32. Any standard(s) listed in Volume 2 of the NISP shall:
Be already approved by a NATO Standardization Tasking Authority or another non- NATO standards development organization (e.g. ISO, ANSI, ETSI, IEEE, IETF, W3C);
Have an assigned responsible party within NATO that can provide relevant subject matter expertise;
Be available in one of the NATO official languages;
Support C3 Interoperability (including. people, processes and technology) and related NATO common funded Communication and Information Systems (CIS), including their development and operations;
Enable the NATO Enterprise, NATO Nations and Partner Nations to develop interoperable C3 capabilities that support NATO's missions (i.e. NATO led operations, projects, programs, contracts and other related tasks).
Any standard deviating from the criteria listed in the paragraph 4.1., can be recommended by the IP CaT for inclusion in the NISP and can be implemented after the approval of the C3B.