
The NATO Interoperability Standards and Profiles (NISP) is developed by the NATO Consultation, Command and Control (C3) Board Interoperability Profiles Capability Team (IP CaT).

The included interoperability standards and profiles (Volume 2) are mandatory for use in NATO common funded Communications and Information Systems (CIS). Volume 3 contains candidate standards and profiles.

In case of conflict between any recommended non-NATO standard and relevant NATO standard, the definition of the latter prevails.

Purpose of the NISP

NISP gives guidelines to capability planners, programme managers and test managers for NATO common funded systems in the short or mid-term timeframes.

The NISP prescribes the necessary technical standards and profiles to achieve interoperability of Communications and Information Systems in support of NATO's missions and operations. In accordance with the Alliance C3 Strategy (ref. C-M(2014)0016) all NATO Enterprise (ref. C-M(2014)0061) entities shall adhere to the NISP mandatory standards and profiles in volume 2.

Other activities, that assure interoperability within the alliance should list their profiles in the NISP.

Intended Audience

The intended audience of the NISP are all stakeholders in the NATO Enterprise, and Allied and Partner nations involved in development, implementation, lifecycle management, and transformation to a federated environment.

There are specific viewpoints that are mapped to the NISP structure. NISP gives guidelines to:

Specific NATO or national views to the NISP, based on data export to external planning and management systems will be possible upon delivery of the NISP Exchange Specification in 2017.

NISP Structure

The structure of the NISP is organized to list and categorize the standards and profiles according to their usage in NATO. It contains three volumes:

Volume 2 is normative for NATO common funded systems and Volume 3 is informative.


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