B.7. Request for Change Proposal (RFCP) Guidance

70. In order to process any RFCP it is important to provide as much information as possible.

71. Changes should outline the key elements of the proposed change(s), references to associated documentation and description of perceived technology trend (if appropriate). Changes should only be proposed in areas where a technology is gaining a broad market acceptance and mature product base.

72. Requests for new standards will address details such as a full specification title, description of applicability, and reference to a Web address or other source. Changes to, or deletion, of existing standards will require appropriate support justification.

73. Under normal circumstances, changes to mandatory standards will have already, for example a standard possibly proposed as maturing from 'emerging' to 'mandatory'.

74. Rationale for changes must be adequately supported with implementation evidence in order to allow the review process to proceed.

75. The rationale used by the NOSWG for determining the selection of standards and profiles for inclusion in the NISP will be part of the NOSWG Standard Operating Procedures.