1. Volume 2 of the NISP focuses on agreed interoperability standards.
2. The NISP references Standards from different standardization bodies[1]. In the case of a ratified STANAG, NATO Standardization procedures apply. The NISP only references these STANAG’s without displaying the country-specific reservations. The country-specific reservations can be found in the NATO Standardization Agency Standards database.
3. The Combined Communications Electronics Board (CCEB) nations will use NISP Volume 2 Chapter 3 and Section 3.2 tables to publish the interoperability standards for the CCEB under the provisions of the NATO-CCEB List of Understandings (LoU)[2].
4. The scope of this volume includes:
Identifying the standards and technologies that are relevant to a service oriented environment,
Describing the standards and technologies to support federation.