Appendix F. ArchiMate Exchange Format

101. The C3B have tasked IP CaT to improve the consistency and usability of NISP. IP CaT have therefore in "A standard representation and exchange specification for Interoperability Standards and Profiles" ver 0.8 dated Dec 10, 2020 (AC-322-WP(2020)0036) specified a semantic representation of the data set contained in the NISP as an architecture model in the Open Group ArchiMate Modelling Language so that this model can be exchanged via the ArchiMate Model Exchange File Format Standard between tools and/or systems that can import, and export ArchiMate models. ArchiMate Exchange Files enable exporting content from one ArchiMate modelling tool or repository and importing it into another while retaining information describing the model in the file and how it is structured, such as a list of model elements and relationships. Extensions of ArchiMate are specified in accordance with the Language Customization Mechanisms and where possible re-use metadata elements defined by the NATO Core Metadata Specification (NCMS)to limit the definition of NISP specific metadata requirements.