response | |
GNSS | global navigation satellite system | |
GOB | Ground Order of Battle | |
GoS | Grade of Service | |
GOS | grade of service | |
GOSIP | governmental open systems interconnection profile | |
GOTS | government off-the-shelf (software) | |
GPA | group provisonal acceptance | |
GPP | general purpose processor | |
GPPS | general purpose packet switching | |
GPS | general purpose segment | AC/317/SEC/95/47 |
GPS | global positioning system | |
GPTN | general purpose telecommunication network | UK |
GPTS | general purpose telecommunication system | |
GROBAT | ground order of battle | |
GSDS | ground situation display system | |
GSE | Global Security Environment | |
GSFG | group of soviet forces in Germany | |
GSM | global system for mobile communications | |
GSM | ground station module | |
GSM | group special mobile | STC CSNI final report 22/9/95 |
GSO | group of senior officials | |
GSSE | ground specific converter/formatter | |
GSTN | general switched telephone network | |
GTN | global transport network | |
GTNC | German territorial northern command | |
GTSC | German territorial southern command | |
GUI | Graphic User Interface | |
GUI | graphical user interface | |
GUTM | geodetic universal transmercator conversion | |
GW | gateway |