Acronyms | Meaning / Significance | Source |
F&E | fonctionnement et entretien | O&M |
F-Series | Telegraph and telematic services operations and traffic | ITU-T recommendations |
FA | food and agriculture | |
FA | functional area | |
FAA | federal aviation agency | |
FAA | forward administrative area | |
FAAC | feature and attribute coding | ACE ACCIS core cap specs |
FAC | forward air controller | |
FAFCO | federal armed forces communication organisation | GE |
FAFIC | federal armed forces intelligence centre | GE AHRWEILER |
FAFICS | federal armed forces integrated communication system | GE NDN |
FAFIO | federal armed forces intelligence office | ANBw |
FAFISCO | federal armed forces information systems and communications office | AFmISBw |
FAFTN | federal armed forces telecommunications network | BwGN |
FAI | financial acceptance inspection | |
FAM | facility assessment meeting | |
FAMS | force assessment management support | |
FANS | future air navigation system | ICAO |
FAPC | food and agriculture planning committee | |
FARP | forward arming and refueling point | |
FAS | formal alert system | |
FAS | functional area support | |
FASC | forward air support centre | |
FASS | functional area sub-system | |
FASTNET | UK army fixed communication network | |
FBIS | Foreign Broadcast Information Service | |
FBS | fall back system | |
FC | facilities control | |
FC | financial controller | |
FC | financial controller | |
FC | fusion component | BICES |
FCO | fire control officer | |
FD | formal description | |
FDDI | fibre distributed data interface | ACE ACCIS core cap specs |
FDM | frequency division multipex | |
FDMA | frequency division multiple access | APD 04.05.03 (95)04 |
FDPS | flight data precessor system | |
FDT | formal description technique | |
FDV | Flugdatenverarbeitung | |
FDX | full duplex | NACISA/APD/04.07.00(95)001 |
FEATS | future European air traffic service system | |
FEBA | forward edge of battle area | |
FEC | forward error correction | STC CSNI final report 22/9/95 |
FEMA | federal emergency management agency (US) | |
FEP | front-end processor | |
FETS | frais d'etude technique et de surveillance | |
FG | force goal ( force planning objective / 6 years rolling plan) | |
FGS | force goals | |
FH | frequency hopping | |
FHU | force helicopter unit | |
FIPS | federal information processing standard | |
FIR | flight information region | |
FIS | flight information service | |
FISA | file transfer in support of ACCS | |
FLET | forward line of enemy troops | |
FLOT | forward line of own troops | |
FLTSAT | fleet satellite | STC CSNI final report 22/9/95 |
FM | force management | |
FM | frequency modulation | |
FMIS | financial management system | |
FMO | financial management office | |
FMOPT | federal ministry of post and telegraph (GE) | |
FMP | flow management position | |
FMR | force mix ratio | |
FMS | flight management system | |
FMS | foreign military sales | |
FNA | final network acceptance | |
FNP | front-end network processor | |
FO | fibre optic | |
FO. | flag officer . 1st letter of country name | |
FOB | forward operating base | |
FOC | full operating capability | |
FOC | full operational capability | |
FOFA | follow-on force attack | |
FOI | fibre optic interface | |
FOIRL | fiber optic inter repeater link | |
FOL | forward operating location | |
FOPR | functional office of primary responsibility | |
FORACS | fleet operational readiness acuracy check site | |
FORMETS | NATO message text formatting system | |
FOSIC | fleet OPS special intel centre | |
FOT | frequency optimum traffic | |
FOTS | fibre optic transmission system | |
FOURCE | C3 and combat effectiveness | |
FP | force proposal | AC/317-N/798 |
FPAC | food and agriculture planning committee | |
FPL | flight plan | |
FPLMTS | future public land mobile telecommunications system | |
FPPR | flight plans and procedural routing | |
FPPS | flight plan processing system | |
FRI | fundamental review of infrastructure | |
FRUIT | friendly replies unsynchronized in time | |
FRY | former republic of Yugoslavia | |
FS | feasibility study | |
FS | functional standard | |
FSA | final site acceptance | |
FSA | final system acceptance | |
FSCL | fire support coordination line | |
FSD | full scale development | |
FSDTF | functional specification development task force | |
FSED | full scale engineering development | |
FSED | Full Scale Engineering Development | |
FSGT | fixed satellite ground terminal | APD 04.05.03 (95)04 |
FSP | forward support point | |
FSS | field storage site | |
FSS | fixed satellite service | AC/317-N/839 |
FSS | forward scatter system | |
FTAM | file transfer access (and) management | |
FTAM | file transfer and access management | |
FTAM | File Transfer and Access Method | |
FTAM | file transfer and management | |
FTE | field training exercise | |
FTI | fixed target indicator | |
FTP | file transfer protocol | ACE ACCIS core cap specs |
FTS | file transfer system | |
FTX | field troop exercise | |
FU | fire unit | Hawk, Patriot |
FUI | flow control unnumbered information | |
FYR | former Yugoslav republics | |
FStS | AC/4-A(97)20 |