4.2. Request for Change Proposal (RFCP)

33. Request for Changes Proposal (RFCP) to the NISP will be processed by the IP CaT following the process outlined in the Figure 4.1 below:

RFCP Handling Process

Figure 4.1. RFCP Handling Process

34. The primary point of contact for RFCP submission is the through IP CaT web site. RFCPs may be submitted to the IP CaT through a number of channels, including:

  • IP CaT Subject Matter Experts

  • Strategic Command representatives;

  • NATO Agencies representatives;

  • Other Capability Panels and Capability Teams of the NC3 Board;

  • NC3Board Staff representatives;

  • NATO working groups / committees responsible for a specific standards domain;

35. Approval of RFCPs will be coordinated with the responsible NC3B sub-struture authorities where appropriate. In situations where a timely response is requested by the RFCP submitter, the IP CaT will make its recommendation directly to the NC3REPS. Appendix B contains a detailed description of the RFCP process and the form for submitting RFCPs.