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B.3. Industry Network Enabled Efforts

181. NNEC will be a federation of NATO and National systems the utilization of common standards is paramount for achieving the goals of NNEC. The vast majority of standards implemented in NNEC are expected to be open standards; so working with industry has been recognized as providing benefits to both NATO and industry. NATO monitors and evaluates the work from these industrial organizations and if found relevant incorporates their concepts in the development of the NISP.

182. Industry is also recommending a time phased approach for implementing systems. For example, Gartner described a life cycle approach to using standards at a symposium it held in October 2004[7]. This approach is depicted in Figure B.11

Life Cycle Approach to Using Standards

Figure B.11. Life Cycle Approach to Using Standards

183. The first phase is the emerging period, in which new technologies appear that may represent a significant advance (this is equivalent to emerging standards in the NISP). Once proven the standards may qualify for mainstream status, which means that they can be adopted without conditions (this is similar to mandatory standards in the NISP).

184. Eventually, newer standards emerge and mainstream standards move into the containment stage, that is, the standards are supported, but they are not suitable for new applications. Finally, t e retirement stage is reached, in which funding has been allocated to replace or retire the standards, and no further support will be provided.

[7] Gartner Symposium IREXPO 2004, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, 17-22 October 2004

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