Acronyms | Meaning / Significance | Source |
W3C | World Wide Web Consortium | |
WABI | Windows Application Binary Interface | |
WADGNSS | Wide Area Differential Global Navigation Satellite System | |
WAIT | WWMCCS ADP Interface Terminal | |
WAN | Wide Area Network | |
WARC | World Administrative Radio Conference | |
WARM | war reserve mode | MC 64/5, NEWAC |
WAS | Wide Area Subsystem | |
WAS | wide area surveillance | |
WASP | wartime application software project | |
WAVELL | UK tactical ADP CCIS | |
WBS | Work Breakdown Structure | STC CSNI final report 22/9/95 |
WBSVS | wide band secure voice system | |
WC-CAP | War Consumables Calculation | |
WCB | wartime contingency base | |
WCO | Weapon Control Order | |
WD | working draft | ISO |
WDIC | war damage information centre | |
WEAG | Western European Armaments Group | |
WEU | Western European Union | |
WEZ | weapon engagement zone | |
WG | working group | |
WG/WC | MCMG working group on weather communications | |
WG/WP | MCMG working group on weather plans | |
WGI | workstation guard interface | |
WGNCE | working group of national communication experts | |
WHIDDS | war headquarter information dissemination and display system | SHAPE PWHQ |
WHQ | War Headquarters | AC/317-N/798 |
WHQ | wartime headquarter | |
WI | Warning Installation | |
WI | working instructions | |
WIN | WWMCCS Interconnect Network | |
WIS | WWMCCS Information System | |
WLOC | wartime line of communications | |
WOC | wartime operation centre | |
WOC | Wing Operations Centre | ACCS |
WP | Working Party | |
WP | Working Paper | |
WPC | warrior preparation centre | |
WPIS | Warsaw pact intelligence service | |
WPM | word per minute | |
WS | workstation | |
WSEM | workstation electronic module | |
WTO | Warsaw Treaty Organisation | |
WWMCCS | World Wide Military Command and Control System | |
WWS | WIS workstation | |
WWW | World Wide Web | |
WXR | radiosonde station | |
WY | weapon yield | |
WYSIAWYG | what you see is almost what you get | |
WYSIWYG | what you see is what you get |