Acronyms | Meaning / Significance | Source |
D | document | |
D&E | demonstration and evaluation programme | |
D/L | down link | APD 04.05.03 (95)04 |
D-CAS | digital channel associated signalling | |
DA | data administration | |
DA | Data Administrator | |
DAA | deployment assembly area | |
DAB | Dortmunder Aktien Brauerei | |
DAC | demodulator access controller | |
DAC | deployable ACCS component | |
DAC | discretionary access control | |
DACAN | distribution and accounting agency | MC 108/5 |
DAD | demonstration architecture document | STC CSNI final report 22/9/95 |
DAD | draft addendum | |
DAMA | demand assigned multiple access | satellite communication |
DAMA | demend assignment multiple access | STC CSNI final report 22/9/95 |
DAN | depenses administratives nationales | |
DAO | Data Administration Organization | ADSIA(ADP)-C-007-96 |
DAO | duty alerting officer | |
DAP | date achevement prevue | |
DAP | directory access protocol | |
DARPA | defense advanced research projects agancy | |
DAT | Digital Audio Tape | |
Datex | data exchange | |
Datex-J | data exchange für Jedermann | |
DBA | Database Administrator | |
DBIWG | database intelligence working group | |
DBMS | data base management system | |
DCA | defence communications agency | |
DCA | defensive counter air | |
DCA | dual capable A/C | |
DCAOC | deployable combined air operation centre | |
DCC | domain control centre | |
DCDM | digitally controlled delta modulation | |
DCE | data circuit equipment | CCITT |
DCL | description control language | |
DCO | duty communications officer | |
DCOS | deputy chief of staff | |
DCP | deployable command post | |
DCS | defence communications system | US comm in Europe |
DCTS | data communication terminal system | |
DCW | Digital Chart of the World | |
DD | draft document | |
DDA | domain-defined attribute | |
DDC | data display console | |
DDF | digital distribution frame | |
DDG | deputy director general | |
DDI | developing defence industries | |
DDI | Direct Dialing In | |
DDL | data definition language | |
DDL | digital data link | |
DDN | data directory number | |
DDN | defence data network | US DOD |
DDN | digital data network | |
DEB | digital European backbone | |
DEC | data exchange channel | |
DEC | derniere estimation de cout | |
DEC | Digital Equipment Corporation | |
DECT | digital European cordless communications | |
DEE | digital encryption equipment | |
DEFS | data encryption file system | ACE ACCIS core cap specs |
DEKMS | DACAN electronic key management system | |
DEL | direct exchange line | |
DEP | data exchange and processing | |
DERA | defense evaluation and research agency | UK |
DERD | Darstellung extrahierter Radar-Daten | |
DES | data encryption standard | |
DF | direction finding | |
DF | distribution frame | |
DFC | deputy financial controller | |
DFD | data fusion demonstrator | |
DFTS | defense fixed telecommunication system | UK mil infra network |
DG | defence guidance | |
DG | director general | |
DG | duty general | |
DGIS | digital graphic information service | ACE ACCIS core cap specs |
DGNSS | differntial global navigation satellite system | |
DH | dataflsh header | |
DHD | domain help desk | |
DHDS | data handling and display system | |
DHRX | digital hypothetical reference connection | |
DHS | document handling system | |
DIA | defence intelligence agency | US project for DDN integration |
DID | Direct Inawrd Dialling | |
DIDS | distribute intrusion detection system | |
DIGEST | digital geographic information exchange standard | |
DIIS | dedicated intelligence information system | |
DILCS | dedicated intelligence loop circuit system | |
DIR | Demonstration Issue Report | |
DIR | directorate | |
DIR | directory | |
DIS | defense information system | life cycle methodology |
DIS | distributed interactive simulation | |
DIS | draft international standard | ISO |
DISA | defense information systems agency | |
DISBEE | digital intermediate speed bulk encryption equipment | |
DISNET | defence integrated secure network | |
DISTAFF | directing staff | |
DISTEL | digitales Info-System für taktische Einsatzzentralen der Luftwaffe | |
DIT | directory information tree | |
DITSN | digital Italian Tri-Service network | |
DL | data link | |
DLCP | data link change proposal | |
DLCU | data link control unit | |
DLE | defeat the lead echelon | |
DLP | data link procedure | |
DLP | data link protocol | |
DLS | data link service | |
DLT | data link terminal | |
DLWG | data link working group | |
DM | data management | |
DMA | Defence Mapping Agency | |
DMA | direct memory access | |
DME | distance measuring equipment | |
DME | distributed management environment | |
DML | data manipulation language | |
DMP | data multi-processor | mode S |
DMS | defence management system | US project for DDN integration |
DMS | defence message system | AC/317-N/833 |
DNA | Defence Nuclear Agency | |
DNI | Digital NATO Interface | |
DNS | Direct NICS Subscriber | NACISA/APD/04.07.00(95)001 |
DNS | domain name server | STC CSNI final report 22/9/95 |
DNS | dynamic name service | Ex Strong Resolve 95 |
DNSP | draft NATO standardised profile | |
DOB | dispersed operating base | |
DOBS | DISTAFF order of battle system | |
DOD | department of defense | |
DOI | department of industry | |
DOL | deployed operations location | APD 04.05.03 (95)04 |
DOL | dispersed operating location | |
DOLCE | Digital On-line Crypto Equipment | |
DOP | director of operations | |
DoS | Denial of Service | |
DOS | director of support | |
DP | draft proposal | |
DPA | Dayton peace agreement | |
DPC | Defense Planning Council | APD 04.05.03 (95)04 |
DPDA | date prevue de demande d'autorisation | EDAR |
DPDS | data processing distribution system | |
DPNSS | Digital Private Network Signalling System | |
DPP | defence planning and policy division | NATO IS division |
DPQ | defense planning questionnaire | |
DPSK | differential phase shift keyed | |
DQDB | distributed queue dual bus | |
DRA | defense research agency | UK |
DRAS | DFS reply analysis system | |
DRC | Defence Review Committee | |
DRG | defence research group | |
DRR | Defense Requirements Review | |
DRS | draft requirement statement | |
DS | decision sheet | |
DS | Defense Support Division | NATO IS division |
DS | directory services | |
DS | draft STANAG | |
DSA | defense shipping agency | |
DSA | directory service agent | AC/317-N/846 |
DSA | directory system agent | AC/317-N/846 |
DSATS | Digital SHAPE Area Transmission System | |
DSCS | Defense Satellite Communications System (US) | STC CSNI final report 22/9/95 |
DSE | Data Switching Equipment | |
DSF | depoyed SHED facility | |
DSN | Defense Switched Network | |
DSN | digital switched network | |
DSP | directory system protocol | |
DSP | domain specific part | |
DSS | data server system | |
DSS | digital signature standard | |
DSSS | direct sequence spread spectrum | |
DSSSL | document style semantics and specification language | |
DST | decision support tools | |
DTA | division technical advisor | |
DTBR | down time before repair | ACE ACCIS core cap specs |
DTC | department of trade and commerce | |
DTD | data transfer device | |
DTD | document type definition | ACE ACCIS core cap specs |
DTE | data terminal equipment | |
DTE | data terminating equipment | CCITT |
DTED | digital terrain evaluation data | ACE ACCIS core cap specs |
DTL | Daily Target List | |
DTMP | data comm. protocol standards technical managem. panel | |
DTR | draft technical report | |
DTS | data terminal set | |
DU | dial up | |
DUA | directory user agent | |
DUSS | data unit specific software | |
DÜV | Datenübertragungs- und -vermittlungssystem | |
DVITS | digital video image transmission system | |
DWS | distributed wargaming system | |
DXS | digital cross-connect |