G.6. Life-Cycle of FMN Profile Standard Entries

405. The FMN Profile defines four stages within the life-cycle of a standard entry: emerging, current, fading and retired; in addition, FMN interoperability standards and formats fall into four obligation categories:

  • (M)andatory: these interoperability standards and formats must be met to enable Federated Mission Networking;

  • (C)onditional: these interoperability standards and formats must be present under certain circumstances;

  • (R)ecommended: there may be valid reasons in particular circumstances not to include these interoperability standards and formats, but the full implications must be understood and carefully weighed; and

  • (O)ptional: these interoperability standards and formats are truly optional.

406. It should be noted that these stages are referencing the usage of a standard within the context of the FMN Profile and are different from the life-cycle of the standard itself. Following the principle of using “Proven Technologies”, it is quite likely that a superseded version of a standard is selected as the current/mandatory standard for implementation on a Mission Network.

407. In those situations where multiple stages are mentioned, the FMN Profile recommends timelines (annual increments) by which the transition to the next stage is to be completed. If a FMN Affiliate decides to implement emerging standards earlier, it is his/her responsibility to maintain backwards compatibility to the mandatory standard version. If not otherwise specified, standards mentioned in the FMN Profile are current/mandatory.

FMN Standards Categories
Figure G.2. FMN Standards Categories

408. Until the formal Life-cycle Management capability for FMN has been established the NCI Agency acts as the custodian for this interim FMN Profile; it is a living document and is expected to be updated regularly. Any discrepancies discovered between different elements of this profile, shall be resolved through a change proposal prepared by the responsible NATO body or an FMN member. Requests for change (RFC) shall be submitted to NCI Agency. In the interim the NATO FMN Implementation Plan Team will review RFCs and if required will publish new versions of the FMN Profile.