Acronyms | Meaning / Significance | Source |
P | Protocol | |
P (e/F) | Probability of an enemy being declared as friend | |
P (f/F) | Probability of a friend being declared as friend | |
P&I | Privleges and Immunities Section | |
P&P | plan and policy division | NATO IMS |
P&P | Precedence and Preemption | |
P-T-P | Point-to-Point | |
PA | Partly ACCs | |
PA | Political Affairs division | NATO IS |
PABX | private automatic branch exchange | STC TM-731 |
PACE | packet sized crypto equipment | |
PAD | Packet Assembler/Diassembler | |
PAD | preliminary analysis document | |
PAD | provisional acceptance date | |
PADP | Panel on Air Defence Philosophy | |
PADW | panel on air defence weapons | |
PAGODA | profile allignment group for ODA | |
PAH | Panzerabwehrhubschrauber | |
PAIS | Prototype ACE Intelligence Software | |
PAIS | prototype ACE intelligence system | Ex Strong Resolve 95 |
PALS | precision approach and landing systems | |
PAMCS | panel on the airspace management and control system | |
PAO | public affairs office | |
PAPS | Phased Armament Planning System | |
PARP | (PfP) Planning and Review Process | |
PAS | protected aircraft shelter | |
PAS | protection of allied shipping | |
PAS | publicly available standard | STC CSNI final report 22/9/95 |
PASC | portable applications standards committee | |
PAT | production acceptance test | |
PB&Cs | Planning Boards & Committees | PPC,FAPC,IPC,CAPC,PBOS,CDC,CCPC... |
PBEIST | Planning Board for European Inland Surface transport | |
PBOS | Planning Board for Ocean Shipping | |
PC | personal computer | |
PC | Political Committee | |
PC | Political Consultation | |
PCB | Program Control Board | |
PCC | partnership coordination cell | |
PCC | Polygone Coordination Center | |
PCCM | political consultation and crisis management | |
PCI | Protocol Control Information | |
PCIS | Portable Common Interface Set | |
PCM | Package Coordination Meeting | |
PCM | pulse code modulated | STC TM-731 |
PCM | Pulse Code Modulation | |
PCMCIA | personal computer memory card international association | |
PCMP | Purchaser Coordination Master Plan | |
PCN | private communications network | |
PCNCEP | Political Consultation and NATO Civil Emergency Planning | |
PCTE | portable common tools environment | |
PCU | plan civil d'urgence | |
PD | project definition | |
PD | pulse doppler | |
PD | pulse duration | |
PDAD | Proposed Draft Addendum | |
PDES | product data exchange using STEP | |
PDISP | Proposed Draft International Standardized Profile | |
PDN | Public Data Network | |
PDNSP | Proposed Draft NATO Standardized Profile | |
PDP | peripheral data processor | |
PDS | Programm Development System | |
PDS | project data sheet | CP |
PDS | project design study | |
PDTR | proposed draft technical report | |
PDU | Protocol Data Unit | |
PE | peacetime establishment | |
PEB | Project Evaluation Board | |
PET | Project Evaluation Team | |
PEX | PHIGS extension to X-Windows | |
PfP | Partners for Peace | |
PfP | partnership for peace | |
PG | Project-Group | |
Ph | Physical | |
PHARE | Programme for Harmonized Research in EUROCONTROL | |
PHIGS | programmer's hierarchical interactive graphics system | |
PhP | Physical Protocol | |
PHQ | peace headquarters | NACISA USD 23.01.00(93)01 |
PhS | Physical Service | |
PIA | public information advisor | |
PIC | public information committee | |
PICS | Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement | |
PID | Probability of Identification | |
PIN | Personal Identification Number | |
PIOC | Programmable I/O Controller | |
PIP | project implementation plan | |
PIWG | permanent interoperability working group | |
PIXIT | Protocol Implementation Conformance Extra Information | |
PKI | public key infrastructure | AC/317-N/846 |
PKO | peace keeping operation | |
PKS | Pixelkoordinatensystem | |
PLCMB | Project Level Configuration Management Board | |
PLP | Packet Level Protocol | |
PLS | Physical Signalling | |
PLSS | precision location strike system | |
PLV | Posterior Likelihood Vector | |
PM | Project Manager | |
PMD | Physical Medium Dependent (Sublayer 1a FDDI) | |
PME | Principal Mission Elements | |
PMG | Program Management Group | |
PMO | project management office | |
PMP | programme management plan | |
PMSAHG | AHG on cooperation in peace-keeping | |
PMSC | political-military steering committee on PfP | |
PMSTSG | PMSC technical sub-group | |
PNP | Private Numbering Plan | |
PO | participating organization | STC CSNI final report 22/9/95 |
PO | Personnel Officer | |
PO | private office | |
PO | project officer | |
POACCS | Portuguese air command and control system | |
POB | policy and operations branch | |
POC | point of contact | |
PODICS | Portuguese defence integrated communication system | |
POMCUS | prepositioning of organizational material configured in unit site | |
POMSS | prepositioned organizational material set storage | |
POP | point of presence | |
POP | proof of principles | AC/4(WG29)DS/139 |
POSI | Promoting Conference for OSI | |
POSIX | portable OS interface (for computer environments) | |
POTL | participating organization task leader | STC CSNI final report 22/9/95 |
POW | programme of work | |
PP | Presentation Protocol | |
PPC | payment and progress committee | |
PPC | petroleum planning committee | |
PPCG | provisional policy coordination group | |
PPLI | Precise Participant Location and Identifier | |
PPM | Page per Minute | |
PPM | Pulse Position Modulation | |
PPP | point to point protocol | |
PPS | precision and positioning system | |
PPTC | point-to-point telegraph centre | |
PRA | Primary Pate Access | |
PRB | priority review board | |
prENV | Draft European Prestandard | |
PRF | pulse repetition frequency | RADAR |
PRI | pulse recurrance interval | RADAR |
PRM | Protocol Reference Model | |
PRMD | Private Management Domains | |
PROMES | project and resource management system | |
PS | Peace Support | |
PS | Presentation Service | |
PSA | procedure de suppression automatique | |
PSA | Provisional Site Acceptance | |
PSAP | Presentation Service Access Point | |
PSC | principal subordinate command | |
PSDN | Packet Switched Data Network | |
PSF | principal staff function | |
PSF | production sharing formula | |
PSG | principal subordinate group | |
PSLO | posteal service liaison officer | |
PSN | packet switched network | |
PSN | Public Switched Network | |
PSO | Peace Support Operation | |
PSPDN | Packet Switched Public Data Network | |
PSR | production sharing report | |
PSTN | Public Switched Telephone Network | |
PSVP | pilot secure voice project | |
PTA | Principal Technical Adviser | |
PTFS | precise time and frequency standard | |
PTMP | project test management plan | |
PTN | Public Telephone Network | |
PTO | primary telecommunications operator | STC CSNI final report 22/9/95 |
PTO | Private Telecommunications Operator | |
PTO | public telecommunications operator | AC/317-N/798 |
PTO | public telecommunications organization | |
PTOC | Peacetime Operation Center | |
PTOC | Peacetime Operation Center | |
PTP | patch and test panel | |
PTP | Point to Point | |
PTT | post, telegraph and telephone | |
PU | participating unit | |
PUP | pick-up point | |
PVC | Permanent Virtual Circuit | |
PW | pulse width | RADAR |
PWG | Permanent Working Group | |
PWG | Planning Working Group | |
PWHQ | Permanent War Headquarters | |
PWHQ | primary war headquarters | |
PWP | partnership work programme | |
PIMS | PfP information managament system | US system |