Acronym | Description |
AAA | Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting |
ACL | Access Control List |
ACO | Allied Command Operations |
ACO | Air Operations... Airspace Control Order |
ACP | Allied Communications Publication |
ACS | Access Control Service |
ACT | Allied Command Transformation |
ADAMS | Allied Deployment and Movement System (FAS |
ADSF® | Active Directory Federation Services |
ADS® | Active Directory Services |
ADS | Authoritative Data Sources/Stores (when in the context of Functional Services) |
AEP | AMN European Point of Presence |
AFPL | Approved Fielded Product List |
AMCC | Allied Movement Coordination Cell |
AMN | Afghanistan Mission Network |
AMNOC | Afghanistan Mission Network Operations Centre |
ANSF | Afghan National Security Forces |
AOR | Area of Responsibility |
APOD | Aerial Port Of Debarkation |
ARCENT | Army Component of U.S. Central Command |
ARRP | Alliance and Missions Requirements and Resources Plan |
AS | autonomous system |
ASCM | Airspace Control Measures |
ATO | Air Tasking Order |
AWCC | Afghan Wireless Communication Company |
AWG | Architecture Working Group |
BDA | Battle Damage Assessment |
BE | Best Effort |
Bi-SC | Bi- Strategic Command (ACO and ACT) |
BGP | Border Gateway Protocol |
C5ISR | Coalition Command, Control, Communications and Computers Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance |
CAB | Change Advisory Board |
CBT | Computer Based Training |
CDS | Cross Domain Solution |
CCP | Configuration Change Proposal |
CE | Crisis Establishment (manpower) |
CES | Core Enterprise Services |
CIAV | Coalition Interoperability Assurance and Validation |
CIDNE® | Combined Information Data Network Exchange (FAS) |
CIDR | Classless Inter-domain Routing |
CIMIC | Civil-Military Co-operation |
CIS | communication and information systems |
CJMCC | Combined Joint Movement Coordination Centre |
CMB | Change Management Board |
CMDB | Configuration Management DataBase |
CoI | Community of Interest |
COIN | Counter Insurgency (Campaign) |
COMIJC | Commander IJC |
CONOP | Concept of Operation |
COP | Common Operational Picture |
COTS | Commercial Off The Shelf |
CORSOM | Coalition Reception, Staging and Onward Movement (FAS) |
CPU | Central Processing Unit |
CPOF | Command Post of the Future (FAS) |
CRCB | Crisis Response Coordination Board |
CMRB | CRO Management Resource Board |
CSD | Coalition Shared Database |
CTE2 | Coalition Test and Evaluation Environment |
CUR | Crisis Response Operations Urgent Requirement |
DCIS | Deployed CIS |
DGI | Designated Geospatial Information |
DML | Definitive Media Library |
DNS` | Domain Name Service |
DSCP | Differentiated Services Code Point |
E2E | End to End (E2E) |
eBGP | External BGP |
ECM | Electronic Counter Measures |
EG | AMN Executive Group |
EVE | Effective Visible Execution Module (FAS) |
FAS | Functional Area System |
FDCM | Final Disconnection Coord Meeting |
FMS | Foreign Military Sales |
FP | Force Protection |
FRAGO | Fragmentary Order |
FS | Functional Service |
FSC | Forward Schedule of Change |
FTP | File Transfer Protocol |
GAL | Global Address List |
GeoMetOc | Geospatial Meteorological and Oceanographic |
GIRoA | Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan |
HN | Host Nation |
HPOV® | HP (Hewlett Packard) OpenView |
HTTP | Hypertext Transfer Protocol |
IANA | Internet Assigned Number Authority |
iBGP | internal BGP |
ICC | Integrated Command and Control (FAS) |
ICD | Interface Control Documentation |
ICMP | Internet Control Message Protocol |
IDC | Information Dominance Center (in IJC) |
IEC | International Electrotechnical Commission |
IED | Improvised Explosive Device |
IEEE | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers |
IER | Information Exchange Requirement |
IETF | Internet Engineering Task Force |
IFTS | ISAF Force Tracking System (FAS) |
IJC | ISAF Joint Command |
IKM | Information and Knowledge Management |
IOC | Initial Operating Capability |
IORRB | ISAF Operational Requirements Review Board |
IP | Internet Protocol |
IPM | Internet Performance Manager |
IPS | Intrusion Prevention System |
IPSLA | Internet Protocol Service Level Agreement |
IPSLA-MA | IPSLA Management Agent |
IPT | Integrated Planning Team |
ISAB | ISAF Security Accreditation Board |
ISAF | International Security Assistance Force |
ISFCC | ISAF Strategic Flight Coordination Centre |
ISO | International Organization for Standardization |
ISR | Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance |
ITU | International Telecommunication Union |
JALLC | Joint analyzis Lessons Learned Centre (Lisbon) |
JFC | Joint Force Command |
JMEI | Joining, Membership and Exit Instructions |
JOCWATCH | Joint Operations Centre Watchkeeper’s Log (FAS) |
JOIIS | Joint Operations/Intelligence Information System (FAS) |
JTS | Joint Targeting System (FAS) |
KAIA-N | Kabul International Airport – North (the military portion of the Airport) |
KPI | Key Performance Indicators |
LAN | Local Area Network |
LNO | Liaison Officer |
LoA | Letter of Agreement |
LogFAS | Logistics Functional Area System |
LOS | Line of Sight |
mBGP | Multi Protocol BGP |
MAJIIC | Multi-Sensor Aerospace-Ground Joint Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) interoperability coalition |
MCI | Mission Critical Information |
MEDEVAC | Medical Evacuation |
MIP | Multilateral Interoperability Programme |
MMR | minimum military requirement |
MNDDP | Multinational Detailed (re)Deployment Plan |
MOU | Memorandum of Understanding |
MTU | Maximum Transmission Unit |
NAT | Network Address Translation |
NATEX | National Expert |
NC3B | NATO Consultation, Command And Control Board |
NCI Agency | NATO Communications and Information Agency |
NCIO | NATO Communications and Information Organisation |
NCIRC TC | NATO Computer Incident Response Capability Technical Centre |
NDSS | NATO Depot and Supply System (FAS) |
NETOPS | Network Operations |
NIMP | NATO Information Management Policy |
NIMM | NATO Information Management Manual |
NIP | Network Interconnection Point |
NITB | NATO Intel Toolbox (FAS) |
NRA | NATO Registration Authority |
NOS | NATO Office of Security |
NRT | Near Real Time |
NSAB | NATO Security Accreditation Board |
NTM-A | NATO Training Mission - Afghanistan |
NU | NATO Unclassified |
OAIS | Open Archival information System |
OF-5 | Officer Rank (Colonel or Equiv) |
OPORDER | Operational Order |
OPT | Operational Planning Team |
OU | Organizational Unit |
PDF/A | Portable Document Format used for digital preservation of electronic documents |
PDIM | Primary Directive on Information Management |
PE | Peacetime Establishment (manpower) |
PKI | Public Key Infrastructure |
PNG | Packet Network Gateways |
POC | Point of Contact |
PoP | Point of Presence |
RFC | Request for Change (ITIL) |
RFC | Request for Comments (Network Working Group, IETF) |
PRT | Provincial Reconstruction Team |
QoS | Quality of Service |
RC | Regional Command |
RAMNOC | Regional Afghanistan Mission Network Operations Centre |
RFC | Request for Change |
RIR | Regional Internet Registry |
RLP | Recognised Logistics Picture |
RT | Real Time |
SACM | Service Asset and Configuration Management |
SCCM | System Center Configuration Manager |
SDD | Service Delivery Division (NCI Agency (Service Delivery)) |
SDE® | Service Desk Express (FAS) |
SGI | Supplementary Geospatial Information (supplementary to DGI) |
SHAPE | Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (i.e. HQ ACO) |
SLA | Service Level Agreement |
SME | Subject Matter Expert |
SMF | Service Management Framework (Implementation of ITIL) |
SMF | Single-mode optical fibre (Equipment) |
SMTP | Simple Mail Transfer Protocol |
SNMP | Simple Network Management Protocol |
SNMP MIB | Simple Network Management Protocol Management information base |
SoC | Statement of Compliance |
SoF | Special Operations Forces |
SOP | Standard Operating Procedure |
SRTS | Service Requesting Tasking System |
SSH | Secure Shell |
SSL | Secure Sockets Layer |
STD | Standard |
SVT | Service Validation and Testing |
TA | Technical Agreement |
TACACS+ | Terminal Access Controller Access Control System plus |
TCN | Troop Contributing Nation |
TDS | Trusted Data Sources |
THoC | Theatre Head of Contracts |
TMO | Technical Management Office (of the AMN Secretariat) |
TNMA | Theatre Network Management Architect |
TOA | Transfer of Authority |
TPT | Technical Planning Team |
TRN | Theatre Route Network |
TSSB | Theatre Sustainment and Synchronisation Board |
TTP | Tactics, Techniques and Procedures |
UDP | User Datagram Protocol |
VoIP | Voice over IP |
VoSIP | Voice over Secure IP |
VM | Virtual Machine |
VTC | Video Tele Conference |
WAN | Wide Area Network |
WebTAS® | Web Enabled Temporal analyzis System (FAS) |
WSUS® | Windows Server Update Services |
XML | Extensible Mark-up Language |