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C.3. Network-Enabled Operations (NEO-RM)

348. A NATO Network Enabled Operations Reference Model (NEO-RM) should be created during the mid-term time frame. The best course of action to create such a document would be build upon similar existing doctrine used at the national level by some NATO members.

349. The NEO RM, describes all of the activities required to establish, use, operate, and manage the network enabled enterprise information environment to include: the generic user-interface, the intelligent-assistant capabilities, the network enabled capabilities (i.e., core services, Community of Interest services, and environment control services), and the enterprise management components. It also describes a selected set of key standards that will be needed as the NEO capabilities of a seamless communications network backbone are realized.

350. The NEO-RM is to describe the evolving NATO enterprise aspects of an objective net-enabled information environment. The NEO-RM, as designed, serves as a common, enterprise-level, reference model for NATO’s net-enabled operations, such as the expeditionary NATO Response Force (NRF), and for current and future acquisition programs to reference. A shared vision of the enterprise information environment will assist decision makers promote enterprise-wide unity of effort.

NATO Network-Enabled Operations: The Future

Figure C.3. NATO Network-Enabled Operations: The Future

C.3.1. NEO Attributes

NCOW Attribute Features Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6
Internet Protocol Automated Configuration - - 0% 25% 50%
  Large Address Space - - 0% 25% 50%
Secure & Available Communications Hardened Against Denial of Service - 0% 10% 20% 30%
  Core Network Encryption - - 0% 20% 40%
  Edge to Edge Encryption - - - 0% 25%
Only Handle Information Once (OHIO) Use Known Repositories - 0% 25% 50% 75%
Post in Parallel Post Data Before Processing - - 0% 20% 40%
Smart Pull   - - 0% 20% 40%
Service Agreements Service Contract - - - - -
  Quality of Service - - - - -
Data Centric Metadata - - 0% 30% 60%
  Metadata Registry          
Application Diversity   - 0% 10% 20% 30%
Assured Sharing   - 0% 20% 40% 60%

Table C.3. Implementation of NEO attributes

351. The previous table, Table C.3, is a suggested generalized outline on when NEO attributes should be implemented within the mid-term time frame. A value of zero percent indicates that implementation should begin in that year. Conversely, a value of a hundred percent indicates that implementation should end in that year. Naturally, measurable metrics to quantify progress would have to be agreed upon by the NATO nations.

C.3.1.1. Internet Protocol (IP)

352. The Internet Protocol (IP) is a protocol used by source and destination hosts for communicating data across a packet-switched inter-network. Data in an IP inter-network are sent in blocks referred to as packets. No setup of "path" is needed before a host tries to send packets to a host it has previously not communicated with.

353. The Internet Protocol provides an unreliable datagram service (also called best effort); i.e. It makes almost no guarantees about the packet. The packet may arrive damaged, it may be out of order (compared to other packets sent between the same hosts), it may be duplicated, or it may be dropped entirely. If an application needs reliability, it is provided by other means, typically by upper level protocols transported on top of IP.

354. Inter-network routers, forward IP packets across interconnected layer 2 networks. The lack of any delivery guarantees means that the design of packet switches is made much simpler. (Note that if the network does drop, reorder or otherwise damage a lot of packets, the performance seen by the user will be poor, so most network elements do try hard to not do these things - hence the best effort term. However, an occasional error will produce no noticeable effect.)

355. In a network-enable NATO, there is a need for support for an unlimited number of site addresses for wireless communications devices, remote sensors, vehicles and precision-guided munitions. Therefore, with any large-scale operation, the current finite number of IP addresses becomes a resource that must be managed and closely monitored.

356. The ad-hoc nature of future NATO operations dictates the need for easily configurable networks. Since most of the devices connected to NATO networks will be mobile devices, a device must be able to arbitrarily change locations on the Internet and still maintain existing connections.

C.3.1.2. Secure and Available Communications

357. Security requires that systems and users are protected against attack, disruptions, and threats. Data must also be kept private and free of malicious or corrupted content as it travels throughout the enterprise. And the network infrastructure itself must be protected against exposure to attacks that impacts internal servers and end user systems. In the mid-term time frame the initial goal is encryption for the core network, and the final goal is edge-to-edge encryption with a network that is hardened against denial of service.

358. Ensuring availability means that systems themselves are always available, and that information is readily accessible to users and other authorized individuals, especially as it relates to regulatory compliance and legal discovery. Migrating older, yet still useful, data poses an added challenge to availability, as users still demand immediate access and IT requires high degrees of ease and automation to achieve this.

C.3.1.3. Only Handle Information Once (OHIO)

359. A key feature of network-enabled NATO is the ability to provide individual soldiers and commanders with relevant timely information. But pushing information to users in the area of operation is difficult because the number of items that can link to the network exceeds the current messaging protocol’s ability to assign addresses. Technologies that allow wireless systems to plug into tactical and theatre networks seamlessly without straining resources may permit the military to deploy more network-enabled devices.

360. This capability fits into a concept known as “only handle information once” (OHIO), where an information producer posts data once but permits authorized users to access it. This approach differs from requiring the producer to know the address of every user that may want the information.

C.3.1.4. Post in Parallel

361. All NATO participants or business process owners make their data available on the network as soon as it is created. Posting data does not mean just making accessible, it also means tagging (describing) the data appropriately for its content. Processing of data will be done as needed by specialized web services invoked by the data consumer.

C.3.1.5. Smart Pull

362. The two solutions in use for data synchronization are called “Push” and “Pull”. Smart Pull is just a further refinement of the Pull solution.

  • Push solutions involve the server notifying the device that data is available. Solutions to this usually require some type of infrastructure to manage the distribution of notifications to the network enabled-devices. For example, the solution might involve using the mobile phone service provider’s SMS system or might be a custom built system like that created by Research in Motion (RIM) for their Blackberry communications network.

  • Pull solutions put the burden on the network-enabled device to go retrieve data. They’ve historically been simple implementations using techniques like calling the server on some regular time interval or maybe even relying on the user to initiate the data sync.

363. Generally the immediate notification of push is desirable, however when building our own applications, the simplicity of pull is more attractive. This is where Smart Pull comes in. An example of the concept of smart pull that has been gained a lot of attention since the announcement is the Microsoft Messaging and Security Feature Pack (MMSF). MMSF provides Windows Mobile 5.0 Smartphone with full connectivity to their Exchange server, keeping Outlook data up-to-date including receiving email as soon as it arrives at the server. The technique used to maintain synchronization is basically a long-running web service call.

364. The smart pull mechanism seems like the kind of solution that will address many common scenarios faced when developing mobile applications that require close synchronization with a server. Applications encourage discovery; users can pull data directly from the network or use value-added discovery services.

C.3.1.6. Data Centric Approach

365. In a data-centric approach the data separate from applications, or services. Communications between services occurs by posting data. The steps involved in a data-centric approach are:

  • Analyze how the data is used and moved as it flows through the system to better understand how to store and use it.

  • Describe data or tag data to facilitate a system level view. This involves describing data and describing the context under which it was collected or generated.

  • Build services around data. Services are just the methods to manage data.

C.3.1.7. Application Diversity

366. Users can pull multiple services to access same data (e.g., for collaboration). This idea reinforces the underlying concept of the data being independent of the services that manipulate the data.

C.3.1.8. Assured Sharing

367. Assured sharing means trusted accessibility to net resources, such as: data, services, apps, people, collaborative environment, etc. Access is assured for authorized users, but denied for unauthorized users by maintaining thorough security policies.

C.3.1.9. Quality of Service

368. Data timeliness, accuracy, completeness, integrity, and ease of use.

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