Chapter 4. Profiles

4.1. Introduction

26. The purpose of this chapter is to specify the NISP near term profiles. The document organises these profiles under the following considerations:

  • Profiles derived from NATO Reference Architectures

  • Profiles derived from NATO Operations

  • Profiles derived from NATO member nations

27. The above list will be enhanced dynamically, based on updated profile defintions being developed in relevant NATO bodies.

28. The standards being used in these profiles may differ in version from those being liested in chapter 3. This is based on the time for the development of these standards and may be modified in newer versions of these profiles.

29. Standards, which are listed in NISP Vol. 2 and are beloging to one or more profiles, as listed in chap. 4 of this document or in NISP Vol. 4, are marked in the Remarks column as follows:

30. Used in Profile(s): standard1 (, standard2, ...)

31. Standards, which are not included by a valid RFCP in NISP, Vol.2, but are only included in a profile, are marked in the Remarks column in italics as follows:

32. Used in Profile(s):standard1 (, standard2, ...)

4.1.1. Profiles derived from NATO Operations

33. This chapter contains profiles from current or future planned NATO operations. Currently, the following operations are recognised:

  • Afghan Mission Network (AMN)

4.1.2. Profiles derived from NATO member nations

34. This chapter contains profiles from member nations being proposed for interoperability purposes in NATO and between NATO nations.