Acronyms | Meaning / Significance | Source |
N | Notice (Working Paper) | |
NAAG | NATO Army Armaments Group | |
NABS | NATO air base SATCOM | US mobile satellite terminal |
NABS | NATO air base satellite system | AC/317(WG/1)N/606 |
NAC | North Atlantic Council | |
NACC | NACISA aviation control cell | |
NACC | North Atlantic cooperation council | |
NACCIS | North Atlantic Command & Control Information System | |
NACISA | NATO CIS Agency | Subsumed within NC3A |
NACISC | NATO Communications and Information Systems Committee | Responsibilities assumed by NC3B |
NACISO | NATO CIS organisation | |
NACMA | NATO ACCS management agency | |
NACMO | NATO ACCS management organization | |
NACOSA | NATO CIS Operating and Support Agency | |
NACSI | NATO advisory committee on special intelligence | |
NAD | NACISA ATM Database | |
NAD | national armaments director | |
NADC | NATO air defence committee | |
NADDO | NATO design and development objective | |
NADEEC | NATO air defence electronic environment committee | |
NADGE | NATO air defence ground environment | |
NADI | national disengagement intention | |
NADREP | national armament director representative | |
NADS | North Atlantic defence system | |
NAE | National Adminstrative Expense | |
NAEGIS | NATO AEW Ground Environment Integration Segment | |
NAEW | NATO airborne early warning | AC/259(SURV)N/21 |
NAEW&C | NATO airborne early warning and control system | AC/317-N/798 |
NAEWF | NATO Airborne Early Warning Force | |
NAFAG | NATO air force armaments group | |
NAFIN | Netherland armed forces integrated network | |
NAFIN | Netherlands Armed Forces Integrated Network | |
NAH | NACISA ATM Handbook | |
NAIS | Norwegian Aeronautical Information System | |
NALLA | National Allied Long Lines Agency | |
NALS | national logistic support | |
NAMILCOM | North Atlantic Military Committee | |
NAMMO | NATO multi-role combat aircraft development and production management office | |
NAMP | NATO annual manpower plan | |
NAMSA | NATO Maintenance and Supply Agency | |
NAMSO | NATO maintenance and supply organization | |
NANNAS | NATO net-number assignment system | |
NAPMA | NATO AEW&C Programme Management Agency | |
NAPMA | NATO AWAC progamme management agency | |
NAPMO | NAEW&C programme management organization | AC/317-N/798 |
NAPO | NATO production objective | |
NAPR | NATO armaments planning review | |
NAS | network access system | |
NAS | Network Administration System | |
NASEWP | NATO SATCOM enhancement working parts | |
NASIP | NAEW System Improvement Plan | |
NASIS | NATO subject indicator sytem | |
NASNET | NATO switched network | |
NATEX | national expert | |
NATINAD | NATO Integrated Air Defence | |
NATINADS | NATO integrated air defence system | |
NATO | North Atlantic Treaty Organization | |
NATOCLIP | NATO commanders long term infrastructure plan | AC/317-N/798 |
NATOCLIP | NATO Commanders' Listing of Infrasructure Projects | |
NATS | National Air Traffic Services | |
NB | maval base | |
NBC | Nuclear, Biological and Chemical | |
NBDS | narrow band digital system | |
NBS | NATO Base Standard | |
NBSV | narrow band secure voice | STC TN-006 |
NBSVE | narrow band secure voice equipment | |
NBSVS | narrow band secure voice system | NACISA/APD/04.07.00(95)001 |
NC | NATO confidential | |
NC3-PCO | NATO Consultation, Command and Control (C3) - Planning Coordination Office | |
NC3-PSG | NATO C3 - Planning Steering Group | |
NC3A | NATO C3 Agency | |
NC3B | NATO C3 Board | |
NC3CO | NATO C3 coordination office | |
NC3MP | NATO C3 Master Plan | To be replaced by NATO C3 Improvement Plan |
NC3O | NATO C3 Organisation | |
NC3P-CMG | NATO C3 Planning - Coordination Management Group | |
NC3R | NATO C3 Restructuring Team | |
NC3REPs | Group of National C3 REPresentatives | |
NC3RT | NATO C3 Restructuring Team | |
NCAA | National Civil Aviation Agency | |
NCAA | NATO civil aviation agency | |
NCAB | NATO civil aviation board | |
NCAIC | national civil aviation information centre | |
NCAP | NATO conventional armaments plan | |
NCB | national competitive bidding | |
NCC | national control centre | |
NCC | Network Control Center | |
NCCAP | NATO CIS contingency assets pool | AC/317/SEC/94/19 |
NCCCS | NATO C3 system | |
NCCDPC | replaced by NACISC in 1987 | |
NCCIS | NATO Command and Control Information System | |
NCCP | Nuclear Command & Control Procedure | |
NCDN | NATO common user data transfer network | |
NCDS | NATO common user data transfer system | |
NCEB | replaced by NACISC in 1987 | |
NCEP | NATO Civil Emergency Planning | |
NCEPA | NATO Civil Emergency Planning Authority | |
NCFI | NATO common funded infrastructure | |
NCIR | National CI Representative | |
NCIS | NATO Common Interoperability Standards | |
NCIS | NATO communication and information system | |
NCIS | NATO Communications Interoperability Standards | |
NCISCMP | NCIS configuration management plan | |
NCMB | NATO CALS management board | |
NCN | NATO common user network | |
NCN | NATO communication network | AC/317-N/560 |
NCN | NATO core network | |
NCN-NTR | NATO Communications Networks - Near Term Review | |
NCNI | NATO Core Network Interface | |
NCP | network control point | |
NCPA | NATO civil peacetime agency | |
NCS | NATO committee for standardisation | |
NCS | NATO communications school | |
NCS | NATO Core Switch | |
NCS | naval combat system | |
NCS | Naval Control of Shipping | |
NCS | network control station | STC CSNI final report 22/9/95 |
NCS | Network Control System | |
NCSA | national center for supercomputing applications | ACE ACCIS core cap specs |
NCSARS | naval control of shipping automated routing system | |
NCSC | national computer security centre | |
NCTI | Non Co-operative Target Identification | |
NCWA | NATO Civil Wartime Agency | NCEP |
NDA | National Distribution Agency | |
NDA | national distribution authority | |
NDA | NATO data administration | |
NDA | NATO data administrator | |
NDAC | nuclear defence affairs committee | |
NDAG | NATO Data Administration Group | |
NDAO | NATO Data Administration Office | |
NDAP | NATO data administration programme | ADSIA(ADP)-C-007-96 |
NDC | NATO defense college | |
NDDN | NATO digital data network | |
NDDN | Norwegian Defence Digital Network | Ex Strong Resolve 95 |
NDI | Nationality Identifier | |
NDI | Non - developmental Items | |
NDIS | network driver interface specifications | |
NDL | Database Language | |
NDMA | NATO Data Management Authority | |
NDMA | NATO Directory Management Authority | |
NDMC | NATO Defence Manpower Committee | |
NDMD | NATO data management doctrine | |
NDMD | NATO Directory Management Domain | |
NDMO | NATO data management operations | |
NDMP | NATO Defence Manpower Plan | |
NDN | national data network | |
NDN | National Defence Network | |
NDSN | NATO digital switched network | |
NDSS | NAMSA Depot Supply System | |
NDTMS | NATO wide data and transport messaging service | AC/317-N/841 |
NDTS | NATO data transfer service | |
NEC | Nothern European Command | |
NECCIP | NEC communications improvement plan | |
NECS | NATO emergency communications system | |
NEDB | NATO emitter data base | |
NEDBAG | NATO emitter data base advisory group | |
NEFMA | NATO EFA developm., production & logistic managem. agency | |
NEMCA | NATO electro-magnetic compatibility analysis | |
NEMR | North East military region | |
NES | NATO ESM system | |
NETBEUI | Network BIOS Enhanced User Interface | |
NETBIOS | Network Basic Input/Output System | |
NETF | NATO expanded task force | |
NETMAX | network management information exchange | |
NEWAC | NATO electronic warfare advisory committee | |
NEWMAG | NATO EW monitor and assessment group | cancelled in 1989 |
NEWVAN | NATO EW van | MEWSG phase III |
NEWWG | NATO electronic warfare working group | |
NFI | NATO Format Identifier | |
NFS | NATO forces structure | |
NFS | NATO Furnished Sofware | |
NFS | Network File System | |
NGCS | NATO GPS Communication System | |
NGIFF | New Generation IFF | |
NGTS | NICS general technical specification | |
NHMO | NATO HAWK management office | |
NHPLO | NATO HAWK production and logistic organization | |
NIADS | NATO integrated air defence system | |
NIAG | NATO industrial advisory group | |
NIB | NATO intelligence board | |
NIB | non interference basis | |
NICS | NATO Integrated Communication System | |
NICSMA | NICS Management Agency | Predecessor organisation of NACISA and NACOSA |
NICSOI | NICS Operation Instruction | |
NICT | national information centre for transport | |
NID | network inside dialling | |
NID | network intrusion detection | |
NIDS | NATO integrated data service | |
NIDS | NATO integrated data system | |
NIDTS | NATO initial common user data transfer service | NACISA/APD/04.07.00(95)001 |
NIDTS | NATO Initial Data Transfer Service | |
NIDTS | NATO Integrated Digital Transmission System | |
NIES | New Information Exchange System | |
NIF | NATO Interoperability Framework | NRC/3-N(96)1 Rev. 7.2.96 |
NIFS | NATO Integrated Financial System | |
NIFTI | NATO interoperability framework initiative | weekly minutes 6-12-95 |
NIG | NCN / IVSN Gateway | |
NIIS | NATO interconnected information system | |
NILE | NICS Improved Link 11 | HF management maritime link |
NILS | Naval Information Link-up System | |
NILS | Network Internal Layer Structure | |
NIMD | NATO International Management Domain | |
NIMIC | NATO intensive munitions information centre | |
NIMISS | NATO Integral Maritime Intelligence Support System | |
NIMP | NATO Interoperability Management Plan (Short-form) | |
NIP | NADGE implementation plan | |
NIPD | NATO interoperability planning document | |
NIS | NATO Identification System | |
NIS | NATO International Staff | |
NISA | NATO ISDN Security Architecture | |
NISCO | NATO Identification System Coordintion Office | |
NISEC | NATO Identification System Employment Concept | |
NISEG | NATO in-service goals | |
NISSIM | NIS-Simulator | |
NIST | national institute of standards and technology | |
NJCEC | NATO joint communications and electronics board | |
NJFA | NATO Joint Frequency Agreement | |
NJOTS | Naval Joint Operations Tactical System | |
NL | Network Layer | |
NLC | national logistic command | |
NLO | National Liaison Officer | |
NLSO | NATO logistics support organisation | |
NLSP | network layer security protocol | |
NM | network management | Ex Strong Resolve 95 |
NMA | NATO Military Authority | |
NMAG | NATO Naval Armaments Group | |
NMC | Network Management Centre | |
NMCC | Network Management and Control Centre | |
NMD | NATO Management Domain | |
NMICC | NATO maritime intelligence coordination centre | |
NMICCACS | NATO Maritime Intelligence Coordination Centre Atlantic Computer System | |
NMIS | NATO management information system | |
NMNP | NATO master navigation plan | |
NMO | network management office | |
NMOS | NATO Maritime Op-Intel System | |
NMOS | NATO Maritime Operation and Intelligence Support | |
NMPA | NATO maritime patrol aircraft | |
NMR | National Military Representative | |
NMR | NATO military requirement | |
NMS | NATO message system | |
NMT | National Movement Team | |
NNCC | NATO network control centre | |
NNCS | NICS network control system | |
NNCS2 | NATO Network Control System - Project 2 | |
NNDB | NICS network data base | |
NNG | NATO/National Gateway | |
NNMT | NATO national MMHS team | AC/317-N/846 |
NNPS | NATO nuclear planning system | CP 5A0015 |
NNS | non NICS subscriber | |
NOAPS | NATO Oceanographic and Acoustic Prediction System | |
NOB | NATO oil board | |
NOB | Naval Order of Battle | |
NOC | NATO operating centre | |
NOD | network outside dialling | |
NODECA | Norwegian Defense Communication Agency | |
NOIS | NATO Operational Interoperabilty Standards | |
NOMAN | NTTS operations and management | |
NOP | nuclear operation plan | |
NORCCIS | Norwegian CCIS | |
NORLANT | Northern sub-area Atlantic | |
NOS | NATO office of security | AC/317-N/846 |
NOSA | NATO open security architecture | repl. by STANAG 4250-2 |
NOSA | NATO Open Systems Architecture | |
NOSA | NATO open systems security architecture | |
NOSA | NATO OSI Security Architecture | |
NOSE | NATO open systems environment | NACISA/APD/04.07.00(95)001 |
NOSIP | NATO open systems interconnection profile | AC/302-D/700 rev |
NOTS | NATO Off-The-Shelf (software) | |
NP | Network Protocol | |
NPC | NATO Programming Center | |
NPDU | network protocol data unit | STC CSNI final report 22/9/95 |
NPG | Nuclear Planning Group | |
NPICS | NATO Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement | |
NPIS | NATO Procedural Interoperability Standards | |
NPLO | NATO Production and Logistic Organisation | |
NPM | national project manager | STC CSNI final report 22/9/95 |
NPRL | NATO Profile Requirements List | |
NPS | NATO precautionary system | |
NPS | nuclear planning system | |
NPSC | NATO project steering committee | |
NR | NATO restricted | |
NRA | NATO refugees agency | |
NRC | naval reporting centre | |
NRL | Naval Research Laboratory (US) | |
NRM | NATO Reference Model | |
NRP | NATO reference point | |
NRP | NATO Registration Procedure | |
NRSG | NATO rationalisation sub-group | |
NRSG | Network Rationalisation Sub-Group | |
NRT | near real time | |
NS | NATO secret | |
NS | Network Service | |
NSA | National Security Agency (US) | |
NSA | national shipping authority | NCEPA |
NSA | NATO standardisation agency | |
NSAP | Network Service Access Point | |
NSC | NATO security committee | |
NSC | network security centre | |
NSCC | nuclear support coordination centre | |
NSD | NATO Support Depot | |
NSD | Network Service Division | |
NSIP | NATO security investment programme | |
NSIS | NATO standard interface specification | |
NSM | nuclear strike message | |
NSMS | NATO spectrum management system | |
NSO | NATO Standardisation Office | |
NSP | NATO standardization programme | |
NSP | NATO Standardized Profile | |
NSP | nuclear strike plan | |
NSPICS | NATO ISO Standardized Profile Implementation Conformance Statement | |
NSR | NATO staff requirement | |
NST | NATO Staff Target | |
NSTN | Naval Shore Telecommunication Network | |
NSU | nodal switching unit | |
NSVN | NATO secure voice equipment | |
NSWG | NACSI special working group | |
NT | Network Termination | |
NT | Northern Telecom | |
NTC | national terretorial command | |
NTCF | NATO tactical fighter centre | |
NTDI | NATO Target Data Inventory | |
NTDS | naval tactical data transmission system | STC CSNI final report 22/9/95 |
NTG | NATO task group | |
NTIB | NATO tactical intelligence broadcast | |
NTIS | national technical information service | |
NTIS | NATO Technical Interoperability Standards | |
NTISTS | NATO technical interface standards transition strategy | NACISA USD 23.01.00(93)01 |
NTM | national technical manager | STC CSNI final report 22/9/95 |
NTM | network terminal modem | |
NTN | national tactical network | |
NTN | NATO transit network | |
NTPDS | NATO transit packet data switching | |
NTTS | NATO terrestrial transmission system | STC TN-222 |
NU | NATO unclassified | |
NUSS | NATO universal security system | |
NWCN | NATO-wide communication network | |
NWCS | NATO-wide communications system | |
NWE | Nuclear Weapons Effects | |
NWOO | NATO wartime oil organisation | |
NWRP | nuclear weapons release procedures | |
NWTI | Nuclear Weapon Technical Inspection |