B.2. CM Organization

51. For the NISP, authority to act as the Configuration Management Board (CMB) lies with the NATO C3 Representatives on behalf of the NATO C3 Board. The NOSWG acts as the Configuration Control Board (CCB), to which all RFCP's must be submitted for evaluation, approval and inclusion. In conducting this task, the NOSWG will be supported by the NC3A (in technical and procedural considerations) and in particular instances by working groups where specific technical advice and reference may be required. Thus the CM organisation for the NISP may be represented as follows:

52. CMB for the NISP is responsible for:

  • National Endorsement of the NISP

  • Promulgation of the NISP throughout NATO

  • Monitoring and highlighting project elements which are not in conformance with the NISP

  • Replying to originators as to the acceptance/modification/rejection of their RFCPs

53. CCB for the NISP is responsible for:

  • Processing Change Requests

  • Updating and Maintaining the NISP documents

  • Assessing related technical developments for inclusion

  • Coordination with NC3Staff, Sub-committees and Working Groups

  • Review and evaluate projects compliance with NISP

  • Technical advice and support

  • Reporting/recommending new versions to the NC3REPs.

54. The information updating process is based on Requests For Change Proposal (RFCP's).

55. Approval of RFCP's will be coordinated with the responsible subject matter experts when appropriate. In situations where a timely response is requested by the RFCP submitter, the NOSWG will make its recommendation directly to the NC3REPS. The paragraphs below contain a detailed description of the RFCP process and the form for submitting RFCPs.