Title | Pubnum | Profiles | Responsible Party |
Service Management Domain Applications | |||
TMF000 Event API REST Specification R17.5[1] | TM-FORUM TMF000:2017 | SIP-FOR-SMC | FMN CPWG |
Trouble Ticket REST API Specification R14.5.1 Interface | TM-FORUM TMF621:2015 | SIP-FOR-SMC | FMN CPWG |
Product Ordering API REST Specification R14.5.1 Interface | TM-FORUM TMF622:2015 | SIP-FOR-SMC | FMN CPWG |
TMF638 Service Inventory API REST Specification R16.5 | TM-FORUM TMF638:2016 | SIP-FOR-SMC | FMN CPWG |
TMF661 Trouble Ticket API Conformance Profile R16.5.1 | TM-FORUM TMF661:2017 | SIP-FOR-SMC | FMN CPWG |
API REST Conformance Guidelines R15.5.1 Standard | TM-FORUM TR250:2016 | SIP-FOR-SMC | FMN CPWG |
Architecture Management Application | |||
NATO Interoperability Standards and Profile eXchange Specification | C3B AC/322-D(2017)0007-U:2017 | BSP | C3B IP iCaT |
NATO Architecture Framework | C3B AC/322-N(2018)-0002:2018 | ARCHITECTURE | C3B Arch iCaT |
Enterprise, systems and software - Architecture processes | ISO/IEC/IEEE 42020:2019 | ARCHITECTURE | C3B Arch iCaT |
Enterprise, systems and software - Architecture Evaluation | ISO/IEC/IEEE 42030:2019 | ARCHITECTURE | C3B Arch iCaT |
Unified Architecture Framework 1.0 (UAF) Domain Meta Model (DMM) | OMG formal/2017-12-02:2017 | ARCHITECTURE | C3B Arch iCaT |
Unified Architecture Framework 1.0 (UAF) Domain Meta Model (DMM) | OMG formal/2017-12-02 DMM:2017 | ARCHITECTURE | C3B Arch iCaT |
ArchiMate 3.1 Specification | Open Group c197:2019 | ARCHITECTURE | C3B Arch iCaT |
ArchiMate Model Exchange File Format for the ArchiMate Modeling Language 3.1 | Open Group c19c:2019 | ARCHITECTURE | C3B Arch iCaT |
Joint Applications | |||
IFF Operational Procedures | CCEB ACP 160(E):2004 | BSP | C3B NACP CaT |
Policy and Procedures for the Management of IFF/SSR, NATO Supplement-1 | NATO ACP 160 NS-1(G):2019 | BSP | C3B NACP CaT |
Implementation Options and Guidance for integrating IFF Mk XIIA Mode 5 on Military Platforms (IOG) | NATO AEtP-11 Ed. B Ver. 1:2017 / STANREG 5635 Ed 1 | BSP | C3B CaP2 IFF CaT |
Technical Characteristics of the IFF Mk XIIA System Part I: System Destription and General Characteristics | NATO STANAG 4193 Ed 3 P1:2016 | BSP | C3B CaP2 |
Technical Characteristics of the IFF Mk XIIA System Part II: Classified System Characteristics | NATO STANAG 4193 Ed 3 P2:2016 | BSP | C3B CaP2 |
Technical Characteristics of the IFF Mk XIIA System Part III: Installed System Characteristics | NATO STANAG 4193 Ed 3 P3:2016 | BSP | C3B CaP2 |
Geospatial Applications | |||
NATO Geospatial Information Framework | NATO AGeoP-11 Ed B Ver 1:2018 / STANAG 2592 Ed 2 | BSP | MC, MCJSB, JGS |
Office Automation Applications | |||
XMP Specification Part 3, Storage in Files | ADOBE XMP-part3-2016:2016 | BINDING-EXTENSIBLE-V2 | NCIA |
Graphic Technology - Extensible metadata platform (XMP) specification - Part 1: Data model, serialization and core propertie | ISO 16684-1:2012 | BINDING-EXTENSIBLE-V2 | NCIA |
Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) v1.2 -- Part 1: OpenDocument Schema | ISO/IEC 26300-1:2015 | BSP | FMN CPWG |
Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) v1.2 -- Part 2: Recalculated Formula (OpenFormula) Format | ISO/IEC 26300-2:2015 | BSP | FMN CPWG |
Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) v1.2 -- Part 3: Packages | ISO/IEC 26300-3:2015 | BSP | FMN CPWG |
Office Open XML File Formats -- Part 2: Open Packaging Conventions | ISO/IEC 29500-2:2012 | BINDING-GENERIC-V2, BINDING-OOXML-V2 | NCIA |
Rich Text Format (RTF) Specification, Version 1.9.1 | Microsoft RTF 1.9.1:2008 | BSP | NCIA/Sstrat/Sea |
Confidentiality Metadata Label Syntax | NATO ADatP-4774 Ed A Ver 1:2017 / STANAG 4774 Ed 1 | BINDING-EXTENSIBLE-V2, BINDING-GENERIC-V2, BINDING-OOXML-V2 | C3B CaP1 DM CaT |
Metadata Binding | NATO ADatP-4778 Ed A Ver 1:2018 / STANAG 4778 Ed 1 | BINDING-EXTENSIBLE-V2, BINDING-GENERIC-V2, BINDING-OOXML-V2 | C3B CaP1 DM CaT |
RDF 1.1 Concepts and Abstract Syntax | W3C REC-rdf11-concepts-20140225:2014 | BINDING-EXTENSIBLE-V2 | NCIA/CES |
RDF Primer | W3C REC-rdf-primer-20040210:2004 | BINDING-EXTENSIBLE-V2 | NCIA |
eXtensible Markup Language (XML) version 1.0 (Fifth Edition) | W3C REC-xml-20081126:2008 | BINDING-EXTENSIBLE-V2 | FMN CPWG |
Browser Application | |||
Geolocation API Specification 2nd Edition | W3C REC-geolocation-API-20161108/:2016 | SIP-FOR-WEB-APPS | FMN CPWG |
HTML5 Differences from HTML4 | W3C NOTE-html5-diff:2014 | SIP-FOR-WEB-APPS | FMN CPWG |
Hypertext Markup Language revision 5.2 (HTML5) | W3C REC-html52:2017 | SIP-FOR-WEB-APPS | FMN CPWG |
Hypertext Markup Language revision 5.3 Editor's Draft (4.7) | W3C REC-html53-Draft:2018 | SIP-FOR-WEB-APPS | FMN CPWG |
Media Source Extensions | W3C REC-media-source:2016 | SIP-FOR-WEB-APPS | FMN CPWG |
Mobile Web Application Best Practices | W3C REC-mwabp:2010 | SIP-FOR-WEB-APPS | FMN CPWG |
Web Speech API | W3C speech-API:2018 | SIP-FOR-WEB-APPS | FMN CPWG |
DOM Parsing and Serialization | W3C WD-DOM-Parsing:2016 | SIP-FOR-WEB-APPS | FMN CPWG |
[1] TMF000 is included in FMN Spiral 3. An official publication number is not yet available. |