Acronyms | Meaning / Significance | Source |
B-ISDN | Broadband ISDN | |
BAI | Battlefield Air Interdiction | |
BALTAP | Allied Forces Baltic Approaches | |
BASE | Baseband | |
BBN | Broad Band Network | |
BC | Broadcast | |
BC | Buffer Centre | |
BCA | Border Crossing Authority | |
BCA | Broadcast Control Authority | |
BCIS | Battlefield Combat Identification System | |
BCS | Broadcast Control Station | |
BCU | buffer control unit | |
BCVT | basic class virtual terminal | |
BDA | Battle Damage Assessment | |
BDEP | Bright Dawn enhancement programme | |
BDIG | Belgian defence industry group | |
BDS | comm-B designation subfield | |
BEAF | BE air force | |
BEAUTY | UK encryption for packet switching | |
BEDs | business enumerated domains | |
BEMILCOM | Belgian military communications network | |
BENECHAN | BENELUX sub-area, Channel | |
BETE | BICES evolutionary test environment | |
BFA | battlefield functional area | |
BFS | Bundesanstalt für Flugsicherung | |
BGP | border gateway protocol | |
BGS | Bundesgrenzschutz | |
BI | battlefield identification | |
BIC | BRASS initial capability | |
BICC | BICES initial core capability | AC/317/SEC/94/20 |
BICES | battlefield information collection and exploitation system | |
BICES | battlefield information collection and exploitation systems | AC/317-N/798 |
BID | bulk information device | |
BIF | BICES integration facility | |
BIFF | battlefield IFF | |
BIR | biannual infrastructure review | |
BIST | built in software test | |
BIT | built in test | |
BITE | built in test equipment | |
BITS | battlefield information and targeting system | US electronic mail |
BLM | BICES Logical Model | |
BLOS | beyond line of sight (> 555 km) | |
BM | battle management | |
BMA | battlefield management area | |
BMEWS | ballistic missile early warning system | |
BMS | battlefield management system | |
BMS | bureau militaire de standardisation | |
BOA | basic ordering agreement | |
BOC | battalion operation centre (HAWK) | |
BOCCA | bureau for the co-ordination of civil aviation | NCWA |
BoD | bandwidth on demand | APD 04.05.03 (95)04 |
BOD | board of directors | |
BOP | balance of payment | |
BOS | BICES Outline Structure | |
BOXER | UK RN & RAF funded communications infra network | |
BPMG | BICES project management group | |
BPR | business plan review | |
BPS | BICES pilot study | AC/317/SEC/94/20 |
BPS | broadcast processing system | |
BPSK | binary phase shift keying | |
BRA | Basic Rate Access | |
BRASS | Broadcast and Ship-shore System | AC/4(WG29)DS/139 |
BRI | basic rate interface | STC CSNI final report 22/9/95 |
BRISS | British intelligence support system | |
BROAD | broadband | |
BRS | broadcast relay station | |
BRS | Broadcast Radiating Station | VLF Handbook |
BRSC | British support command | |
BSC | BICES steering committee | |
BSWG | BICES standing working group | |
BT | BICES team | |
BUR | BICES User Requirements | |
BURST | BICES user requirement system trial | |
BVR | beyond visual range | |
BW | bandwidth | |
BWM | Band Width Management | NGCS |