31. The following describes a list of potential optional annexes to be used as needed. The intention of this section is to place all classified and most lengthy information in Annexes so that the main document stays as short as possible. In cases where tables in the main document become quite lengthy, authors may opt to place these tables in Annex D.
32. Annex A - Classified Annex (use only if necessary)
33. Annex A-1 - Profile elements (classified subset)
34. Annex A-2 - (Related) Capability Shortfalls
35. Annex A-3 - (Related) Requirements (classified subset)
36. Annex A-4 - (Related) Force Goals
37. Annex A-5 - other relevant classified content
38. Annex B - Related Architecture Views (most recent)
39. Annex B-1 - Capability Views (NCV)
NCV-1, Capability Vision
NCV-2, Capability Taxonomy
NCV-4, Capability Dependencies
NCV-5, Capability to Organizational Deployment Mapping
NCV-6, Capability to Operational Activities Mapping
NCV-7, Capability to Services Mapping
40. Annex B-2 - Operational Views (NOV)
NOV-1, High-Level Operational Concept Description
NOV-2, Operational Node Connectivity Description
NOV-3, Operational Information Requirements
41. Annex B-3 - Service Views (NSOV)
NSOV-1, Service Taxonomy
NSOV-2, Service Definitions (Reference from NAR)
NSOV-3, Services to Operational Activities Mapping (in conjunction with NCV-5, NCV-6, NCV-7, NSV-5 and NSV-12)
Quality of Services metrics for the profiled services
42. Annex B-4 - System Views (NSV)
NSV-1, System Interface Description (used to identify Service Interoperability Point (SIOP))
NSV-2, Systems Communication DescriptionNSV-2d, Systems Communication Quality Requirements
NSV-3, Systems to Systems Matrix
NSV-5, Systems Function to Operational Activity Traceability Matrix
NSV-7, System Quality Requirements Description
NSV-12, Service Provision
43. Annex B-5 - Technical Views (NTV)
NTV-1, Technical Standards Profile. Chapter 4 of the NAF Ref (B) provides more specific guidance.
NTV-3, Standard Configurations
44. Annex C - Program / Inter-Programme Plans
45. Annex C-1 - (Related) Mid-Term Plan excerpt(s)
46. Annex C-2 - (Related) Programme Plan excerpt(s)
47. Annex D - Other Relevant Supporting Information