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AcronymsMeaning /
S&WISSensors and Warning Installation Sub-System
S/CR AWHQSHAPE and Central Region Alternate War Headquarters
S/JSignal to Jam Ratio
S-HTTPSecure HyperText Transfer ProtocolACE ACCIS core cap specs
S-SeriesAlphabetical Telegraph and Telematic (except Facsimile) Services Terminal ITU-T recommendation
SAscientific and environmental affairs divisionNATO IS
SASystem Administrator
SAASecurity Accreditation Authority
SAASubdomain Addressing Authority
SACSource Area Code
SACSpecial Access Component
SACSupreme Allied Commander
SACFSingle Association Coordinating Function
SACLANTCENSACLANT Udersea Research Centre
SADSsystem architecture development study
SAGEstandard automated guard environment
SAIsea/air interface
SAISubdomain Addressing Authority Identifier
SALTStrategic Arms Limitation Talks
SAMAssistemce Missions
SAMSurface to Air Missile
SAMESQL ADA module extensions
SAMeDLSAME Desciption Language
SAMOCSurface to Air Missile Operation CenterACCS
SAMSSHAPE ACCIS maintenance system
SANISISecurity Architecture for NATO Information Systems Interconnection
SANTISSingle Architecture for NATO Technical Interoperability Standards
SAPService Access Point
SARSearch and Rescue
SARSynthetic Aperture RADAR
SARPsStandards and Recommended Practices
SASspecial ammunition storage
SATANsecurity analysis tools for auditing
SATCISsingle architecture of technical common IF standard OSI layers 1 - 4
SATCOMSatellite Communications
SATURNsecond generation Anti-jam Tactical UHF-Radio for NATO
SAWstatic alternate war headquarters
SAWSurface to air Weapon
SBUsensitive but unclassified
SCStrategic Command
SCsea control
SCSteering CommitteeSTC CSNI final report 22/9/95
SCstrike cell
SCSub Committee
SCANTslidex codeword address / nickname telephone
SCARSStatus Control Alerting and Reporting SystemC2 of Substrategic Nuclear Forces
SCATSurveillance Capability Assessment Tool
SCCsecure computing corporation
SCCSHAPE Command CenterSTC TN-155
SCCPSignalling Connection Control Part
SCDLsurveillance and control data link
SCECCSenior Civil Emergency Crisis Cell
SCEPCSenior Civil Emergency Planning CommitteeNATO Committee
SCGSpecial Consultative GroupNATO Committee
SCGsenior crisis group
SCIsensitive compartmented information
SCIserial communications interfaceSTC CSNI final report 22/9/95
SCISite Compliance Inspection
SCICscience committee
SCIDAsystems coordination installation design authorityUK
SCMCSNR communications management centre
SCNRScientific Committee of National RepresentativesDisbanded. Functions assumed by NC3B
SCOsystem capability objectives
SCOPEsecure cooperationg processing environment
SCPShipping Control Point
SCSstandard communication server
SCSGsatellite communications sub-groupAC/317(WG/1)N/600
SCSIstanding communications security instructionsACE ACCIS core cap specs
SCTISSingle Channel Transponder Injection System
SCTRSingle Channel Transponder Receiver
SCTSUS single channel transponder systemAC/317/SEC/95/47
SD&ICSystems Design and Integration Contract
SDDSynthetic Data Display
SDHSynchronous Digital Hierarchy
SDIStrategic Defence Initiative
SDIPSECAN doctrine and information publication
SDLSpecification and Description Laguage
SDMSTC Intelligence Data Model
SDNSsecure data network system
SDPSensor Data Processor
SDRsmall development requirement
SDRsummary description report
SDRsystem design review
SDSsystem direction and support
SDTFStrategy Development Task Force (EATCHIP)
SDTSspatial data transfer standard
SDUservice data unitSTC CSNI final report 22/9/95
SDUsoftware distribution utilities
SE&Isystems engineering and integration
SEADSuppression of Enemy Air Defence
SECANSECurity and Evaluation AgencyMC 108/5
SecOpsSecurity Operating Procedures
SEEsoftware engineering environmentconsultancy work on life cycles
SEEsynthetic exercise environmentCP 5A0008
SEISRSSystem-specific Electronic Information Security Requirement Statement
SELRIPselected release improvement programme
SEPselective imployment plan
SEPsystem executive and plan
SESAMsemi-active surface-to-air missile
SESNSACEURs Emergency Strike Network
SETsatellite experimental terminal
SETOSouthern Europe transport organisation
SEWGSystem Engineering Working Group
SFORStabilisation Force
SFPSensor Fusion PostACCS
SfPScience for Peace
SGSecretary General
SGslice group
SGFSSpecial Group of Functional Standards
SGMLstandard generalized markup language
SGPSenior Political-Military Group on ProliferationNATO Committee
SGTSatellite Ground TerminalAC/317(WG/1)N/556
SHASecure Hash Algorithm
SHAPESupreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe
SHAREStock Holding and Asset Requirements Exchange
SHDSpecial Handling Detachment
SHEDSpecial Handling and Evaluation Detachment
SHEDCOINSSHED Communication INformation System
SHEWSSHAPE Early Warning System
SHFSuper High FrequencySTC CSNI final report 22/9/95
SHIFSSHAPE information flow system
SHIMSSHAPE interim message handling systemSTC TN-155
SHNMOSHAPE host nation management office
SHOCHeadquarters Operations Centre
SHORADShort Range Air Defense
SHORADOCSHORAD Operations Center
SISupporting Interrogator
SIAStable Implementor Agreements
SICSubject Indicator CodeSource Identification Code
SICASSSR Improvement and Collision Avoidance System
SICASPSSR Improvement and Collision Avoidance System Panel
SIDsignalling IF device
SIDStandard Interface Device
SIDsubscriber identification
SIDLSOSTAS interoperable data link
SIEStandard Interface Equipment
SIEMSSR/IFF Environment Model (UK)
SIFSelective Identification Feature
SIGSpecial Interest Group
SIGINTSIGnal INTelligence
SIIsecondary image interface
SILSstandard for interoperable LAN security
SINCGARSsingle channel ground/air system
SINSShip Inertial Navigation System
SINSsouthern improvement NADGE sites
SIPSecure Interface Profile
SIPSecurity Investment Programme
SIRSpecific Information Requirement
SISRSSystem Interconnection Security Requirement Statement
SISSIMSSR/IFF system Simulator
SLstarting line
SLARSide Looking Airborne RADAR
SLBMSubmarine Launched Ballistic Missile
SLCSide Lobe Cancellation
SLCMSea-Launched Cruise Missile
SLCMBSystem Level Configuration Management Board
SLFsignal line filter
SLIPserial line internet protocol
SLMStandard Length Message
SLOCSea Line Of Communications
SLSSide Lobe Suppresseion
SLWPGSenior Level Weapons Protection GroupNATO Committee
SMASystem Management Authority
SMASignal Message Address
SMASituation Monitoring and Assessment
SMAAsubmarine movement advisory authorityAC/317-N/889
SMAPsystem management application process
SMCstaff message centre
SMCStation Monitoring and Control Center
SMDCSHAPE message distribution centreSTC TN-155
SMDCsignal message distribution centreEx Strong Resolve 95
SMDCsoftware management and developing centre
SMFSpecial Military Features
SMFspectrum management facility
SMGstandard mail guard
SMIStructure of Management Information
SMISSHAPE management information service
SMMDCstaff message mail distribution centre
SMRsecure message router
SMTPSimple Mail Transfer ProtocolIETF
SNAsystem network architecture
SNACsubnet access controllerSTC CSNI final report 22/9/95
SNAcPSubnetwork Access Protocol
SNACPsubnetwork dependent access controlSTC CSNI final report 22/9/95
SNADsecure message router
SNDCSubnetwork Dependent Convergence
SNDCPSubnetwork Dependent Convergence Protocol
SNFShort-range Nuclear Forces
SNFStanding Naval Force
SNIswitched network interconnection
SNICPSubnetwork Independent Convergence Protocol
SNIGSwitched Network Interconnection Gateway
SNIPswitched network interconnection project
SNIRPsubnetwork independent header reduction protocolSTC CSNI final report 22/9/95
SNLCSenior NATO Logisticians' ConferenceNATO Committee
SNMPSimple Network Management PoolIETF
SNPASubnetwork Point of Attachment
SNPDUsubnetwork protocol data unitSTC CSNI final report 22/9/95
SNPSswitched network pilot study
SNRswitched network rationalisation
SNSsecure network server
SNTFSubnetwork Test Facility
SOspecial operations
SOstaff officer
SOStandardisation Objective
SOBSpace Order of Battle
SOCSector Operations CenterACCS
SOFAStatus Of Forces Agreement
SOHOsite operational hand-over
SOIStatement of Intention
SOIstatement of interest
SOLsequence order listSTC CSNI final report 22/9/95
SONETsynchronous open networkSTC CSNI final report 22/9/95
SONORSouth Norway
SOPStanding Operating Procedure
SORStatement Of Requirement
SORPROSStand-Off RADAR programmes studies
SOSEshipboard open systems environment
SOSTASstand-off surveillance and target acquisition centre
SOWschedule of work
SOWStatement Of Work
SPSession Protocol
SPACEScenario Preparation and Coverage Evaluation
SPADOCspace defence operations centre
SPAGStandards Promotion and Application Group
SPARCScalable Processor Architecture
SPCSenior Political CommitteeNATO Committee
SPC(R)Senior Political Committee (Reinforced)NATO Committee
SPETZNAZSoviet special forces
SPFspecial purpose force
SPISpecial Position Identification
SPNself protecting node
SPOACsysteme de planification de l'OTAN pour armement conventionnel
SPODsea port of debarkation
SPOESea Port of Entry
SPPSpecial Purpose Processor
SPSspecial purpose segmentAC/317/SEC/95/47
SQLstructured query language
SQOCSquadron Operations CenterACCS
SRService Request
SRSouthern Region
SRBSenior Resource BoardNATO Committee
SRBSource Recommendation Board
SRBMshort-range ballistic missile
SRCCSshort range communications control station
SRISystem Replay and Investigation
SRIXSStrong Resolve information exchange systemEx Strong Resolve 95
SRSsecurity release station
SRSSecurity Requirements Statement
SRTsecurity release terminal
SSSession Service
SSADMconsultancy work on life cycles
SSAPSession Service Access Point
SSCService Support Center
SSCSHAPE support centre
SSCsoftware support centre
SSCsystem support centre
SSESpecific Services Entity (Umsetzung Mode S Protokolle)
SSFSub-Strategic Forces
SSISystem Software Interface
SSIPsub-system integration programme
SSIXSSubmarine Satellite Information Exchange SystemAC/317(WG/1)(SG/2)N/202
SSLSecure Sockets LayerACE ACCIS core cap specs
SSMspread-spectrum modulation
SSMSurface-to-Surface Missile
SSMAspread-spectrum multiple access
SSOsite security officer
SSOSystem Security Officer
SSPScheduled Strike ProgrammeNuclear Operations
SSPSource Selection Plan
SSRSecondary Surveillance Radar
SSRSsystem-specific security requirements statementStrong Resolve 95/ACE ACCIS core caps
SSSBShip-Shore-Ship Buffer
SSTSub-Stratigic Trident
SSVCSSACEUR's SV conference system
STASUNG trusted application
STAMINAStandard Automated Message Interface for NATO ACCIS
STANStatus of own Air Force (User Function)
STANAGSTANdardisation AGreement
STARSCOPE trusted automatic router
STARStudies, Test and Research (EUROCONTROL)
STARRNETstatic radio relay network
STARSSTC adaptable RADAR / EW simulator
STARTSTrategic ARms Reduction Talks
STCSHAPE Technical CentreSubsumed within NC3A
STCAShort Term Conflict Alert
STCWShort Term Conflict Warning
STESignalling Terminal Equipment
STEPstandard for the exchange of product model data
STEPsynchronous transport evolution programmeSIEMENS
STGstrategic to tactical gateway
STGCstrategic to tactical gateway concept
STILSSHAPE Infrastructure Listing System
STMsynchronous transfer mode
STNSwitched Telephone Network
STRADISstructured analysis design and implementation of B264 information systemNACISA USD 23.01.00(93)01
STRICOMUS army's simulation, training and instrument. command
STSStable Time Subfield
STVFSystem Test and Valdation Facility
SUSole User
SUBOPAUTHsubmarine operation authorityAC/317-N/889
SUCOCSuccession of Command
SUFSpecial User Function
SUNGsecret to unclassified network guard
SUNIshared usage of NATO infrastructure
SVsecure voice conferencing
SVCsecure voice conferencingCT
SVCSwitched Virtual Circuit
SVGASuper Video Graphics Adapter
SVMCsecure video-mapping conferencingCT
SVPsite verification programme
SVTCsecure video tele-conferencingCT
SWspecial weapons
SWASPSHAPE wartime application SW project
SWGspecial working group
SWGstandard WWMCCS guard
SWHQStatic War Headquarter
SWIsensor/warning installationsAC/317-N/798
SYSCOSystem Supported Coordination
SYSCONsystem control
Last Updated on Sep 23, 1999
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