10. This purpose of this chapter is to specify the NISP standards. The document organizes these standards into five service areas, following NATO's C3B Classification Taxonomy, as published on June 15, 2012. A graphical representation of this taxonomy is given in the following figure and a description of it can be obtained at: http://tide.act.nato.int/tidepedia/index.php?title=NATO_C3_Classification_Taxonomy
11. This section describes the role and requirements of each service area, and presents all associated standards in tabular form. The tables refine each service area into one or more service categories, with service components mapping to one or more mandatory, emerging or fading categories (see NISP vol.1). A remarks column provides optional supplementary information on each standard plus CCEB-specific information.
12. In principle, NISP includes only standards/STANAGs/documents, which are generally available for NATO/NATO member nations/CCEB.
13. However, a subset of documents are only available for those nations/ organisations, which are joining a specific mission or are member of a special working group (I-ICWG). The membership in these activities is outside the scope of NISP.