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AcronymsMeaning /
UAUser AgentITU-T recommendation X.400
UAUser Area
UACUpper Area Control Center
UAVunmanned air vehivle
UAVunmanned airial vehicle
UCIunite de compte internalional
UDuser domain
UDPuser data protocolSTC CSNI final report 22/9/95
UDPuser datagram protocol
UFOUHF follow-on programme
UFVuser field verificationACCIS
UHFUltra High Frequency
UIUNIX international
UICUnit Identification Code
UIDLuser interface definition language
UIMSuser interface management system
UISRMuser interface system reference model
UKADGEUnited Kingdom Air Defence Ground Environment
ULAUpper Layer Architecture
ULCUS Liaison Cell
UMAunmanned aircraft
UMOUnconventional Military Operation
UMPuniversal modem programme
UMSUniversal Modem System
UMTSuniversal mobile telecommunications system
UNUnited Nations
UNCTADUN Conference on Trade and Development
UNESCOUN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation
UNHCRUN High Commission for Refugees
UNITERpart of RAFFTS with switching and bulk encrypted 2MB links
UNOCHAUN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
UNPROFORUN Protection Force
UNSCUN Security Council
UPSUninterruptable Power Supply
US TACSUS Theater Air Control System
USAUnited States of America
USDUser Service Division
USSPUS special programmefinancial compensation
UTMUniversal Trans Mercator
UTPUnshielded Twisted Pair cable
UWSUniversal Workstation
Last Updated on Sep 23, 1999
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