33. Request for Changes Proposal (RFCP) to the NISP will be processed by the IP CaT following the process outlined in the Figure 4.1 below:
34. The primary point of contact for RFCP submission is the through IP CaT web site. RFCPs may be submitted to the IP CaT through a number of channels, including:
IP CaT Subject Matter Experts
Strategic Command representatives;
NATO Agencies representatives;
Other Capability Panels and Capability Teams of the NC3 Board;
NC3Board Staff representatives;
NATO working groups / committees responsible for a specific standards domain;
35. Approval of RFCPs will be coordinated with the responsible NC3B sub-struture authorities where appropriate. In situations where a timely response is requested by the RFCP submitter, the IP CaT will make its recommendation directly to the NC3REPS. Appendix B contains a detailed description of the RFCP process and the form for submitting RFCPs.