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AcronymsMeaning /
O&Moperation and maintenance
OAOffice Automation
OA&Moperations, administration and maintenanceAC/317(WG/2)WP/94
OAMOperation, Administration and Maintenance
OAPoperator assistence position
OASOffensive Air Support
OASoffice automation system
OASISOpen ATM System Integration Strategy
OATOperational Air Traffic
OBTM&Mon board test, monitor and maintenance
OCAoffensive counter air
OCAoperational control authority
OCMOffice of the Center Manager
OCOoperating control organisationAC/317(WG/1)N/610
OCOOperations Control Organisation
OCRoptical character reader
OCROptical Character Recognition
ODAoffice document architecture
ODBCopen data base connectivityACE ACCIS core cap specs
ODCOffice of the Division Chief
ODIopen data-link interface
ODIFoffice document interchange format
ODLoffice document language
ODPopen distributed processing
ODSOperator Input and Display System
ODToperational data typdata management
OEWoperational emergency in war
OIArea of Operational Interest
OIEROperational Information Exchange Requirement
OIIObject of Intelligence Interest
OIIoperations/intelligence interface
OIWOpen systems Implementation Workshop
OJTOn-The-Job Training
OLDIOn-Line Data Interchange
OLFAPSoperations/logistics functional area prototype systemEx Strong Resolve 95
OMOSI Management
OM-55ECCM - modem used in SATCOM
OMGobject management group
öMilFsörtliche Militärische Flugsicherung
OMNIPointopen management interoperability point
ONSoffice of NATO standardization
ONSToutline NATO staff target
OOAout of area
OOTWoperations other than warCAX
OPDOutline Phsical Design
OPROffice of Primary Resonsibility
OPREPoperational report
OPSoperational divisionNATO IMS
ORACLEoverall review of ACCS in a CFE limited environment
ORBATOrder of Battle
ORCoperational requirement for communications
ORCAMOriginating Region Code Assignment Method
ORCAPoverall review of CNAD activities and projects2-annually
ORDOperational Requirements Document
ORTPoperational readiness test programme
OSoperating systemACE ACCIS core cap specs
OSAopen systems architecture
OSAToverall system acceptance testing
OSCoperational system control
OSCEorganisation for security and co-operation in Europe
OSCRLOperating System Command and Response Language
OSEopen system environmentACE ACCIS core cap specs
OSE-RMopen systems environment - reference model
OSFopen software foundationACE ACCIS core cap specs
OSIopen systems interconnectionACE ACCIS core cap specs
OSIEOpen Systems Interconnection Environment
OSMOverall system Modell
OSPOverall Strategic Priorities
OSPFOpen Shortest Path FirstIETF
OSSone stop shoppingALLA
OSSOperational Support System
OSSOperator Subsystem
OSSOverall System Specification
OTAMoff-the-air monitor
OTCofficer in tactical command
OTEHellenic RPO
OTSOf the Shelf
OTSopen systems interconnection transport serviceSTC CSNI final report 22/9/95
OUoperating unitOCO
OWGone-way gateway
Last Updated on Sep 23, 1999
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