AcronymsMeaning /
F&Efonctionnement et entretienO&M
F-SeriesTelegraph and telematic services operations and trafficITU-T recommendations
FAfood and agriculture
FAfunctional area
FAAfederal aviation agency
FAAforward administrative area
FAACfeature and attribute codingACE ACCIS core cap specs
FACforward air controller
FAFCOfederal armed forces communication organisationGE
FAFICfederal armed forces intelligence centreGE AHRWEILER
FAFICSfederal armed forces integrated communication systemGE NDN
FAFIOfederal armed forces intelligence officeANBw
FAFISCOfederal armed forces information systems and communications officeAFmISBw
FAFTNfederal armed forces telecommunications networkBwGN
FAIfinancial acceptance inspection
FAMfacility assessment meeting
FAMSforce assessment management support
FANSfuture air navigation systemICAO
FAPCfood and agriculture planning committee
FARPforward arming and refueling point
FASformal alert system
FASfunctional area support
FASCforward air support centre
FASSfunctional area sub-system
FASTNETUK army fixed communication network
FBISForeign Broadcast Information Service
FBSfall back system
FCfacilities control
FCfinancial controller
FCfinancial controller
FCfusion componentBICES
FCOfire control officer
FDformal description
FDDIfibre distributed data interfaceACE ACCIS core cap specs
FDMfrequency division multipex
FDMAfrequency division multiple accessAPD 04.05.03 (95)04
FDPSflight data precessor system
FDTformal description technique
FDXfull duplexNACISA/APD/04.07.00(95)001
FEATSfuture European air traffic service system
FEBAforward edge of battle area
FECforward error correctionSTC CSNI final report 22/9/95
FEMAfederal emergency management agency (US)
FEPfront-end processor
FETSfrais d'etude technique et de surveillance
FGforce goal ( force planning objective / 6 years rolling plan)
FGSforce goals
FHfrequency hopping
FHUforce helicopter unit
FIPSfederal information processing standard
FIRflight information region
FISflight information service
FISAfile transfer in support of ACCS
FLETforward line of enemy troops
FLOTforward line of own troops
FLTSATfleet satelliteSTC CSNI final report 22/9/95
FMforce management
FMfrequency modulation
FMISfinancial management system
FMOfinancial management office
FMOPTfederal ministry of post and telegraph (GE)
FMPflow management position
FMRforce mix ratio
FMSflight management system
FMSforeign military sales
FNAfinal network acceptance
FNPfront-end network processor
FOfibre optic
FO.flag officer . 1st letter of country name
FOBforward operating base
FOCfull operating capability
FOCfull operational capability
FOFAfollow-on force attack
FOIfibre optic interface
FOIRLfiber optic inter repeater link
FOLforward operating location
FOPRfunctional office of primary responsibility
FORACSfleet operational readiness acuracy check site
FORMETSNATO message text formatting system
FOSICfleet OPS special intel centre
FOTfrequency optimum traffic
FOTSfibre optic transmission system
FOURCEC3 and combat effectiveness
FPforce proposalAC/317-N/798
FPACfood and agriculture planning committee
FPLflight plan
FPLMTSfuture public land mobile telecommunications system
FPPRflight plans and procedural routing
FPPSflight plan processing system
FRIfundamental review of infrastructure
FRUITfriendly replies unsynchronized in time
FRYformer republic of Yugoslavia
FSfeasibility study
FSfunctional standard
FSAfinal site acceptance
FSAfinal system acceptance
FSCLfire support coordination line
FSDfull scale development
FSDTFfunctional specification development task force
FSEDfull scale engineering development
FSEDFull Scale Engineering Development
FSGTfixed satellite ground terminalAPD 04.05.03 (95)04
FSPforward support point
FSSfield storage site
FSSfixed satellite serviceAC/317-N/839
FSSforward scatter system
FTAMfile transfer access (and) management
FTAMfile transfer and access management
FTAMFile Transfer and Access Method
FTAMfile transfer and management
FTEfield training exercise
FTIfixed target indicator
FTPfile transfer protocolACE ACCIS core cap specs
FTSfile transfer system
FTXfield troop exercise
FUfire unitHawk, Patriot
FUIflow control unnumbered information
FYRformer Yugoslav republics
Last Updated on Sep 23, 1999