Acronyms | Meaning / Significance | Source |
E3 | end-to-end encryption | |
E3A | EWAC airplane | |
EA | evolutionary acquisition | |
EAD | extended air defense | |
EAM | emergency action message | |
EANPG | European air navigation planning group | |
EASE | EIFEL automated support element | |
EASEE | European aerospace and defense systems engineering environment | consultancy work on life cycle |
EASIE | enhanched air traffic managem. and mode S implementation in Europe | |
EATCHIP | European ATC harmonization and intergration project | |
EATMS | European air traffic management system | |
EAU | emergency action unit | AVCN=EAU+EWDT+EWVX+SCARS |
EBC | Evolutionary BICES Capabilities | |
EBC | evolutionary BICES capability | |
EBCDIC | extended binary coded decimal interchange code | |
EBD | enhanced Bright Dawn | |
EC | European community | |
EC | evaluation centre | early warning installation |
EC | event criterion | |
ECAC | electromagnetic compatibility analysis centre | |
ECAC | European civil aviation conference | |
ECCM | electronic counter-counter measures | |
ECF | essential command function | |
ECHO | evolutionary capability for HQ operations | |
ECM | electronic counter measure | |
ECMA | European computer manufacturers association | |
ECO | emergency communications overlay | |
ECONC | economic committee | |
ECP | deployable systems elements | |
Ed | edition | |
ED | electronic deception | |
ED | existencial dependency | data management |
EDAR | estimated date of authorisation request | |
EDC | effective date of contract | |
EDC | error detection and correction | |
EDC | estimated date of completion | |
EDC | estimated date of completion | |
EDD | electronic data display | |
EDDS | European data distribution system | |
EDI | electronic data interchange | |
EDIFACT | EDI for admin, commerce and transp. | |
EDIM | electronic data interchange message | |
EDIMS | electronic data interchange message system | |
EDIP | European defense improvement programme | |
EDO | ACE ACCIS core cap specs | |
EDP | emergency defence plan | |
EDR | entry date record | |
EDS | estimated time of start | |
EDSL | executive display system limited | |
EDSS1 | European Digital Subscriber Signaling System 1 | |
EDX | electronic data exchange | |
EE | emergency establishment | |
EE | European economy | |
EEC | European economic community | |
EECF | emergency essential command function | |
EEDB | E3A emitters data base | |
EEFI | essential element of friendly information | |
EEI | external environment interface | AC/317(WG/2)WP/94 |
EF | enemy forces | |
EFA | European fighter aircraft | |
EFC | emergency frequency cell | |
EGC | expert group on communications | |
EGP | exterior gateway protocol | |
EHF | extra high frequency | STC CSNI final report 22/9/95 |
EHF | extremely high frequencies | APD 04.05.03 (95)04 |
EIDE | ACE ACCIS core cap specs | |
EIRP | effective isotropic radiated power | APD 04.05.03 (95)04 |
EIRP | equivalent isotropic radiated power | PIRE |
EIS | Electronic Information System | |
EISA | Extended Industry Standard Architecture | |
EKD | electronic key distribution | |
EKDS | electronic key distribution system | |
EKMC | extended key mission component | |
EKMS | electronic key management system | |
EKONET | experimental communication network (GE) | STC CSNI final report 22/9/95 |
ELINT | electronic intelligence | |
ELM | extended length message | |
ELOS | extended line of sight | STC CSNI final report 22/9/95 |
EMB | executive management board | |
EMC | electromagnetic compatibility | |
EMCON | emission control | |
EMI | electromagnetic interference | |
EMI | Etat-Major Militaire International | |
EMIDS | electronic message intelligence distribution system | |
EMP | electromagnetic pulse | |
EMPP | electromagnetic pulse protection | AC/317/SEC/95/47 |
EMV | elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit | |
ENTG | EURO NATO training group | |
EO | electro-optic | |
EOB | Electronic Order of Battle | |
EOC | early operating capability | |
EOCCM | electro-optical counter-counter measure | |
EOW | electronic order wire | |
EOW | engineering order wire | satellite communication |
EPHOS | European procurement handbook for open systems | |
EPIS | evolutionary procurement of information system | |
EPL | evaluated product list | |
EPLC | electronically programmable logic component | |
EPLD | electronically programmable logic device | |
EPM | electronic protection measures | APD 04.05.03 (95)04 |
EPM | electronic protective measure | |
EPMB | EASIE programme management board | |
EPMS | BiMNC exercise policy and mix study | CP 5A0008 |
EPO | embryonic project office | |
EPR | exploitation privee reconnue | |
EPS | embryonic project structure | AGS core capability |
ERA | entity - relationship - attitude | |
ERCS | ECM resistant communication system | |
EROE | electronic rule of engegement | |
ERP | effective radiated power | |
ES | end system | |
ESA | European Satellite Agency | |
ESCS | Engineering Service Channel System | |
ESD | electronic systems division | |
ESDI | European strategic defence identity | |
ESE | Electronic Security Environment | |
ESG | executive steering group | |
ESG | exercise steering group | CIS-ESG |
ESI | extremely sensitive information | |
ESM | electronic support measure | |
ESOF | east spacecraft operations facility | satellite communication |
ESOF | enhanced satellite operating facility | weekly minutes 6-12-95 |
ESOF | enhanced satellite operations facility | APD 04.05.03 (95)04 |
ESP | early service provision | |
ESR | emergency Sun re-acquisition | APD 04.05.03 (95)04 |
ESS | EBC Server Subsystem | |
ESS | Entity Segment Specifications | |
ESS | equipment set specifications | |
ESS 1 | European Signalling System Number 1 | |
ESTELLE | formal description technique based on extended stat transition model | |
ETA | estimated time of arrival | |
ETD | estimated time of departure | |
ETESEC | end-to-end security | |
ETS | European telephone system | |
ETSI | European telecommunications standardization institute | |
EUDAC | European Distribution and Accounting Agency | MC 108/5 |
EUIDAB | EUCOM Intelligence Database | |
EURET | European research in transport | |
EUROCOM | European communications standard | |
EUS | EBC User Subsystem | |
EUSEC | European communications security and evaluation agency | MC 108/5 |
EUTELSAT | European telecommunications satellite | APD 04.05.03 (95)04 |
EW | early warning | |
EW | electronic warfare | APD 04.05.03 (95)04 |
EWCC | electronic warfare coordination cell | AC/317(WG/1)N/642 |
EWDT | early warning data terminal | AVCN=EAU+EWDT+EWVX+SCARS |
EWF | electronic warfare | |
EWIR | reel emitter data base furnished with F-16 | |
EWMS | EW mutual support | |
EWOS | European workshop for open systems | |
EWPD | EATCHIP work programme document | |
EWRC | EW review committee | |
EWVX | early warning voice transmission system | AVCN=EAU+EWDT+EWVX+SCARS |
EXA | assistent executive secretary for administration | |
EXCIMS | executive committee for modelling and simulation | |
EXM | assistent executive secretary for management | |
EXS | executive secretary |