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AcronymsMeaning /
B-ISDNBroadband ISDN
BAIBattlefield Air Interdiction
BALTAPAllied Forces Baltic Approaches
BBNBroad Band Network
BCBuffer Centre
BCABorder Crossing Authority
BCABroadcast Control Authority
BCISBattlefield Combat Identification System
BCSBroadcast Control Station
BCUbuffer control unit
BCVTbasic class virtual terminal
BDABattle Damage Assessment
BDEPBright Dawn enhancement programme
BDIGBelgian defence industry group
BDScomm-B designation subfield
BEAFBE air force
BEAUTYUK encryption for packet switching
BEDsbusiness enumerated domains
BEMILCOMBelgian military communications network
BENECHANBENELUX sub-area, Channel
BETEBICES evolutionary test environment
BFAbattlefield functional area
BFSBundesanstalt für Flugsicherung
BGPborder gateway protocol
BIbattlefield identification
BICBRASS initial capability
BICCBICES initial core capabilityAC/317/SEC/94/20
BICESbattlefield information collection and exploitation system
BICESbattlefield information collection and exploitation systemsAC/317-N/798
BIDbulk information device
BIFBICES integration facility
BIFFbattlefield IFF
BIRbiannual infrastructure review
BISTbuilt in software test
BITbuilt in test
BITEbuilt in test equipment
BITSbattlefield information and targeting systemUS electronic mail
BLMBICES Logical Model
BLOSbeyond line of sight (> 555 km)
BMbattle management
BMAbattlefield management area
BMEWSballistic missile early warning system
BMSbattlefield management system
BMSbureau militaire de standardisation
BOAbasic ordering agreement
BOCbattalion operation centre (HAWK)
BOCCAbureau for the co-ordination of civil aviationNCWA
BoDbandwidth on demandAPD 04.05.03 (95)04
BODboard of directors
BOPbalance of payment
BOSBICES Outline Structure
BOXERUK RN & RAF funded communications infra network
BPMGBICES project management group
BPRbusiness plan review
BPSBICES pilot studyAC/317/SEC/94/20
BPSbroadcast processing system
BPSKbinary phase shift keying
BRABasic Rate Access
BRASSBroadcast and Ship-shore SystemAC/4(WG29)DS/139
BRIbasic rate interfaceSTC CSNI final report 22/9/95
BRISSBritish intelligence support system
BRSbroadcast relay station
BRSBroadcast Radiating StationVLF Handbook
BRSCBritish support command
BSCBICES steering committee
BSWGBICES standing working group
BURBICES User Requirements
BURSTBICES user requirement system trial
BVRbeyond visual range
BWMBand Width ManagementNGCS
Last Updated on Sep 23, 1999
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