Chapter 3. Far Term Emerging Standards

268. This purpose of this chapter is to specify the NISP far term emerging standards. The document organises these standards into five service areas. These service areas are listed in volume 2.

3.1. Quantum Computing

269. A quantum computer would store information, not as strings of ones and zeros as in a ‘classical’ computer, but as a series of quantum mechanical states. Quantum physics allows particles to be in more than one state at a time, so that it is possible for a particle in a quantum computer to hold more than one bit of information, referred to as a ‘qubit’. The quantum computer would allow very fast parallel computing capability. A functional quantum computer is still beyond the grasp of current technology, and many obstacles must be overcome before a usable computer can be built. A major problem is that slight outside disruption, e.g. heat or light, will cause a system to lose its quantum coherence, while the very process of retrieving results would also upset the coherence.

270. Importance: Integer factorization is believed to be computationally infeasible with an ordinary computer for large integers that are the product of only a few prime numbers (e.g., products of two 300-digit primes). By comparison, a quantum computer could efficiently solve this problem using Shor's algorithm to find its factors. This ability would allow a quantum computer to "break" many of the cryptographic systems in use today.

271. This chapter presents all associated standards in tabular form. The tables refine each service area into one or more service categories, with service components mapping to the emerging far term category (see NISP vol. 1). A remarks column provides optional supplementary information on each standard plus CCEB-specific information. The NISP Rationale Document (RD) provides further explanation on why service and standards categories have been selected.