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Appendix A. Acronyms

Standards organisations
IETF Internet Engineering Task Force
IEEE International Electronics and Electrical Engineering Society
INCITS International Committee for Internet Technology Standards
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
ISO International Standards organisation
ITU International Telecomunications Union
OASIS organisation for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards
OMG Object Management Group
W3C World Wide Web Consortium
WS-I Web Services Interoperability Organisation

Table A.1. Standards organisations

1xRTT 2.5G CDMA data service up to 384 kbps
AMPS Advanced mobile phone service
CDMA Code division multiple access
DISA Defense Information Systems Agency [US]
ebXML Electronic Bussiness Extensible Modelling Langauge
EDGE Enhanced data for global evolution
FDMA Frequency division multiple access
GPRS General packet radio system
GSM Global system for mobile
IEG Information Exchange Gateway
NATO North Atlantic Treaty organisation
NCOW Net Centric Operations and Warfare
NGO Non-Government organisation
NMT Nordic mobile telephone
NNEC NATO Network Enabled Capability
NRF NATO Reaction Force
PDC Personal digital cellular
PSTN Pubic switched telephone network
RHQ AFNORTH Regional Headquarters Allied Forces North Europe
SHAPE Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe
SOA Service Oriented Architecture
TACS Total access communications system
TDMA Time division multiple access
UDDI Universal Description and Discovery Interface
XML Extensible Modelling Langauge

Table A.2. Terms

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