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AcronymsMeaning /
E3end-to-end encryption
E3AEWAC airplane
EAevolutionary acquisition
EADextended air defense
EAMemergency action message
EANPGEuropean air navigation planning group
EASEEIFEL automated support element
EASEEEuropean aerospace and defense systems engineering environmentconsultancy work on life cycle
EASIEenhanched air traffic managem. and mode S implementation in Europe
EATCHIPEuropean ATC harmonization and intergration project
EATMSEuropean air traffic management system
EAUemergency action unitAVCN=EAU+EWDT+EWVX+SCARS
EBCEvolutionary BICES Capabilities
EBCevolutionary BICES capability
EBCDICextended binary coded decimal interchange code
EBDenhanced Bright Dawn
ECEuropean community
ECevaluation centreearly warning installation
ECevent criterion
ECACelectromagnetic compatibility analysis centre
ECACEuropean civil aviation conference
ECCMelectronic counter-counter measures
ECFessential command function
ECHOevolutionary capability for HQ operations
ECMelectronic counter measure
ECMAEuropean computer manufacturers association
ECOemergency communications overlay
ECONCeconomic committee
ECPdeployable systems elements
EDelectronic deception
EDexistencial dependencydata management
EDARestimated date of authorisation request
EDCeffective date of contract
EDCerror detection and correction
EDCestimated date of completion
EDCestimated date of completion
EDDelectronic data display
EDDSEuropean data distribution system
EDIelectronic data interchange
EDIFACTEDI for admin, commerce and transp.
EDIMelectronic data interchange message
EDIMSelectronic data interchange message system
EDIPEuropean defense improvement programme
EDOACE ACCIS core cap specs
EDPemergency defence plan
EDRentry date record
EDSestimated time of start
EDSLexecutive display system limited
EDSS1European Digital Subscriber Signaling System 1
EDXelectronic data exchange
EEemergency establishment
EEEuropean economy
EECEuropean economic community
EECFemergency essential command function
EEDBE3A emitters data base
EEFIessential element of friendly information
EEIexternal environment interfaceAC/317(WG/2)WP/94
EFenemy forces
EFAEuropean fighter aircraft
EFCemergency frequency cell
EGCexpert group on communications
EGPexterior gateway protocol
EHFextra high frequencySTC CSNI final report 22/9/95
EHFextremely high frequenciesAPD 04.05.03 (95)04
EIDEACE ACCIS core cap specs
EIRPeffective isotropic radiated powerAPD 04.05.03 (95)04
EIRPequivalent isotropic radiated powerPIRE
EISElectronic Information System
EISAExtended Industry Standard Architecture
EKDelectronic key distribution
EKDSelectronic key distribution system
EKMCextended key mission component
EKMSelectronic key management system
EKONETexperimental communication network (GE)STC CSNI final report 22/9/95
ELINTelectronic intelligence
ELMextended length message
ELOSextended line of sightSTC CSNI final report 22/9/95
EMBexecutive management board
EMCelectromagnetic compatibility
EMCONemission control
EMIelectromagnetic interference
EMIEtat-Major Militaire International
EMIDSelectronic message intelligence distribution system
EMPelectromagnetic pulse
EMPPelectromagnetic pulse protectionAC/317/SEC/95/47
EMVelektromagnetische Verträglichkeit
ENTGEURO NATO training group
EOBElectronic Order of Battle
EOCearly operating capability
EOCCMelectro-optical counter-counter measure
EOWelectronic order wire
EOWengineering order wiresatellite communication
EPHOSEuropean procurement handbook for open systems
EPISevolutionary procurement of information system
EPLevaluated product list
EPLCelectronically programmable logic component
EPLDelectronically programmable logic device
EPMelectronic protection measuresAPD 04.05.03 (95)04
EPMelectronic protective measure
EPMBEASIE programme management board
EPMSBiMNC exercise policy and mix studyCP 5A0008
EPOembryonic project office
EPRexploitation privee reconnue
EPSembryonic project structureAGS core capability
ERAentity - relationship - attitude
ERCSECM resistant communication system
EROEelectronic rule of engegement
ERPeffective radiated power
ESend system
ESAEuropean Satellite Agency
ESCSEngineering Service Channel System
ESDelectronic systems division
ESDIEuropean strategic defence identity
ESEElectronic Security Environment
ESGexecutive steering group
ESGexercise steering groupCIS-ESG
ESIextremely sensitive information
ESMelectronic support measure
ESOFeast spacecraft operations facilitysatellite communication
ESOFenhanced satellite operating facilityweekly minutes 6-12-95
ESOFenhanced satellite operations facilityAPD 04.05.03 (95)04
ESPearly service provision
ESRemergency Sun re-acquisitionAPD 04.05.03 (95)04
ESSEBC Server Subsystem
ESSEntity Segment Specifications
ESSequipment set specifications
ESS 1European Signalling System Number 1
ESTELLEformal description technique based on extended stat transition model
ETAestimated time of arrival
ETDestimated time of departure
ETESECend-to-end security
ETSEuropean telephone system
ETSIEuropean telecommunications standardization institute
EUDACEuropean Distribution and Accounting AgencyMC 108/5
EUIDABEUCOM Intelligence Database
EURETEuropean research in transport
EUROCOMEuropean communications standard
EUSEBC User Subsystem
EUSECEuropean communications security and evaluation agencyMC 108/5
EUTELSATEuropean telecommunications satelliteAPD 04.05.03 (95)04
EWearly warning
EWelectronic warfareAPD 04.05.03 (95)04
EWCCelectronic warfare coordination cellAC/317(WG/1)N/642
EWDTearly warning data terminalAVCN=EAU+EWDT+EWVX+SCARS
EWFelectronic warfare
EWIRreel emitter data base furnished with F-16
EWMSEW mutual support
EWOSEuropean workshop for open systems
EWPDEATCHIP work programme document
EWRCEW review committee
EWVXearly warning voice transmission systemAVCN=EAU+EWDT+EWVX+SCARS
EXAassistent executive secretary for administration
EXCIMSexecutive committee for modelling and simulation
EXMassistent executive secretary for management
EXSexecutive secretary
Last Updated on Sep 23, 1999
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