D.6. Community of Interest Data and System Interoperability

Purpose Standard Guidance
General formatted message exchange STANAG 5500 Ed.6:2009

AdatP-3 - Concept of NATO Message Text Formatting System (CONFORMETS) - ADatP-3(A)

ADatP-3(A) contains two different equivalent presentations of data: one as "classic" message or alternatively as XML-MTF instance.

A) Automated processing of XML-files in static facilities/systems is much easier and thus preferred for the exchange between national AMN extensions and the AMN Core.

B) At the tactical edge of the AMN and the "classic" message format is the preferred option as this format is "leaner" and easier to transmit via tactical radio systems.

Automated information resource discover, information extraction and interchange of metadata ISAF Minimum Metadata Implementation Policy, ISO 15836:2009 also known as the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set

TIDE Information Discovery (v2.3.0, Oct 2009)

TIDE Service Discovery (v.2.2.0 Oct 2008)

Emerging (by Dec 2012): OpenSearch 1.1 Draft 4

The policy defines a subset of the NATO Discovery Metadata Specification (NDMS) intended for information resource discovery.

ISO 15836:2009 does not define implementation detail.

The technical implementation specifications are part of the TIDE Transformational Baseline v3.0.

The TIDE community is evaluating OpenSearch for potential inclusion into the TIDE Information Discovery specifications. On the AMN CORE a commercial product called FAST ESP is being used to generate search indexes. This product could act as an OpenSearch "slave", but requires adaptation to this Open Standard but only using HTTP. CUR 1021, will request automated information discovery across the AMN for 2012. Therefore all potential information sources must provide this standard search interface in order to allow tools like FAST ESP to discover relevant information.

General definition for the Representation of Dates and Times. ISO 8601:2004, Representation of Dates and Times. If not otherwise specified, implementation of the W3C profile of ISO 8601:2004 is mandatory.
General definition of letter codes for Geographical Entities STANAG 1059, Letter Codes for Geographical Entities (9th edition, 2005) Whenever possible, the ISO-3166 three-letter codes contained in STANAG 1059 should be used
General definition of geospatial coverage areas in discovery metadata World Geodetic System (WGS) 84, ISO 19115 and ISO 19136 (for point references) ISO 19139 provides encoding guidance for ISO 19115
General definition of Security and Confidentiality metadata Emerging (Dec 2012):

- NO-FFI 00961 (RTO spec on confidentiality labels);

- NO-FFI 00962 (RTO spec on metadata binding);

- NC3A TN-1455 (NATO profile of NO-FFI 00962);

- NC3A TN-1456 (NATO profile of NO-FFI 00961).

Asset/ consignment tracking The following two STANAGS require updating to reflect the IERs identified in ISAF CUR 254.



Use for exchanging information with existing systems that process Asset and Consignment information.

Note that their evolution is foreseen to also regulate the civilian convoy information exchange

Table D.4. COI Interoperability