Acronyms | Meaning / Significance | Source |
UA | User Agent | ITU-T recommendation X.400 |
UA | User Area | |
UAC | Upper Area Control Center | |
UAV | unmanned air vehivle | |
UAV | unmanned airial vehicle | |
UCI | unite de compte internalional | |
UD | user domain | |
UDP | user data protocol | STC CSNI final report 22/9/95 |
UDP | user datagram protocol | |
UFO | UHF follow-on programme | |
UFV | user field verification | ACCIS |
UHF | Ultra High Frequency | |
UI | UNIX international | |
UIC | Unit Identification Code | |
UIDL | user interface definition language | |
UIMS | user interface management system | |
UISRM | user interface system reference model | |
UKADGE | United Kingdom Air Defence Ground Environment | |
ULA | Upper Layer Architecture | |
ULC | US Liaison Cell | |
UMA | unmanned aircraft | |
UMO | Unconventional Military Operation | |
UMP | universal modem programme | |
UMS | Universal Modem System | |
UMTS | universal mobile telecommunications system | |
UN | United Nations | |
UNCTAD | UN Conference on Trade and Development | |
UNESCO | UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation | |
UNHCR | UN High Commission for Refugees | |
UNITER | part of RAFFTS with switching and bulk encrypted 2MB links | |
UNOCHA | UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs | |
UNPROFOR | UN Protection Force | |
UNSC | UN Security Council | |
UPS | Uninterruptable Power Supply | |
US TACS | US Theater Air Control System | |
USA | United States of America | |
USD | User Service Division | |
USSP | US special programme | financial compensation |
UTM | Universal Trans Mercator | |
UTP | Unshielded Twisted Pair cable | |
UWS | Universal Workstation |