Chapter 2. Purpose of the NISP

2. The NATO Interoperability Standards and Profiles (NISP) provides the necessary guidance and technical components to support project implementations and transition to NATO Network Enabled Capability (NNEC). Also the Combined Communications Electronics Board (CCEB) nations use the NISP to publish the interoperability standards for the CCEB under the provisions of the NATO-CCEB List of Understandings (LoU) detailed in Appendix A of this volume. In addition, in order to support the Prague Capabilities Commitment (PCC), more emphasis is placed on interoperability profiles to support the NRF and transition from today's legacy systems to NNEC.

3. The purpose of the NISP is to:

  • Encourage Nations to use the same standards as within the NATO CIS implementations in NATO led operations;

  • Serve as the principal source of technical guidance for management of NATO CIS project implementations and transition to NNEC;

  • Track technology developments in order to optimise application development;

  • Identify and manage all applicable CIS standards as a baseline for optimising programmes and project selection and adherence;

  • Assess CIS products for NATO application;

  • Support architecture-based CIS programme development and evolution;

  • Provision of technical reference and rationale to promote and optimise NATO CIS interoperability;

  • Promote NATO internal, Nation to NATO and Nation to Nation interoperability;

  • Provide guidance on transformation to NNEC;

  • Identify applicable Design Rules to support cooperation in federated common missions with proven solutions;

  • Identify applicable Profiles as a baseline for optimising service and standards implementation and utilization to support cross-domain scenarios.

4. The stakeholders of the NISP are all NNEC stakeholders involved in development, implementation, lifecycle management, and transformation to an NNEC environment. Stakeholder review will take place periodically and the results reflected in this section.

5. This document provides a general description of the current version of the NISP. Volume 1 of the six volumes deals with the NISP purpose, the structure and the process of collecting standards from stakeholders, including the configuration management and publication of the NISP. Volume 2 focuses on near-term implementation (i.e. present[1] to 2 years in the future), Volume 3 focuses on mid-term implementation (2 to 10 years in the future). Volume 4 provides Interoperability Profile Guidance and references. Volume 5 provides Design Rule Guidance and references.

6. The mandatory standards and profiles documented in Volume 2 will be used in the implementation of NATO Common Funded Systems. Participating nations agree to use the mandatory standards and profiles included in the NISP at the Service Interoperability Points and to use Service Interface Profiles among NATO and Nations to support the exchange of information and the use of information services in the NATO realm.

[1] Date of Approval by the NC3REPS on behalf of the NC3B