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AcronymsMeaning /
C2command and control
C2CScommand and control communication system
C2Gcommand and control guard
C2IScommand and control information system
C2IScommand and control information system
C2RAC2 requirements analysis
C2RMcommand and control resource management
C2RMcommand and control resource management
C3command, control and communicationoutdated
C3consultation, command and controlAC/317-N/798
C3CSC3 communications sub-system
C3Icommand and control, communications and information
C3MPconsultation, command and control master plan
C3SWIC3 sensors and warning installation
C4Icommand, control, communication, computers and intelligence
CAcertification authority
CAAcivil aviation authority
CABcontract award board
CADcomputer-aided design
CADCcorps AD centre
CADIMScoordinated air defense in mutual support
CADRGcompressed ARC digitised raster graphicsACE ACCIS core cap specs
CADSconcept and design study
CAFconceptual architectural framework
CAIcomputer assisted instruction
CAIcooperative aircraft identification
CALScomputer aided aquisition and logistic support
CALScontinous acquisition and life-cycle support
CAMcomputer-aided manufacturing
CAMPScomputer aided message processing system
CAMScore automated maintenance system
CANConseil de l'Atlantique Nord
CAOCcombined air operations centre
CAOCcombined air operations commandEx Strong Resolve 95
CAPcombat air patrol
CAPconventional armaments plan
CAPCcivil aviation planning committee
CAPCOCapability Package Co-ordinator
CAPSconventional armaments planning system
CARcommunications assessment report
CASclose air support
CASAcomputer assisted slot allocation
CASCOMUS army combined arms support command (Ft. Lee)
CASEcommon application servive elements
CASEcomputer-aided software engineering
CASEComputer Assisted Software Engineering
CASEVACcasualty evacuation
CASOcommon application standards for OLDI
CASPcoordinated air/sea procedures
CASTcomputed assisted supervision of transport media
CATcomputer aided training
CATcrisis action team
CATKcounter attack
CATVcable TV
CAWGcivil aviation working group
CAXcomputer aided exercise
CAXcomputer assisted exercise
CBCcivil budget committee
CBCcross border connection
CBLcross border link
CBMScomputer based message system
CBNcommon backbone network
CCCAX centre
CCcommon criteria
CCcontrol cell
CC/CAcongestion control/congestion avoidanceSTC CSNI final report 22/9/95
CC3counter C3
CCAconceptual communication area
CCAPCIS contingency assets poolAPD 04.05.03 (95)04
CCBconfiguration control board
CCCScommand and control communication system
CCDPcommunications circiut distribution panel
CCEcivil communications element
CCEBcombined communication and electronics boardNACISA/APD/04.07.00(95)001
CCEBcombined communications and electronics board
CCEBcommon criteria editorial board
CCFcentralised computer facility
CCFCOA/ACOA computer facility
CCFconceptual civil framework
CCGcommand and control group
CCIcontrolled cryptographic item
CCIRconsultative committee on international radioAC/317-N/798
CCIRMCollection Coordination and Intelligence Requirements Management
CCIScommand and control information system
CCISCommand, Control and Information System
CCITTconsultative committee on international telegraphy and telephonySee also ITU
CCLFCommand of combined land forces
CCMCcommunications control and management cell
CCMScommittee on the challenge of medern society
CCNAConseil de Cooperation Nord Atlantique
CCOconfiguration control office
CCPcommand and control project
CCPCcivil communications planning committee
CCRcommitment, concurrency and recovery
CCUcrypto control unit
CCWAcivil communications wartime agency
CCWPCIS co-operation work planAC/317-N/710
CDcommittee draft (ISO)
CD ROMCompact Disk - Read Only Memory
CDAcomputer design activity
CDBScentral database system
CDCcivil defence committee
CDIconventional defence improvement
CDMconceptual data model
CDMAcode division multiple accessAC/317(WG/1)(SG/2)N/183
CDNAComite des Directeurs Nationals de l'ArmementCNAD
CDTScomputer directional training system
CEcontrol element
CE&Ccivil engineering and construction
CEACcommittee for European airspace co-ordination
CECCcivil emergency crisis cell
CEIRcivil emergency information room
CELPcode excited linear predictive
CELTcrypto equipment for low speed telegraph
CENEuropean committee for standardisation
CENELECEuropean committee for for electronic standardisation
CENTLANTcentral sub-area Atlantic
CEOIcommunications electronic operating instruction
CEPCivil Emergency Planning
CEPCommunication Equipment Programme
CEPAcommon European priority area
CEPASCrypto Equipment for Packet Switching
CEPCCivil Emergency Planning Committee
CEPMACentral Europe Pipeline Management Agency
CEPOcentral Europe pipeline office
CEPScentral Europe pipeline system
CEPTConference Europeen des Administrations des Postes et Telecomm.
CEROFFcrypto equipment rapid off-line
CERRRScentral European recce results reporting system
CFCall Forwarding
CFchange field
CFcontingency forces
CFBcall for bids
CFBcentral flight plan data bank
CFEconventional forces Europe
CFLcleared flight plan
CFMUcentral flow management unit
CGIcommon gateway interfaceACE ACCIS core cap specs
CGIcommon guard interface
CGMcomputer graphics metafile
CHESSclear header encrytion support system
CHLAHGcouncil high level ad hoc group
CHODchief of defence
CHOTScorporate HQ office technology system
CICounter Intelligence
CI&SyCounter Intelligence and Security
CICCAOC interface component
CICCCollege International des Commisaires aux Comptes
CICMAComite Interdepartemental de Coordination en Matiere d'Armement
CICRCommittee on Information Cultural Relation
CIDINcommon ICAO data exchange network
CIEGcommon information exchange glossary
CIGcurrent intelligence group
CIMcorporate information management
CIMICcivil military cooperation
CIOBcounter intelligence order of battle
CIPcommunications improvement plan
CIPcommunications improving plan
CIPDconvergence and implementation programme document
CIPScivil international preference scheme
CIRcrypto item register
CIRprotocol security option
CISCASE integration services
CIScommon interface standard
CISCommonwealth of independant states
CISCommunication and Information Systems
CIS-ESGCOMSEC items register
CISACIS exercise steering group
CISCcomplex instruction set computerACE ACCIS core cap specs
CISCCCommunication and Information Systems Co-ordinating Committee
CISCLDCommunication and Information Systems Communication Logistics Depot
CISDCommunication and Information Systems Division
CISSISGCIS Security Implementation Sub-Groupsuperseded by INFOSEC SC
CISTSGCIS terminology Sub-Group
CITcombined interrogator-transponder
CITIScontractual integrated technical information services
CITSECcommon information technology security evaluation criteria
CITWGcombat identification technical work group
CIUcryptographic interface unit
CIWGcombat identification work group
CJTFCombined Joint Task ForceEx Strong Resolve 95
CLControl and Liaison
CL-NSConnectionless Mode Network Service
CLDCommunications Logistic Depot
CLFcontrol land forces
CLIDCalling Line IdentificationISDN access restriction
CLIPCalling Line Identification Presentation
CLNPConnectionless Network Protocol
CLNSconnection-less oriented network service
CLScontractor logistic supportAC/4(WG29)DS/139
CLSEcommander allied forces southeastern Europe
CLTP and mconnectionless transport protocol plus multicastSTC CSNI final report 22/9/95
CLTSconnectionless transport service
CLVcombined likelihood vector
CMComite MilitaireSee MC
CMConfiguration Management
CMCrisis Management
CMAEconfiguration management administrative elementADSIA mission
CMBConfiguration Management Board
CMCChairman of the Military Committee
CMFConceptual Military Framework
CMGCoordination Management Group
CMIPcommon management information protocol
CMIScommon mamagement information services
CMIS/Pcommon mamagement information services and protocol
CMIWGcurrent maritime intelligence working group
CMMcrisis management manualAC/317-N7798
CMMCcommon maintenance monitoring and control
CMNSconnection mode network service
CMOcoverage mission order
CMOcrisis management oranisationCAX
CMPconfiguration management plan
CMPASCommon Manpower Accounting System
CMTcoordination management team
CMTcrisis management team
CMTPcommon medium term planEUROCONTROL
CMWcompartment mode workstationACE ACCIS core cap specs
CMWcompartmented mode workstation
CMWcompartmented mode workstation
CNADconference of national armaments directors
CNIcommunications, navigation and identification
CNIScommunication, navigation and identification systems
CNIScommunications, navigation and identification systems
CNIScomputer and network based information system
CNRCentre National de Renseignements
CNRcombat net radio
COAcentral operating authorityOCO
COBcollocated operating base
COBCounter Intelligence Order of Battle
COBRAcounter battery radar
COCcombined operations centre
COEcommon operating evironment
COECourses of Events
COEAcost and operational effectiveness analysis
COECcouncil operations and exercises committee
COFFAcertificate of final financial acceptance
COGcurrent operations groupcrisis time
COIcommunications of interest
COIcommunity of interest
COICcombat operation intelligence centre
COLOCchange of location of command
COLPConnected Line Identification Presentation
COMAIRCENTcommander air forces central Europe
COMBALTAPcommander Baltic approaches
COMCENSHAPE communication centerSTC TN-155
COMILcoordination centre for military airspace control
COMINTcommunication intelligence (COMINT+ELINT=SIGINT)
COMNAVcommunication and navigation aids
COMPUSECcomputer security
COMSECcommunications security
CONMARCOMMSCONcept of COMMunications in support of MARitime operationsMC 377
CONOPSCONcept of OPerationS
CONSconnection-oriented network service
CONUScontinental US
COOFcontinuity of operations facility
COOPcontinuity of operations facility
COPCommon Operational Picture
COPCommon Operational Picture
COPcontingency operation plan
COPEcommercial packet encryptor
COPECOTS packet security equipment
COPScommon operational performance specification
COPS/CWPcommon op. performance spec. for controller working position
CORAcommon operational requirements area
CORBACommon Object Request Broker ArchitectureCAX
CORTAoperational air traffic control cell
COSChief of Staff
COScomputer operator station
COScorporation for open systems
COSAcoordinating and scheduling agency
COSOConcept of System Operation
COSOconcept system operationAC/317-N/819
COTPconnection oriented transport protocolSTC CSNI final report 22/9/95
COTSconnection-mode transport service
COTSconnection oriented transport service
CPCapability Package
CPChange Proposals
CPcooperation partners
CPCcyclic permutable codeSTC CSNI final report 22/9/95
CPEcircular position error
CPLcurrent flight plan
CPMEcalibration and performance monitoring equipment
CPNDComite pour les Problemes Nationaux de Defense
CPPcommunications protocol processor
CPRcivilian personell regulation
CRcentral region
CRcoastal radar
CR SDMPcentral region software development and maintenance procedure
CR SSCcentral region system support centre
CRAOCcentral region air operation centre
CRAQScirciut routing automated query system
CRAScentral region access system
CRCcentral region commandEx Strong Resolve 95
CRCcontrol and reporting centre
CRCcyclic redundancy check
CRCLDcentral region communication logistics depot
CRESPcrisis response prototype
CRIADcentral region integrated air defence
CRIAPcentral region initial ACCS programme
CRICSCentral Region integrated communications system
CRINCACentral Region integration and communications architectureBICES sub-group
CRIScoastal radar integration system
CRISUGcentral region information system user group
CRLcertificate revocation listAC/317-N/846
CRMCScentral RADNET monitoring and control system
CRONOScrisis response operations in open systemsAC/317(WG/1)DS/94
CROSSFOX(ACE striking fleet Atlantic command and control system)
CRPcircuit restoration priority
CRPcontrol and reporting post
CRSGCentral Region signal group
CRTcathode ray tube
CRWGCentral Region working group
CScombat support
CScommunication sub-system
CSAcentral supplies agency
CSAclose support aircraft
CSAFcombat scene of action frequency
CSARcombat search and rescue
CSCEconference on security and cooperation in Europe
CSCSCombat Zone Communication System
CSCSCombat Zone Communication System
CSDNcircuit switched data network
CSLcoordinated single layer
CSMA/CDcarrier sense multiple access/collision detector
CSMNECOMSUBMEDNOREASTPart of former fourth level of the NATO command structure
CSMScounter surprise military system
CSNcircuit switched network
CSNIcommunications systems network interoperability
CSOchief signal officer
CSOTcontrol source operators network
CSPcommunications support processor
CSPDNcircuit switched public data network
CSRcommunications status report
CSRSCommunity Security Requirement Statement
CSScommunication segment specification
CSScomputer service section
CSTGcommunications systems technical experts group
CSWGcommunications systems working groupResponsibilities assumed by NC3B Sub-structure
CTconferencing tools ( CT=SVC+SVTC+SVMC)
CTAPSContingency Theatre Air Planning SystemEx Strong Resolve 95
CTAPScontingency theatre automated planning systemAC/317(WG/1)N/607 Add 5
CTFCommander Task Force
CTGCommander Task Group
CTIcrypto telephone instrument
CTPconformance test plan
CTScosmic top secretC-M(55)15 final
CTSGCIS terminology sub group
CUFcommon user function
CUGclosed user groupISDN access restriction
CUGClosed User Group
CULCELT user list
CVIcode validity interval
CVOcode validity overlap
CVSDcontinuously variable slope delta modulationSTC TN-006
CWCall Waiting
CWchemical warfare
CWIDcombined warrior interoperability demonstrator
CWRDcivil works requirement drawings
CZCSCombat Zone Communications System
Last Updated on Sep 23, 1999
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