66. The rationale for establishing a formal NISP Baseline derives from the interdependency of all volumes, and the need to maintain coherence throughout their individual and collective content, in particular across Volumes 2 through 5.
67. When a version of the NISP is considered updated, that is, all applicable RFCP's submitted have been actioned, it will be baselined by the NOSWG for release to the NC3B and recommended for promulgation to NATO. This Baseline applies to the NISP in its entirety, regardless of whether any particular volume has been subject to RFCP procedure or not since the previous Baseline was issued, and replaces the previous Baseline in totality. It signifies a specific point in the update cycle of the NISP as described previously.
68. Standards and profiles will be maintained in an online database that will be updated when approved by the authorized authority.
69. The formal publication of the NISP, ADatP-34 will be developed in accordance with AAP-3: Procedures for the Development, Preparation, Production and the Upgrading of NATO Standardization Agreements (STANAGs) and Allied Publications (APs).