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AcronymsMeaning /
R&DResearch and Development
RAAredeployment assembly area
RAAPRapid Accelaration of Air Power
RACRegional Air Commander
RACERApid off-line Crypto Equipment
RACEresearch on advanced communications in Europe
RADARRAdio Detection And Ranging
RADATresearch and development in advanced telecommunications
RADNETRADAR Data Interchange Network (RADARdatennetzwerk)
RAFCSSRAF Command Support System
RAFFTSRAF fixed telecommunication system
RAILSrelational analysis of interconnected linkages system
RAMRandom Access Memory
RAMreliability, availability and maintainability
RAOrear area operation
RAOCregional air operations centre
RAPradio access point
RAPrecognized air pictureEx Strong Resolve 95
RAPrestricted access processor
RAPIDErelocatable army processors for intelligence data - Europe
RAPNETRegional ATS Packet Switched Network
RAPSRADAR Data Recording, Analysis and Playback System
RASPEUROCONTROL RADAR Application Specialist Panel
RASPRecognized Air and Surface Picture
RATTRadio Activated Teletype
RCrequired capability
RCCRescue Control Center
RCCNreporting and control communications networkpart of NNCS
RCFEPRADAR Communication Front-End-Processor
RCMCregional communications management centre
RCPremote procedure callSTC CSNI final report 22/9/95
RCPreserved circuit programmepart of NICS
RCWGReplication Coordination Working Group
RDARemote Data Accessor
RDAremote database access
RDBMSRelational Data Base Management System
RDCPRADAR Data Processing System
RDFradio direction-finding
RDNRelative Destinguished Name
RDPSRADAR Data Processing System
RDQCRADAR Data Quality Control
RDRRADAR Data Recording
RECRadio Electronic Combat
RECReply Evaluation Criteria
RELLAregional long-line agency
REMDRadio Encryption and Multiplex Device
REMPRADAR Erneuerungs- und Modifizierungsprogramm
RERradio-electronic reconnaissance
RESRADAR environment simulation
RESradio electronic support
RFRadio Frequency
RFReaction Forces
RFASReaction Forces Air Staff
RFBRequest for Bids
RFBVrequest for bidder's view
RFEPRADAR Front End Processor
RFIRequest for Information
RFPRequest for Proposal
RFQRequest for Quotation
RIDRemote Interface Device
RIProuting information protocol
RISRADAR integration system
RISCreduced instruction set computer
RITRADNET Implementation Team
RIXTremote information exchange terminal
RLTradio link tailsmaritime
RMReference Model
RMResource Modules
RMAReliability, Maintainability and Availability
RMAReplacement Mobile Asset
RMCResource Centre Manager
RMCDERADAR Message Conversion and Distribution Equipment
RMGrouting metric generatorSTC CSNI final report 22/9/95
RMONremote monitoring
RMPRecognised Maritime Picture
RNAVRelative Navigation
RNCPrationalised NATO communication programme
RNPRemote Network Processor
RNPRequired Navigation Performance
RORationalisation Offer
ROAregional operating authority
ROCRegional Operating CentreNACOSA Support Element
ROCLANTOperating Centre, atLANTicNACOSA Support Element
ROERules of Engagement
ROSRemote Operation Service
ROSEremote operations service entry
RPrelease point
RPReporting Point
RPreporting post
RPCRAP production centre
RPCRecognized Air Picture Prodution Center
RPCremote procedure call
RPLRepetitive Flight Plan
RPORegional Project Office
RPOARecognised Private Operating Agency
RPOArecognised privately operated agency
RPVremotely piloted vehicle
RRDRandom Reply Delay
RRFRapid Reaction Force
RRPrapid reinforcement plan
RRPreview and release position
RRRradio relay repeater
RRTradio relay terminal
RRWreview and release workstationNACISA/APD/04.07.00(95)001
RSRationalisation System
RSAPRADNET Service Access Point
RSCSRemote Supervisory and Control System
RSErear staff element
RSGregional signal group
RSGresearch study group
RSGSRegional Signal Group SHAPENACOSA Support Element
RSLSReplay Path Side Lobe Suppression
RSPRecognised Surface Picture
RSSCregional system support centre
RSSPRADAR Systems Specialist Panel
RSUreceiver-sender unit
R&TResearch & Technology
RTCradio transmission control
RTFrich text formatACE ACCIS core cap specs
RTMDERADNET Test Monitoring and Demonstration Equipment
RTOR&T Organisation
RTPresearch and technology project
RTSReliable Transfer Service
RTSEReliable Transfer Service Element
RTTSReal Time Transmission System
RWGRequirements Working Group
RWRRADAR warning receiver
Last Updated on Sep 23, 1999
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