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AcronymsMeaning /
L&Rlogistics and resources division
LALegal Advicer
LACSLANDCENT Area Communications System
LAFPLADland forces planning document
LAMline access module
LANlocal area network
LANDCENTLand Forces Central Europe
LANLLos Alamos national laboratory
LAPline access protocol
LAP BLink Access Procedures, Version B
LAP DLink Access Procedures, Version D
LAPBlink access protocol B
LASLocal Area Subsystem
LBUland based user
LCCLife Cycle Cost
LCClogistic coordination centre
LCDLiquid Crystal Display
LCELatest Cost Estimate
LCFlife cycle frameworkconsultancy work on life cycles
LCMlife cycle modelconsultancy work on life cycles
LCOlocal control organizationOCO
LCPLeased Circuit Programme
LCPMlife cycle process modelconsultancy work on life cycles
LCZland combat zone
LDLateral Dispersal
LDRlow data rate
LEBlink expansion box
LEWWGland EW working group
LHLine Hunting
LISAlink message standard in support of ACCS
LIUline indicator unit
LIVE OAKSATCOM between SHAPE and Berlin
LIZLage- und Informationszentrum
LLCLogical Link Control
LLPleased long line programme
LLPlink layer protocolSTC CSNI final report 22/9/95
LLRSlow level radar surveillance
LLTRLow Level Transit Route
LMClimited management centre
LMELocal Management Equipment
LMIlogistics management instituteweekly minutes 6-12-95
LOALetter of Acceptance
LOBLogistics Order of Battle
LOClimited operational capabilityACE ACCIS core cap specs
LOClines of communication
LOClogistics operations cell
LOCELimited Operational Capability Europe
LOCELinked Operations Center Europe
LOCElinked ops-intel centres EuropeEx Strong Resolve 95
LOCSTATLines of Communication Status
LOHLight Observation Helicopter
LOILetter of Instruction
LOIletter of intent
LORADLong Range Air Defense
LORANlong range air navigation
LOSline of sight
LOTOSLanguage Of Temporal Ordering of Specification
LPClinear predictive code
LPILow Probability of Intercept
LRCClogistic readiness coordination centre
LRRLong Range Radar
LRRPlong-range recce patrol
LRULowest Replaceable Unit
LSLocal Subscriber
LSBLeast Significant Bit
LSClogistic support command
LSCLogistic Support Concept
LSDlarge screen display
LSDTlow speed data terminal
LSELocal Security Environment
LSElogistic staff element
LSOFLand Status of Forces (User Function)
LSPLocal Sytem Process
LSPlogistics support plan
LTDPlong-term defense programme
LTDPLong Term Defense PlanATCCIS Config Management Plan
LTFFlong-term financial forecast
LTFPlong-term finacial planning
LTIPLong Term Infrastructure Plan
LTPAlong-term planning area
LTPGlong-term planning guideline
LTRLong Term Requirement
LTSSlong term scientific studyCAX
LTUlight terminating unit
LTULine Terminator Unit
LVALarge Vertical Array
LWGland working groupATCA database
Last Updated on Sep 23, 1999
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