22. The NISP is updated at least once a year to account for the evolution of standards and profiles. Updates to the NISP are handled through a "Requests for Change Proposal" (RFCP) process. RFCPs are identified by stakeholders (users, C3 Board and its sub structure, SMEs, the IP CaT, and nations) and are formally submitted to the IP CaT. The IP CaT reviews the submissionsin dialog with national and international bodies. Based on that review, the RFCP will be formally added to the next version of the NISP or returned to the originator for further details or rejected. The NISP database will be immediately updated.
23. RFCPs deemed urgent are handled in an expedited manner, outside the normal meeting schedule of the IP CaT.
24. As technology is made available, the NISP development and submission of RFCPs will be automated. The ultimate goal of incorporating advanced technology will be to shorten the time required for coordination of NISP updates and reduce the effort required to produce the NISP.
25. The NISP with updates is submitted to the C3 Board by year end after internal review by the IP CaT. The version under review is a snapshot in time of the status of standards and profiles.
26. The database of standards and profiles maintained by the IP CaT is the definitive source of the currents status of standards and profiles. The database will be updated as soon as the RFCP has been approved by the C3 Board.
27. Updating the NISP and its associated database will be conducted by the IP CaT in a managed, rolling review process which will take into account information on standards available from a wide variety of sources.