D.8. Battlespace Management Interoperability

Purpose Standard Guidance
Digital exchange of semantically rich information about Battlespace Objects such as units, their structural composition, Plans and Orders etc. Mandatory: C2 Information Exchange Data Model (C2IEDM) and Data Exchange Mechanism (DEM)

Emerging (Dec 2011): STANAG 5525, Ed. 1:2007 - Joint C3 Information Exchange Data Model (JC3IEDM)

STANAG 5523 - C2 Information Exchange model in conjunction with MIP Data Exchange Mechanism (DEM) Block 2 and the AMN MIP Implementation Profile (published in Annex A to NC3A RD XXXX - AMN MIP Workshop Final Report).

C2IEDM Bussiness Rule F11.2 b is not applicable in the AMN scope. Implementations shall ensure that the use of CONTEXT-ASSOCIATION does not create circular references between CONTEXTs.Currently most AMN members use C2IEDM (MIP-Block 2).

Any addition or expansion of this data model or data dictionaries that is deemed to be of general interest shall be submitted as a change proposal within the configuration control process to be considered for inclusion in the next version of the specification.

Expressing digital geographic annotation and visualization on, two-dimensional maps and three-dimensional globes TIDE Transformational Baseline Vers. 3-0, NATO Vector Graphics (NVG)

Mandatory: NVG 1.5

Fading (Dec 2011): NVG 1.4

Retired: NVG 0.3

Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), Keyhole Markup Language (KML 2.2)

NVG shall be used as the standard Protocol and Data Format for encoding and sharing of information layers between Situational Awareness and C2 systems.

NVG and KML are both XML-based language schemas for expressing geographic annotations.

Exchanging information on Significant Activities (SIGACTs) in support of current operations U.S.PM Battle Command SIGACT Schema[a] This schema is used via PASS, webservices and XMPP to exchange SIGACT information at Regional Command level and below.
Exchanging information on Incident and Event information to support information exploitation. Emerging (Jul 2011): Draft EVENTEXPLOITREP XML schema. Under development between US PM Battle Command, US CENTCOM CCJ2 (CIDNE) and NC3A.[b] This schema is used to exchange rich and structured incident/event information between C2 and Exploitation systems (JOCWatch, CIDNE).
Real time automated data exchange such as radar tracking information among airborne and land-based tactical data systems beyond line of sight.

Message exchange Over Tactical Data Links

STANAG 5516, Ed.4:2008 - Tactical Data Exchange (Link 16)

STANAG 5511, Feb 28, 2006 - Tactical Data Exchange (Link 11/11B); see also US MIL-STD 6011

STANAG 5616 Ed 4:2008 - Standards for Data Forwarding between Tactical Data Systems employing Link 11/11B, Link 16 and Link 22.

AMN members shall follow the specifications for automatic data exchange of tactical information with and among NATO tactical data systems, using the data transmission Links designated as Link 11/11B and Link 16.

Edition 5 of 5516 is ratified, implementation in ISAF needs to be coordinated via the AMN OPT.

Exchange of digital Friendly Force Information such as positional tracking information amongst airborne and land-based tactical data systems and C2 systems. AC/322-D(2006)0066 Interim NFFI Standard for Interoperability of Force Tracking Systems All positional information of friendly ground forces (e.g. ground forces of Troop Contributing Nations or commercial transport companies working in support of ISAF Forces) shall be as a minimum made available in a format that can be translated into the NFFI V1.3 format.
Message formats for exchanging information in low bandwidth environment between systems enabled for processing Military Message Format STANAG 7149 Ed. 4 - NATO Message Catalogue - APP-11(C) The following messages that are not compliant with STANAG 7149 Ed 4. will be accepted by the AMN Core:
  • UXO/IED Find (11 Liner)

  • Joint Tactical Air Strike Request (JTAR) - US DD Form 1972

  • SALTA (5 Liner)

  • CIED (10 Liner)

  • MIST

  • ROZ Status / KILLBOX MESSAGE (F083)

  • MEDEVAC (9 Liner) / CASEVACREQ (A015)

  • SALUTE (Size, Activity, Location, Unit/Uniform, Time, Equipment) / ENEMY CONTACT REP (A023)


Military Symbology interoperability STANAG 2019, Ed.5:2008, Joint Smbology- APP-6(B)

U.S. MIL-STD 2525 B Change 2, Common Warfighting Symbology

Note that both standards are not fully compatible with each other. A translation service may need to be provided at the AMN integration core.

[a] Document currently not included in NISP Vol.2 (ed.E), as it was not available from the author.

[b] Document currently not included in NISP Vol.2 (ed.E), as it was not available from the author.

Table D.6. Battlespace Management Interoperability